Personal Details     

Giovanni Capozza

D.O.B. 29/06/1975  

in Crotone (KR), Italy

Address: Corso Bersaglieri, 31

06100 – Perugia  




July 1993

Diploma di Maturità Classica with 54/60 at the "D. Borrelli" school in

S. Severina (KR), Italy


July 1996 -

August 1996


Erasmus student at the "School of Chemistry" in Bristol (UK)


July 1999

"Laurea" in Chemistry at the University of Perugia (110/110) with a 

thesis on the reaction dynamics of carbon atoms with the crossed 

molecular beams technique. 

Thesis title: "Studio della dinamica di reazione degli atomi di carbonio 

mediante la tecnica dei fasci molecolari incrociati: le reazioni 

C(1D) + H2 , C(1D) + CH4 "     



November 1999 

to Present


PhD. fellowship at the chemistry department of the university of Perugia on the

reaction dynamics of atom and radicals with the crossed molecular beam technique


September 2000 Summer school an the study of the reactions with relevance in astrochemistry at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot (Jerusalem, Israel).


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