["Whisper of the Heart" translation] Rev.1.213 7/29/98 21:00 PM The original movie copyright by Studio Ghibli, 1995. この映画の全ての権利は、スタジオジブリが所有しています。この英訳スクリプトは、著作権,翻訳権をクリアーしていませんので私的利用の範囲に使用をとどめて下さい。(但し、学校・大学などの教育機関に於いては例外規定がありますので各自に於いてご確認下さい) Characters Shizuku Tsukishima: A girl who is 15 years old. She is in the third year of junior high school. Seiji Amasawa: A boy who is 15 years old. Shiroh Nishi: Seiji's uncle. Shio: Shizuku's older sister, a college student. Father: Shizuku's father. He works in the city library. Mother: Shizuku's mother. She is studying in a graduate school. Yuko Harada: Shizuku's close friend in the same class who is shy. Sugimura: Shizuku's male class mate. (Miss.)Kohsaka: A school nurse. She is about 26 years old, and is on good terms with Shizuku and her friends. Baron: The cat doll of Uncle Nishi Moon: A strange cat("cat boy") [...]: Action or situation {...}: In Japanese (...): Supplementary explanations /.../: Proofreading in plain text file .... : Proofreading in Word97.doc file [Shizuku is on summer vacation.] [The Tsukishima family live in an apartment in Tama, Tokyo.] [Shizuku comes home from shopping (at a neighborhood store) in the evening.] [Shizuku is on the stairs.] [Shizuku says hello to a neighbor.] Shizuku: Hi. {Kon-nichi-wa. こんにちは。} Neighbor: Hot day, isn't it? {Atsui wa ne. 暑いわねぇ。} [Shizuku opens the door.] Shizuku: Hi Mom. {Tadaima ただいま。} [Shizuku comes into the kitchen/dining area.] [Shizuku's mother is in the dining area. She is writing a report.] [Shizuku's father is in the study. He is using a word processor.] Mother: Thank you. {Arigatoh ありがとう。} You got a plastic bag again? For only one carton of milk. {Mata benieru-bukuro? またビニール袋?} {Gyunyu ippon nanoni 牛乳一本なのに。} Shizuku: But the salesman put the milk into this bag. {Datte kurerun damono だってくれるんだもの。} Mother: You must refuse it. {Kotowareba ii no ni 断ればいいのに。} [Shizuku is making barley tea] Mother: Make me a cup of tea. {A, Atashi ni mo cyohdai あ、私にもちょうだい。} Shizuku: Dad, would you like some? {O-toh-san wa? Mugi-cya? おとうさんは?麦茶ァ。} Father: Yes, I would like some. I will get it. {Un, Morau うん、もらう。}{Ima sochi we iku 今、そっちへ行く。} [Shizuku puts a cup of tea in front of her mother.] Mother: Thank you. Can I use your word processor? (She said to father) {Arigato ありがとう。}{Wor-pro aita? ワープロ空いた?。} [Father comes over, and sits down at the table] Father: Be on printing. (He said to mother.) {Ima print out cyu da yo 今、プリントアウト中だよ。} Mother: Maybe, I really should get a notebook word processor for myself... {Yappari note wor-pro kaou kashira? やっぱりノートワープロ買おうかしら。} [Mother goes to the computer.] Mother: Oh, this room smells of tabacco. {Hah, Tabacco kusai はぁ、タバコ臭い。} Father: Shizuku, you should have gone to Kashiwazaki(in Niigata pref.)(with Shio), too. {Shizuku mo Kashiwazaki we ikeba yokatta noni 雫も柏崎へ行けばよかったのに。} Shizuku: No. I think traveling with Shio tires me. {Ii, O-nee-cyan to issyo da to tsukareru いい。お姉ちゃんと一緒だと、疲れる。} Father: Well, I must go to work tomorrow. {Sohda, Ashita syukkin datta そうだ、明日出勤だった。} Mother: Oh, do I need to make your lunch? {E? O-bentoh? え?お弁当?。} Father: No. I will eat out. {Ii yo. Gaisyoku ni suru いいよ。外食にする。} The city library is at the end of the barcoding project. Everything is in an uproar, getting ready for the project. {Waga tosyo-kan mo tsui ni barcord-ka surunda yo. Junbi ni oh-sawagi sa 我が図書館もついにバーコード化するんだよ。準備に大忙しさ。} Shizuku: Barcording? I like card system more than barcode system. {Ee, yappari kaecyau no? Watashi card no hoh ga suki えぇ?やっぱり変えちゃうの?。 わたしカードの方が好き。} Father: Me, too. {Boku mo soh da kedo ne ぼくもそうだけどね。} Mother: Look, this sentence is strange. {Nee, Kono bunsyo okasii wa yo ねぇ、この文章、おかしいわよ。} Father: What? where? {Ee? Doko? えぇ?どこ?。} Mother: Look at this, is one line missing? {Ichi-gyo nuketen no kashira, koko 一行抜けてんのかしら、ここ。} Father: Oh, my. {A, sohda, ikene あ、そうだ、いけね。} Mother: Well, I need to finish before you. If I don't complete this report in a hurry, the professor will hassle me. {Ah, saki ni kashi te. Isoide kore matome nakya kyohju urusain dakara あぁ、先に貸して。急いでこれまとめないと、教授うるさいんだから。} [Shizuku notices a name on the book card.] Shizuku: This man... {Kono hito... この人....。} [Shizuku goes to her room.] Father: Shizuku, although reading is nice, you need to sleep. {Shizuku, hon mo ii kedo tekitoh ni nena sai 雫、本もいいけど適当に寝なさい。} Shizuku: Yes. Good night. {Un. O-yasumi nasai うん、お休みなさい。} [Shizuku comes to her desk, and checks three book cards.] Shizuku: I recognize the name. {Yappari. Mi-oboe aru namae da to omotta. やっぱり。見覚えある名前だと思った。} The name is on this card, too. {Kore ni mo これにも。} That is usual! He has read these books before me. {Sugoi kono hito. Atashi yori saki ni karite ru. すごい、この人。私より先に借りてる。} Seiji Amasawa, What does he look like? A handsome man? {Amasawa Seiji, Donna hito darou? Suteki na hito kashira? 天沢聖司。どんな人だろう?。すてきな人かしら。} [Next morning] Mother: Shizuku, Get up now. I am going out. {Shizuku, Dekakeru wa yo. Iikagen ni okinasai. 雫、出かけるわよ。いい加減に起きなさい。} Well, did you sleep in your clothes? {Nani, anata sono mama neteta no? 何、あんたそのまま寝てたの?。} Wash the rice this evening. {O-kome toi doite yo. お米研いどいてよ。} I will be late for class. {Thikoku suru. 遅刻する。} Shizuku: Bye. {Itterassyai. いってらっしゃーい。} [Mother went out] [Shizuku looks at a clock.] Shizuku: Oh, it's already time? I have an appointment to see Yuko today. {E? moh konna jikan? え?もうこんな時間?}{Yuko to aun datta. 夕子と会うんだった。} [Mother comes back] Mother: My wallet! {O-saihu, O-saihu. お財布、お財布。} [Mother is looking for her wallet.] Mother: That's strange. {Okashii naa おかしいなぁ。} Shizuku: Did you notice it missing after you got down to the first floor? {Mata shita made oricyatta no? また下まで降りちゃったの?。} Look by the phone. {Denwa no toko wa? 電話のとこは?} Mother: There it is! {Atta! あった!。} Shizuku: She forgot her wallet though she herself last had it. {Jibun de oita kuse ni. 自分で置いたくせに。} Mother: Don't forget to lock the door. {Cyanto tojimari shite yo. ちゃんと戸締まりしてよ。} Shizuku: You are in a rush. {Sokotsu 粗忽ぅ。} [Mother goes out again.] [Shizuku notices an airship in the sky.] Shizuku: Oh, very low. {Waa, zuibun hikui. わぁ!ずいぶん低い。} Good things may happen today. {Kyoh wa ii koto ari sou. 今日は、いいことありそう。} [Shizuku goes out] Shizuku: Oh, it's hot today. {Atsuui 暑ぅい。} [Shizuku says hello to a dog. The dog always barks at her.] Shizuku: Yahhoo, you are always high-spinted, aren't you? {Yahhoo, Genki dane? やっほーっ、元気だね。} [Shizuku goes to her school.] A friend: Hi, Shizuku! Shizuku: Yahhoo! Hang in there! {Yahhoo! Ganbatte ne! やっほー。がんばってねー。} [Shizuku opens the door of the nurse's room.] Shizuku: Is Miss.Kohsaka here? {Kohsaka-sensei imasu? 高坂先生、います?。} Kohsaka: Oh, Tsukishima. {Are? Tsukishima jyan. あれ?月島じゃん。} Shizuku: I have a request for you. {O-negai ga arun desu. お願いがあるんです。} Kohsaka: What? The request isn't a strange thing, is it? {Nani? Nanka henna koto jya nai daroh ne? 何?なんか変なことじゃないだろうね?。} Shizuku: Could you open the library? {Tosyo-shitsu akete kudasai. 図書室開けて下さい。} Kohsaka: The library? {Tosyo-shitsu? 図書室?。} [Kohsaka and Shizuku go to the library.] Kohsaka: Couldn't you wait for the next opening day? {Tsugi no kaikan-bi made mate nai no? 次の開館日まで待てないの?。} Shizuku: Because I already read all books I borrowed. The city library is closed today. I have decieded that I shall read 20 books during the summer vacation. {Moh zenbu yonjyattan desu.  もう全部読んじゃったんです。}{Shiritsu-tosyo-kan wa yasumi da shi. 市立図書館は、休みだし。}{Watashi natsu-yasumi-jyu ni ni-jyu(20)-satsu yomutte kimetan desu. わたし夏休み中に20冊読むって決めたんです。 } Kohsaka: 20 books? Tsukishima, you are a student preparing for an entrance examination. (No student should do such a thing.) {Ni-jyu(20)-satsu? 20冊?}{Tsukishima wa kari nimo Juken-sei nanda yo. 月島は、仮にも受験生なんだよ。} Give me your library card and the book cards. {Tosyo-card to kashidahi-card wo dasu dasu. 図書カードと貸し出しカードを出す、出す。} Ugh!, what is this? Nobody checked the book out until now. Now everybody has! {Uhyaaa, Nani kore? うひゃあ、何これ。}{Ima made dare mo karite nai jyan. 今まで誰も借りてないじゃん。} Shizuku: This is a precious book. Even the city library does not have it. {Kicyoh na hon nandesu yo. 貴重な本なんですよ。}{Shiritsu-tosyo-kan nimo nain dakara. 市立図書館にもないんだから。} [Shizuku sees an old library stamp in the book. "Amasawa private library"] Shizuku: Miss Kohsaka, do you know this Amasawa? {Sensei, kono Amasawatte hito shitte masu? 先生、この天沢って人、知ってます?。} Kohsaka: Auh, I made a mistake. I don't know such an old thing. Ask a more experienced teacher about the donator. {Aaa, shippai shicyatta jya nai ka. ああっ、失敗しちゃったじゃないか。}{Sonna furui koto wakaranai yo. そんな古いこと、わからないよ。}{Beteran no sensei ni kiite mina. ベテランの先生に聞いてみな。} [Yuko appears] Yuko: Ahhhh, Shizuku!, you are here! {Aaaa!, Shizuku, Konna tokoro ni ita! ああっ!雫、こんなところにいた。} [Yuko comes in] Yuko: You made an appointment to see me at 11 o'clock on the school entrance, but I was made to tan for 15 minutes by you. Now I'm getting more freckles. {Jyu-ichi(11)-ji ni syohkoh-guchitte itta noni jyu-go(15)-hun mo taiyo no shita ni isasete.11時に昇降口って言ったのに、15分も太陽の下にいさせて。}{Mata sobakasu ga hue cyau jyanai. またソバカスが、増えちゃうじゃない。} Shizuku: I'm sorry. {Gomen ごめん。} Kohsaka: Hey, don't make a noise! {Kora kora, sawagu na! こらこら、騒ぐんじゃない。} Harada, you are too nervous about freckles. {Harada wa ki ni shisugi nanda yo, sobakasu. 原田は、気にし過ぎなんだよ、ソバカス。} Yuko: Miss Kohsaka, I'm worried seriously! {Sensei, atashi shinken ni nayanderun desu! 先生、わたし真剣に悩んでるんです!。} Kohsaka: I SEE. {Ahh, wakatta wakatta. あー、わかったわかった。} Get out, both of you. {Hutari tomo deta deta. 二人とも出た出た。} [Shizuku and Yuko are on a bench on the school grounds.] [Shizuku takes her notebook out.] Shizuku: Anyway, although I tried the translation, it did not go well. You should sing it in English. {Ichioh yatte mita kedo umaku ikanai yo. 一応やってみたけど、うまくいかないよ。}{Eigo no mama de yatta ra? 英語のままでやったら?。} [Yuko reads and sings the words.] (The original song is "TAKE ME HOME, COUNTRY ROADS") Yuko: The town has a steep winding slope on the hill With white clouds and blue sky Old room, small window Old dog that is waiting me Country roads It leads to my place far away West Virginia, and my mountain Oh, my dear town {Shiroi kumo waku oka wo maite noboru saka no machi 白い雲 湧く丘を 巻いて登る坂の街 Hurui heya, thiisana mado 古い部屋 小さな窓 Kaeri matsu oita inu 帰り待つ 老いた犬 Country roads カントリーロード Harukanaru hurusato we tsuzuku michi 遥かなるふるさとへ続く道 West Virginia, haha naru yama ウェストバージニア 母なる山 Natsukashii waga machi 懐かしい 我が街} Yuko: That wasn't too bad. {Waruku nai yo. 悪くないよ。} Shizuku: No. It's the commonplace translation. {Dame da. Arikitari. だめだ。ありきたり。} Yuko: I don't think so. {Soh ka naa? そうかなぁ。} Shizuku: I wrote another one, too. {konnano mo tsukutta. こんなのも作ってみた。} [Shizuku show Yuko another note.] [Yuko reads and sings it.] Yuko: Concrete road, how far, Cutting down the forest, Filling in the valley, West Tokyo, Mt.Tama, My town is a concrete road {Concrete road, Dokomade mo, コンクリートロード どこまでも Mori wo kiri, 森を伐り Tani wo ume, 谷を埋め West Tokyo, Mt.Tama, ウェスト東京 マウント多摩 Waga machi wa concrete road 我が街は コンクリートロード} Yuko & Shizuku: Hahahahaha.... Yuko: What is this? {Nani kore? 何、これ?。} Shizuku: By the way, what do you advise me to do? {De, sohdantte nani? で、相談って何?。} There is time for the translation, isn't there? {Yakushi wa mada iindesyo? 訳詞は、まだいいんでしょ?。} Yuko: Shizuku, are you hung up on anyone? {Shizuku, sukina hito iru? 雫、好きな人いる?。} Shizuku: What? No, I'm not. {E? えっ?} Yuko: How nice (of you) if you could have a boy friend. {Ryoh-omoi no hito ga itara iinatte omou yo ne? 両想いの人がいたらいいな、って思うよね?。} Even for the entrance exam, you could make(enjoy) it helping each other. {Jyuken dashi, hagemashi atte ganbaretaratte. 受験だし、励まし合ってがんばれたら、って。} Shizuku: Yuko, you have someone. {Youko suki na hito irun da? 夕子、好きな人いるんだ。} [Yuko whisper in Shizuku's ear.] Shizuku: You received what? A love letter? {E? love letter moratta no? えっ、ラブレターもらったの?。} Yuko: Shh! Stop it! {Shi, yada. しっ!やだァ。} Shizuku: When? How does he look? A handsome boy? {Itsu?, donna hito?, kakko ii? いつ?どんな人?かっこいい?。} Yuko: He is in another class. And looks OK. {Hoka no class no ko. 他のクラスの子。}{Sukoshi kakko yokatta. 少し、かっこよかった。} Shizuku: Take it easy, you go along with him first. Then if you don't like him, say good-bye. {Tsukiatte mitara? つきあってみたら?。}{Sore de iya nara kotowaru. それで嫌なら断わる。} Yuko: But... {Demo... でも....。} Shizuku: I see you have someone in your heart. {Satewa suki na hito irunde syo? さては好きな人いるんでしょ?。} You can't hide it from me. {Kakushite mo dame. 隠してもダメ。} Speak up. {Hore, hakujyo shicyae. ホレ、白状しちゃえ。} Yuko: Well....Su...Su... {Ee..to, Su...Su... ええと、す...す...} [Sugimura call out to Shizuku from the ground. He is practicing baseball.] Sugimura: Hey! Tsukishima! {Oooi!, Tsukishimaaa! おーい、月島ァ!。} Shizuku: Sugimura. {杉村。} [Yuko is startled to see Sugimura. She stands up and turns her back.] Sugimura: Tsukishima, pass my bag. It's the blue bag there! {Tsukishima, Ore no bag totte kureru? 月島、オレのバッグ取ってくれる?。 そこの青いスポーツバッグ。} Oh, Please Tsukishima! Throw it to me! {Tanomu yo, Tsukishima.頼むよ、月島。}{Sore nagete! それ投げて。} Shizuku: Don't bother me! {Urusai naa, moh! うるさいなァ、もう!。} You are a permanent ball boy! {Mannen tama hiroi! 万年球拾い!。} Sugimura: Oh, my... I'm a regular and we won our way through to the third match. {Hidee na, regular de san-kaisen toppa shitan dazo. ひでーな、レギュラーで3回戦、突破したんだぞ。} [Yuko runs and leaves] Shizuku: Yuko? [Shizuku throws the bag over the wire fence, and runs after Yuko. She forgets the book.] [Shizuku and Yuko are walking together on the road.] [Yuko is walking her bicycle.] Shizuku: It is Sugimura (you have) in your heart. {Sugimura datta no, Yuko no suki na hitotte. 杉村だったの。夕子の好きな人って。} Yuko: What shall I do? He may have noticed my feelings. Because I was flustered in front of... {Doh shiyoh?, wakaccyatta kamo shirenai. どうしよう、わかっちゃったかもしれない。}{Watashi anna... 私あんな....。} Shizuku: Don't worry! He is insensitive to such matters. {Daijyohbu datte. 大丈夫だって。}{Aitsu nibui kara. あいつ鈍いから。} Then, what will you do with the love letter? {Demo doh sun no, love letter no hoh wa? でもどうするの?、ラブレターの方は。} Yuko: Ummm... I'll spend some time on that by myself. {Uun, Moh sukoshi hitori de kangaete miru. うーん、もう少し一人で考えてみる。} Shizuku: I see. {Sooka. そっか。} Yuko: I'm envious of your home. Your parents don't tell you, "Do your work, do your work!" {Ii naa, Shizukun chi wa. いいなぁ、雫んちは。}{Benkyo benkyotte iware nakute. 勉強、勉強、って言われなくて。} Shizuku: It makes me feel painful sometimes that my parents don't order anything from me at all. {Anmari iware nai nomo tsurai toki aru yo. あんまり言われないのも、つらい時あるよ。} Yuko: Really? {Soh kanaa? そうかなァ?。} Shizuku: Gosh! {A, ikkenai! あっ、いっけない!。} Yuko: What happened? {Doh shita no? どうしたの?} Shizuku: I left the book. {Atashi hon wasurete kicyatta. わたし、本忘れて来ちゃった。} I'm going back to school. {Atashi kaeru ne わたし帰るね。} Yuko: Let me give you ride to school. {Nokkete (i)kohka? 乗っけてこうか?} Shizuku: No, thank you. {Ii いい。} You will be late for Jyuku.(Jyuku: it is a small private school which provides supplementary lessons to pupils who may be bored or left behind by regular schools.) {Yuko Jyuku okureru yo. 夕子、塾遅れるよ。} Yuko: I will call you up later. {Mata denwa suru ne. また電話するね。} Shizuku: I see. {Un. うん。} [Shizuku went back to the school. A boy is reading her book at the bench.] [He is Seiji Amasawa. But she doesn't know him yet.] [He notices Shizuku.] Shizuku: Is that book... {So, sono hon... そ、その本....。} The boy: Well...Is this yours? {Aa, kore anta no ka. あぁ、これ、あんたのか。} Here you are. Shizuku Tsukishima. {Hora yo. Tsukishima Shizuku. ほらよ。月島雫。} [The boy hands Shizuku the book.] Shizuku: How come? (why do you know my name?) {Dho shite? どうして?。} The boy: Well, you guess? {Sate, doh shite desyoh? さて、どうしてでしょう?。} Shizuku: My library card... {Tosyo-card... 図書カード....。} The boy: You had better not write "Concrete Road." {Omae sa, concrete road wa yameta hoh ga ii to omou yo. お前さ、コンクリートロードはやめた方がいいと思うよ。} [The boy is gone.] [Shizuku checks the note in the book.] Shizuku: You read it! {Yonda naa. 読んだなーっ。} [Shizuku gets angry.] Shizuku: Creep! {Ya na yatsu! やなやつ。} [Shizuku is angry and walking.] Shizuku: What a creep! What a megacreep! {Ya na yatsu やなやつ。}{Ya na yatsu やなやつ。}{Yana yatsu やなやつ。}... [Shizuku comes home. She is still angry.] [Shizuku takes a tea bottle from the fridge and has a drink of tea.] Shizuku: "You had better not write "Concrete Road"...Darn it! {"Concrete road wa yameta hoh ga ii ze"...Nani yo! 「コンクリートロードはやめた方がいいぜ」....何よ!。} [Shizuku bangs the door of the refrigerator.] [Shio comes home from Kashiwazaki, Nigata pref.] Shio: I'm home. {Tadaima. ただいま。} Shizuku: Shio? {Oneecyan? お姉ちゃん?。} Is it today that you are home? {Kyoh dakke? 今日だっけ?。} Shio: Oh, I'm tired. {Aa, tsukare ta. あぁ、疲れた。} There was someone who was coming this way, so I asked him for a ride. {Cyohdo kocchi we kuruma de kaeru hito ga itan de nosete moraccyatta. ちょうどこっちへ車で帰る人がいたんで、乗せてもらっちゃった。} Where is mom? {O-kaasan wa? お母さんは?。} Shizuku: She is at summer school. {Kaki-syucyu-kohza datte. 夏期集中講座だって。} Dad went to work. {O-tohsan wa syukkin. お父さんは、出勤。} Shio: Shizuku, you must put your room in order. {Shizuku, sukoshi wa katazuke na. 雫、少しは片付けな。} How about dinner? {Gohan no shitaku wa? ご飯の支度は?。} [Shio goes to the kitchen.] Shizuku: I'm going to wash the rice. {O-kome toidoku no. お米研いどくの。} Shio: Hey! Shizuku! Why this is so messed up? {Nani kore Shizuku! 何、これ、雫!。}{Chirakashippanashi jya nai! 散らかしっぱなしじゃない!。} Shizuku: I'm just put things in order now. {Ima yaru toko. 今やるとこ。} Shio: We have decided to help mom as she is so busy now. {O-kaasan taihen dakara oh-en shiyohtte kimeta desyo. お母さん、大変だから応援しようって決めたでしょ。} Wash the rice first and take the washing in!. {O-kome toida ra sentaku-mono shimatte. お米研いだら洗濯物しまって。} After a shower I will take care of the dinner. {Shower abitara atashi ga gohan tsukuru kara. シャワー浴びたら、私がご飯作るから。} [Shio and Shizuku are getting dinner ready in the kitchen.] Shio: Our aunt said, "Shizuku, how about visiting my place after you become a high school student?" {Obasan ga "Kohkoh-sei ni natta ra Shizuku mo koi"tte. おばさんが、「高校生になったら雫も来い」って。} How are you progressing with your work? {Benkyo susunda? 勉強、進んでる?。} Our parents don't strictly enforce your study habits, but if you neglect things you'll fall behind. {Uchi no oya wa nani mo kamawanai karatte anshin shite iru to hidoi koto ni naru kara ne. うちの親は、何もかまわないからって安心していると、ひどい事になるからね。} Shizuku: I'm okay! {Shiteru yo! してるよォ。} [Next morning] [Shio vacuums her and Shizuku's room.] Shio: Shizuku, get up now! {Shizuku, Ii kagen ni oki na. 雫、いい加減に起きなさい。} Vacuum your room. {Jhibun no toko sohji-ki kakenasai. 自分のとこ、掃除機かけなさい。} Put your bed sheets into the washing machine! {Sheets arau kara dashite. シーツ洗うから出して。} And air your futon! {Futon mo hosu no yo. 布団も干すのよ。} Shizuku: Where is mom? {O-kaasan wa? お母さんは?。} Shio: She went out a long time ago. {Tokku ni itta. とっくに行った。} [Shizuku is eating breakfast.] Shio: Take the breakfast quickly and bring the lunch box to dad! {Sassa to katazukete sono o-bentoh o-tohsan ni todokete agete. さっさと片付けて、そのお弁当お父さんに届けてあげて。} Shizuku: Booo... {Eeeee... えーーー。} Shio: What that means? You go to the city library, anyway? {Nani yo, sono koe. 何よ、その声。}{Tosyo-kan ni ikun desyo? 図書館、行くんでしょ。} Do you want me to go instead of you? {Kawari ni atashi ga ikoh ka? 代わりに私が行こうか?。} You'll clean the toilet, the bathroom, and the entrance hall, then go shopping at a coop, right? {Shizuku ga toilet to huro-ba to genkan sohji shite seikyo ni itte kureru no yo ne? 雫が、トイレと風呂場と玄関掃除して、生協に行ってくれるのよね?。} And you take out the futon in and take care of dinner. {Futon wo tori kon de ban-gohan no shitaku wo suru no yo. 布団を取り込んで晩ご飯の支度をするのよ。} [Shizuku goes out in a flurry.] Shizuku: Bye. {Itte kimasu. いってきまーす。} [Shizuku is outside the apartment building.] [Shio calls out to Shizuku from the stairs.] Shio: Shizuku! Mail this. {Kore post ni dashitoite. これ、ポストに出しといて。} Shizuku: What? {Nani? なに?。} Shio: Mail! This! {Po,su,to! ぽ・す・と!。} [Shio drops some cards with a clip. Shizuku catchs them. She sees the address.] Shio: Don't read that! {Minakute ii no! 見なくていーの!。} Don't put the clip with the cards. {Clip goto dasun jya nai yo.} Shizuku: Your sweetheart? {Kare-shi? 彼氏?。} Shio: Don't be kidding me! {Baka! バカ。} [Shizuku takes a train. A cat takes the train, too.] [The train starts. Shizuku sees the cat. It sits next to her.] Shizuku: Hi, Cat boy. Are you alone? {Neko-kun, Hitori? ネコくん、一人?。} Where are you going? {Doko made iku no? どこまで行くの?。} [The cat looks outside.] Shizuku: The view is intresting? {Soto omoshiroi? 外、おもしろい?。} Shizuku: Hey, could you answer? {Oooi, kotaete yo! おーい、答えてよ。} [The train arrives at the next stop.] Shizuku: I'm going to get off here. {Atashi koko de oriru no. 私、ここで降りるの。} How about you? {Kimi wa? キミは?。} [The cat doesn't answer.] [The train stops] Shizuku: Bye, Cat boy. {Jyane, Neko-kun. じゃあね、ネコくん。} [Shizuku gets off. Then the cat gets off. Shizuku runs after it.] [The cat goes out into the street.] Shizuku: He is heading for the library. {Tosyo-kan no hoh we iku. 図書館の方へ行く。} [Shizuku is stopped by a red signal at a crosswalk.] [Shizuku loses sight of the cat.] Shizuku: Ah, I thought that a new story would begin. {Haaa, sekkaku monogatari ga hajimari soh datta no ni. はぁ...、せっかく物語が始まりそうだったのに。} [Shizuku arrives at the city library.] [Shizuku stops at the entrance stairs. She sees the cat far below.] Shizuku: There! (There is Cat boy on a wall) {Ita! いた!。} [Shizuku goes along the side of the library and comes out behind it.] [Shizuku climbs over a wall.] [Shizuku finds the cat.] [Shizuku runs after the cat. She comes to a narrow slope between two houses.] Shizuku: What a steep slope! {Sugoi saka. すごい坂。} How far is it going to go up the slope? {Doko made noboru no kashira? どこまで登るのかしら。} [The cat turns at the exit of the slope, and disappears again.] [Shizuku runs after the cat, and comes to a residential area.] [Shizuku looks around the houses, and calls the cat.] Shizuku: Cat boy... {Neko-kun. ネコくーん。} He lives around here? {Kono atari ni sunderu no kashira? この辺りに住んでるのかしら。} [A dog barks.] [Shizuku finds the cat.] [The cat runs along a wall. Shizuku runs after the cat, running alongside it and the wall.] Shizuku: Cat boy, where do you go? {Neko-kun, doko iku no? ネコくん、どこ行くの?。} Do you live around here? {Kono hen ni sunderu no? この辺に住んでるの?。} [The cat doesn't answer. It turns at the corner, and disappears.] [Shizuku looks around the inside of the wall. But there is no cat.] [Shizuku looks around. She is in a quiet residential area on a hill.] Shizuku: I don't know that there is such a place on this hill. {Oka no ue ni konna tokoro ga aru nante shiranakatta. 丘の上にこんなところがあるなんて知らなかった。} [A dog barks.] [Shizuku finds the cat again.] [The cat is hanging his tail from a fence, teasing the dog.] [Shizuku is looking at it.] Shizuku: How wicked! {Syoh waruuu. 性悪ぅ。} He walks around teasing dogs. {Inu wo karakatte mawatterun da. 犬をからかってまわってるんだ。} Ummmm... {Uuuun... うーん。} He may be teasing ME. {Watashi no koto wo karakatteru no kamo? 私のことをからかっているのかも。} [The cat jumps to the ground, and runs across the public square.] [The cat goes into a shop, and disappears.] [Shizuku follows the cat, and stops at the entrance. There is strange ornament of a pig there. She looks at it. She goes into the shop.] [The shop is a secondhand store. It's like a wonderland.] Shizuku: I don't know that there is such a shop on the hill. {Konna o-mise ga oka no ue ni aru nante shiranakatta. こんなお店が丘の上にあるなんて知らなかった。} [Shizuku finds a cat doll on a table. She draws near the doll slowly.] Shizuku: What a wonderful doll... {Suteki na ningyo... すてきな人形....。} [It is a cat in a tuxedo.] Shizuku: Are you Cat boy? {Anata wa sakki no neko kun? あなたは、さっきのネコくん?。} [To Shizuku it seems that the doll smiles at her. She blinks her eyes in surprise. But it is only a doll.] [Shizuku hears a noise and notices someone.] [Uncle Nishi is at the counter.] [He notices Shizuku.] Nishi: Welcome. {Yaa, irassyai. やぁ、いらっしゃい。} Shizuku: Well... {A, Ano... あ、あのっ....。} Nishi: Oh, please go on. {Iya, sono mama sono mama. いや、そのままそのまま。} Feel free to look around. {Jiyu ni mite yatte kudasai. 自由に見てやって下さい。} "Dansyaku(Baron)" is bored, too. {Dansyaku mo taikutsu shiteru kara. 男爵も退屈してるから。} Shizuku: "Dansyaku". Is it the name of this doll? {Dansyakutte kono ningyo no namae desu ka? 男爵、ってこの人形の名前ですか?。} Nishi: Yes, Baron Humbert von Giggimgen. {Soh, Humbert-von-Giggimgen dansyaku. そう、フンベルト−フォン−ギッギンゲン。} What an unusual name! {Sugoi na de syoh? すごい名でしょう?。} [Nishi crosses the room, and goes to look at the big grandfather clock.] [Nishi stands on a step ladder, but the step ladder leans.] [Shizuku comes to him, and supports the step ladder.] Nishi: Oh, thank you. {Aa, suman. Arigatoh. あぁ、すまん。ありがとう。} All right. {Moh daijyohbu da. もう大丈夫だ。} Shizuku: What a wonderful clock! {Rippa na tokei desu ne. 立派な時計ですね。} Nishi: This clock remained idle in a castle. {Aru o-shiro de nemuttetanda yo. あるお城で眠ってたんだよ。} And it was rusted shut. {Sukkari sabi tsuite tanda. すっかり錆びついてたんだ。} Look. {Goran. ごらん。} [Nishi shows Shizuku the face of the clock.] Shizuku: Wow, beautiful. {Waa, kirei. わあ、きれい!。} What is this? {Kore nan desu ka? これ、何ですか?。} Nishi: You will see it very soon. {Deki agatte no o-tanoshimi. 出来上がってのお楽しみ。} [Nishi winds the clock, and moves the hands forward to noon.] [The clock moves, playing a reed organ tune. The door opens and dwarfs dance to the music.] Shizuku: It is very exquisite. {Yoku dekiteru. よく出来てる。} These are dwarves, aren't they? {Dwarf desu ne? ドワーフですね?。} Nishi: You are a learned lady. {Yoku go-zonji da. よくご存知だ。} Well, you know dwarves. {Sohka, o-jyo-san wa Dwarf wo shitteru hiti nanda ne? そうか、お嬢さんは、ドワーフを知ってる人なんだね。} Look at the dial. {Moji-ban wo mite goran nasai. 文字盤を見てごらんなさい。} I hope the clock works successfully. {Umaku iku ka na? うまく行くかな?。} [The clock rings out twelve. On the dial, a small round window opens and the king of the dwarves appears. In the top window, a sheep disappears, replaced by an elf. The king looks at the elf.] Shizuku: An elf... {Elf... エルフ....。} Nishi: You see a reflection in the glass. {Glass ga hikaru ne. ガラスが、光るね。} Come up here. {Koko ni kinasai. ここに来なさい。} Shizuku: All right. {Hai. はい。} [Shizuku looks the elf.] Shizuku: The Queen? {Ohjyo-sama? 王女さま?。} Nishi: Yes. {Soh da ne. そうだね。} Shizuku: Do they love each other? {Hutari wa aishi atteru no? 二人は、愛しあってるの?。} Nishi: Yes. But they live in different worlds. He is the king of dwarves. {Un. うん。}{Shikashi sumu sekai ga chigaun da. しかし住む世界が違うんだ。}{Kare wa Dwarf no oh dakara ne. 彼は、ドワーフの王だからね。} She can transform from a sheep to an elf only while the bell is ringing out twelve. {Jyu-ni(12)-ji no kane wo utsu aida dake kanojyo wa hitsuji kara moto no sugata ni modorerun da. 12時の鐘を打つ間だけ、彼女は羊から元の姿に戻れるんだ。} Still he is waiting for her every time the clock chimes. {Sore demo kare wa toki wo kizamu goto ni aa shite arawarete ohjyo wo machi tsuzukerun da. それでも彼は、時を刻む毎にああして現れて王女を待ち続けるんだ。} I believe that the craftsman who made the clock was in love with someone he could never touch. {Kitto, kono tokei wo tsukutta syoku-nin ga todokanu koi wo shite itan da. きっとこの時計を作った職人が、とどかぬ恋をしていたんだ。} Shizuku: So they look somehow sad. {Sore de hutari tomo nandaka kanashi soh nano ne? それで二人とも何だか悲しそうなのね?。} [Shizuku is brought back.] Shizuku: Oh, the clock is fast, isn't it? {Aaa, kono tokei susunde masu yo ne? ああっ!、この時計進んでますよね?。} Nishi: Yes. But only 5 minutes or so. {Un. うん}{Demo go(5)-hun kurai kana? でも5分くらいかな。} Shizuku: Oh, no! I must go to library. Bye. {Taihen! 大変!。}{Atashi tosyo-kan ni ikanakya. 私、図書館に行かなきゃ。}{Sayonara. さよならっ。} [Shizuku runs out.] [But she returns.] Shizuku: Can I see you again? {O-jii-san, mata kite mo ii desu ka? おじいさん、また来てもいいですか?。} Nishi: Sure. The library is to the left. {Aa. ああ。}{Tosyo-kan nara hidari itta hoh ga ii yo. 図書館なら、左行った方がいいよ。} [Shizuku runs out again.] [Shizuku runs down the street.] [Shizuku goes down the steep stairs.] [Shizuku has a happy expression.] Shizuku: Wow! I came out right over library! {Waa! Tosyo-kan no ma-ue! わあっ、図書館の真上!。} I found a fantastic shop! {Ii toko mitsuke cyatta! いいとこ見つけちゃった!。} It is like the one in a fairy tale. {Monogatari ni dete kuru o-mise mitai. 物語に出て来るお店みたい。} This is wonderful! {Suttekiii! すってきー!。} [Shizuku runs and dances on the road.] [Shizuku arrives at the city library.] [At the entrance Seiji calls out to Shizuku.] Seiji: Tsukishima! Tsukishima, Shizuku! [Shizuku stops and turns her back.] [Seiji is riding a bicycle, with the cat riding on the carrier, too.] Seiji: This is yours? {Kore omaen daro? これ、お前んだろ?。} [Seiji offers a paper bag (with lunch box).] [Shizuku notices that she forgot the lunch box in the shop.] Shizuku: What? Oh! {E? えっ?。}{Aa! ああっ!。} Seiji: You are forgetful. {Wasureppoin da na. 忘れっぽいんだな。} [Seiji hands the paper bag to Shizuku.] Shizuku: Thank you. But why? (did you bring my bag?) {Arigato. ありがとう。}{Demo doh shite? でも、どうして?。} Seiji: Well, you guess. {Sate, doh shite de syoh? さて、どうしてでしょう。} [Seiji turns and leaves.] [Shizuku finds the cat.] Shizuku: Cat boy... Is that cat yours? {Ne,neko... Sono neko kimi no? ね、ネコっ....そのネコ、君の?。} Seiji: Your lunch box is very huge. {Omae no bentohtte zuibun dekai no na. お前の弁当って、ずいぶんでかいのな。} Shizuku: What? NO! {E? え?。}{Chigau! 違う!。} [Seiji doesn't listen.] [Seiji sings.] Seiji: Concrete road, how far... {Concrete road, Doko made mo... コンクリートロード、どこまでも....。} Shizuku: YOU HAVE GOT IT ALL WRONG! HEY, WAIT! {CHIGAU NO! 違うの!。}{KORAAA! こらぁ!。} [Seiji leaves.] [In the city library.] [Shizuku's father is sorting books.] [Shizuku goes up to him.] Father: Hi. You come here for me. {Yah. やあ。}{Kite kuretan da. 来てくれたんだ。} Father: What happened? You look sour. {Doh shitan da? どうしたんだ?。}{Kowai kao shite. 恐い顔して。} Shizuku: I have experienced an unexplainable event. {Cyotto setsumei shiyoh ga nai no. ちょっと説明しようがないの。} Father: What? {Un? うん?。} Shizuku: I had a very nice event; I felt as if I had found a treasure in a cave. {Totemo ii koto ga atte dohkutsu de takara-mono wo mitsuketa kanji datta no. とてもいいことがあって、洞窟で宝物を見つけた感じだったの。} But I feel that I was buried alive by an insensitive word. {Sore ga kokoro nai hito koto de iki-ume ni natta kibun. それが、心無い一言で生き埋めになった気分。} Father: That's complex. {Sore wa hukuzatsu da. それは複雑だ。} [Both on the stairs.] Father: Are you going to borrow books? {Kyoh mo kariteku kai? 今日も借りてくのかい?。} Shizuku: Yes. I must read over seven books. {Un. うん。}{Ato nana(7)-satsu wa yomanakya. あと7冊は読まなきゃ。} Father: You are a great reader as usual. {Aikawarazu da ne. 相変わらずだね。} Where are you going to have a lunch? {Meshi doh suru? メシ、どうする?。} Shizuku: At the lunch stand. {Baiten de sumasu. 売店で済ます。} Father: Well, Thank you. See you. {Sohka, Jya, arigatoh. そうか。じゃ、ありがとう。} [Shizuku leaves her father.] [Shizuku selects some books.] [Shizuku checks the book cards at her desk.] [Shizuku finds the name of "Amasawa, Seiji".] Shizuku: 12th, June. {Roku(6)-gatsu jyu-ni(12)-nichi. 6月12日。} Great. The Amasawa already read this book. {Sugoi. すごい。}{"Amasawa"tte hito kono hon mo yonjyatteru. 天沢って人、この本も読んじゃってる。} What is he like? {Donna hito nandaroh? どんな人なんだろう?。} [Shizuku imagines "Amasawa". But an image of the boy she had just met (Seiji pops into her head.] [Shizuku cries out in the library room involuntarily.] Shizuku: NO! IT'S NEVER YOU! {CHIGAU! 違う!。}{OMAE NANKA JYA NAI! お前なんかじゃない!。} [People around Shizuku turn and glance at her.] [Shizuku comes to herself, and blushes with shame.] [Shizuku assumes/pretends to read a book.] [Shizuku eats lunch at the library's lunch stand. She is lost in thought at the table.] [Shizuku goes home.] [One rainy morning] [in Shizuku's home] [Shizuku and her mother go out.] Mother: Shizuku, hurry up! {Shizuku, hayaku shina! 雫、早くしな。} [The door is opened.] Mother: Oh, I will be late to the university. {Hyaa, chikoku ひゃあ、遅刻。} An umbrella, take it for me! {Kasa, Kasa totte! 傘。傘取って。} [Mother and Shizuku go down to the ground floor, and open umbrellas.] Mother: Although a new term began, it's a rainy day, isn't it? {Shin-gakki nano ni ame bakkari ne. 新学期なのに雨ばっかりね。} Shizuku: You must not complain. {Monku iwa nai. 文句言わない。} It's because you love to study that you study in the graduate school, isn't it? {Anata wa suki de benkyo shiterun de syoh? あなたは、好きで勉強してるんでしょう。} Mother: Yes. {Haaai. はーい。} Shizuku: You must study hard. {Shikkari benkyo shi nasai. しっかり、勉強しなさい。} Mother: Don't worry. {Makashi toite. まかしといて。} [Shizuku is going to school.] [Yuko sees Shizuku on the road.] Yuko: Shizuku! Shizuku: Yahhoo! Yuko: Hurry up or be late for school. {Isoganai to chikoku suru yo. 急がないと遅刻するよ。} [Yuko and Shizuku walk together.] Yuko: We get tired with these tests day after day, don't we? {Yaane, test bakkari de. やーね、テストばっかりで。} Shizuku: There are always tests everyday. {Mainichi nanka kanka aru ne. 毎日、なんかかんかあるね。} Shizuku: Did you reply to "that?" {Are henji shita? あれ、返事した?。} Yuko: No. {Uun. ううん。} Shizuku: Has he contacted you? {Nani mo itte konai? 何も言って来ない?。} Yuko: No. {Un. うん。} I shall refuse it. {Atashi yappari kotowaru. あたしやっぱり断わる。} Shizuku: Hum, yes, that may be wise judgment. {Sohka, un, sono hoh ga ii kamo ne. そっか、うん、その方がいいかもね。} [Shizuku sees Sugimura.] Shizuku: Sugimura! {杉村!。} Sugimura: Time is of the essence! {Girigiri da zo! ギリギリだぞーっ。} Shizuku: I know. {Wakatteru. わかってるっ。} [In Shizuku's class, the students are taking an exam.] Teacher: The end. Take back. {Hai owari. はい、終わり。}{Atsume te. 集めて。} [The classroom becomes noisy.] Teacher: The afternoon class is a class in general. {Gogo wa tsuujyoh dakara na. 午後は、通常だからな。} [The teacher leaves the classroom.] Yuko: Shizuku, let's go to Miss.Kohsaka. {Shizuku, Kohsaka-sensei no toko we ikoh. 雫、高坂先生のとこへ行こう。} Shizuku: Yes. But may I drop into the teachers' lounge? {Un. うん。}{Sono mae ni syokuin-shitsu ni yotte ii? その前に職員室に寄っていい?。} Yuko: Sure. {Ii yo. いいよ。} [Sugimura comes to Shizuku.] Sugimura: Tsukishima, listen! {Tsukishima, kiite kiite. 月島、聞いて聞いて。} Shizuku: What happened? {Nani yo? 何よ。} Sugimura: My guess was exactry right! Amazing huh? {Bacchi Yama atari suggee no! ばっちヤマ当たり、スッゲーの。} (Yama: [1] He rightly [successfully] anticipated what kind of questions would be asked on the exam. [2] took a gamble on the type of questions to appear on the examination (and prepared only for them) ) Shizuku: You are a happy boy. {Kono shiawase mono. この幸せ者。} Sugimura: I made up some of what I guessed. I guessed right. {Yasumi jikan ni mita tokoro ga sono mama donpisya daze. 休み時間に見たところが、そのままドンピシャだぜ。} Shizuku: You were not a mere ball boy, were you? {Tada no yakyu-baka jya nakattanda. ただの野球バカじゃなかったんだ。} [Shizuku glances at Yuko.] Shizuku: Yuko, too, is good at guessing, aren't you? {Yama-hari nara Yuko tokui da yo ne? ヤマ張りなら、夕子得意だよね?。} [Shizuku sees Sugimura.] Shizuku: How about you studying with Yuko? {Kondo issyo ni benkyo shitara? 今度一緒に勉強したら?。} Sugimura: With Harada? {Harada ga? 原田が?。} [Sugimura is called by his friend.] Yuko: Let's go Shizuku. {Ikoh, Shizuku. 行こう、雫。} [Yuko leaves the classroom pulling Shizuku's arm.] Yuko: Don't make me go around with him. {Muriyari kuttsuke-yoh to shinai de. 無理矢理くっつけようとしないで。} I can't guess the questions of an exam. {Atashi yama nante atatta koto nai mono. あたし、ヤマなんて当ったことないもの。} Shizuku: Sorry. {Gomen. ごめん。} [Shizuku and Yuko go into the teachers' lounge.] Shizuku: Excuse us. {Shitsurei shimasu. 失礼します。} [A teacher is eating lunch.] Teacher: A donater of the book? {Hon no kizoh-sya? 本の寄贈者?。} Can I answer? {Boku ni wakaru kana? 僕にわかるかな?。} Shizuku: I'm sorry to take up so much of your lunch time. {O-syokuji-cyu ni sumimasen. お食事中にすみません。} Do you remember this old library stamp? {Kono zohsyo-in nandesu. この蔵書印なんです。} Teacher: Well... {Eeeto... ええと。} Oh, This is Mr.Amasawa. {Aa, Amasawa-san jya nai ka. あぁ、天沢さんじゃないか。} I have read the book. {Kore boku mo yonda yo. これ、僕も読んだよ。} It's nice book, isn't it? {Ii hon desyo? いい本でしょ?。} Shizuku: Yes, I feel so. {Hai, totemo. はい、とても。} What is Mr.Amasawa like? {Sorede kono Amasawa-san to iu hito wa donna hito nan desu ka? それでこの天沢さんと言う人は、どんな人なんですか?。} Teacher: If I remember correctly, he was a president of the P.T.A. a few years ago. {Nan-nen ka mae ni tashika P.T.A. no kaicyoh wo sarete ita kata da yo. 何年か前に確かPTAの会長をされていた方だよ。} Shizuku: P.T.A.? {P.T.A. no? PTAの?。} Well, do you know his first name? {Sore de namae wa wakarimasuka? それで名前はわかりますか?} Teacher: First name? Well... {Namae? 名前?。}{Eeeto... えーと....。} [The teacher asks another teacher.] Teacher: Mr. Kimura, do you remember what Mr. Amasawa's first name is? {Kimura-sensei, Amasawa-san wa nante iimashitakke? 木村先生、天沢さんは、何て言いましたっけ?。} He is in Dr. Amasawa's office... {Amasawa-iin no, hora... 天沢医院の、ほら....。} Mr.Kimura: Mr.Amasawa? {Amasawa-san? 天沢さん?。} His name is Koichi. Koichi Amasawa. {Koichi desu yo. 広一ですよ。}{Amasawa, Koichi. 天沢広一。} Shizuku: Koichi Amasawa... {Amasawa, Koichi... 天沢広一....。} Mr.Kimura: Tsukishima, don't you know that the youngest child of Mr. Amasawa is in the same grade as you? {Tsukishima, onaji gakunen ni Amasawa-san toko no suekko ga iru jya nai ka, shiranaino ka? 月島、同じ学年に天沢さんとこの末っ子がいるじゃないか。知らないのか?。} Shizuku: What!? {Ee!? ええっ?。} Well, thank you very much. {A, Ano, Arigatoh gozaimashita. あ、あの、ありがとうございました。} [Shizuku runs out of the teachers' lounge, almost bumping into the teacher at the door.] Shizuku: I'm sorry. {Sumimasen. すみませんっ。} [Yuko runs after Shizuku, carrying Shizuku's lunch box.] Yuko: Shizuku! Where are you going? {Shizuku! 雫!。}{Doko we iku no yo? どこへ行くのよ。} [Shizuku stops at the passage.] Shizuku: Ah, I was surprised! {Aa, odoroita! ああ、驚いた。} Yuko: YOU startled ME! (It's me that was surprised!(I was surprised by you!)) {Odoroita no wa kocchi yo! 驚いたのは、こっちよ。} You must explain the situation to me. {Cyanto setsumei shite morai masu kara ne. ちゃんと説明してもらいますからね。} Shizuku: Sorry. {Gomen. ごめん。} [Shizuku notices the boy (Seiji) and his father coming.] [Shizuku suddenly puts on a serious look, and begins to walk towards them.] Yuko: Shizuku, what are you doing? {Shizuku, docchi iku no yo? 雫、どっち行くのよ。} [Shizuku and they pass each other.] [Shizuku stops and turns back.] Shizuku: Darn it! He ignored me competely. {Nani yo! 何よ!。}{Kanpeki ni mushi shite kure cyatte. 完璧に無視してくれちゃって。} Yuko: Shizuku, who is he? Where do you go? {Shizuku, dare? aitsu. 雫、誰?、あいつ。}{Doko iku ki? どこ行く気?。} Shizuku: He is a creep. {Aitsu yana yatsu nano. あいつ、やなやつなの。} I hate to escape from him. {Nigeru no iya jya nai. 逃げるの嫌じゃない。} [In Miss. Kohsaka's room (the nurse's room).] [Present are Miss. Kohsaka, Shizuku, and Shizuku's friends (Yuko, Sayoko, and Kinuyo).] [They are eating lunch.] Shizuku's friends: Ha ha ha ha... Kinu: You are pretty. {Kawaii. かわいい。} Sayo: You are funny. {Okashii. おかしい。} Yuko: I ran about with Shizuku's lunch box. {Atashi Shizuku no o-bentoh motte hashiri mawatteta no yo. あたし、雫のお弁当持って走りまわってたのよ。} Kohsaka: A boy appeared by Tsukishima. {Tsukishima ni otoko ga nee. 月島に男がねぇ。} Kinu: Miss. Kohsaka, spring has come to Shizuku, hasn't it? {Sense, Shizuku ni mo yohyaku haru ga kitan desu nee. センセ、雫にもようやく春が来たんですねぇ。} Shizuku: I have said "that is a misunderstanding." {"Chigau"tte itteru no ni. 違うって言ってるのに。} Kinu: In fact, you met the prince of a book, didn't you? {Hontoh wa hon no ohji-sama ni attan de syo? 本当は本の王子さまに会ったんでしょ?。} Sayo: Is he handsome? {Handsome? ハンサム?。} Shizuku: SO I only thought that was what he was like. {DAKARAa donna hito ka to omotta dake. だ・か・らァ、どんな人かと思っただけ。} Kinu: Hey Yuko, you know his name, don't you? {Nee, Yuko wa sono hito no namae shitten de syo? ねえ、夕子はその人の名前知ってんでしょ?。} Tell me. {Oshie na yo. 教えなよ。} [Shizuku stares at Yuko.] Shizuku: YUKO! {夕子ォ?} [Yuko pretends ignorance. (Because Shizuku, too, knows one of her secrets)] Yuko: I don't remember well because it happened in an instant. {Sore ga tossa no koto de sa. それがとっさの事でさ。} The name that I remember is "Masaki"..."Ama"..."Ama"... Say Shizuku. {"Ma" ga tsuitetan dakedo "Masaki" dakke?..."Ama"..."Ama"... Nee Shizuku. 「ま」が付いてたんだけど「まさき」だっけ?...「あま」...「あま」...ねぇ雫。} Shizuku: I don't know. {Saa ne. さあね。} Kohsaka: Yet, it's just like Tsukishima to rush out of the teachers' lounge before the conversation is over. {Demo sa, hanashi wo saigo made kikazu ni tobidashite kuru nante Tsukishima rashii nee. でもさ、話を最後まで聞かずに飛び出してくるなんて月島らしいねー。} Kinu: Although you want to know, you don't want to know, do you? {Shiri tai kedo shiri taku nai no yo ne? 知りたいけど知りたくないのよね?。} A wavering heart is painful and happy. {Yureru kokoro ga kurushikute ureshii. 揺れる心が、苦しくて嬉しいっ。} Sayo: What a romantic! {Maa, romantic desu koto. まあ、ロマンチックですこと。} Shizuku: If you kid me, I will not show you the translation of "Country Road." {Soh yatte karakatte reba ii deshoh. そうやってからかってればいいでしょ。}{Sekkaku "Country Road" no shi kaite kita no ni. せっかく「カントリーロード」の詞、書いて来たのに。} [Shizuku takes out a sheet.] Yuko: Is it finished? {Dekita no? 出来たの?。} Kinu: Show me. {Misete misete. 見せて見せて。} [Shizuku doesn't show it, placing the sheet in her lap.] [Yuko, Sayo and Kinu lower their heads respectfully.] Yuko: Oh, Princess Shizuku. {Shizuku-sama, Daishiji-sama. 雫さま、ダイシジさま。} Please forgive our rudeness. {Moh shimasen node o-mise kuda sai. もうしませんので、お見せ下さい。} Shizuku: Yes, I forgive. {Yoroshii. よろしい。} [Shizuku shows them the sheet.] [Yuko, Sayo and Kinu read it.] Shizuku: Actually, I'm not confident. {Honto wa jishin nain da. 本当は自信ないんだ。} I wrote the words with my frank feeling because I didn't understand what is mean by "hometown." {"Hurusato"tte nani ka wakaranai kara syohjiki ni jibun no kimochi de kaita no. ふるさとって何かわからないから、正直に自分の気持ちで書いたの。} Kinu: This is radical. {Kageki nee kore. 過激ねー、コレ。} [Girls sing it.] Girls: Country Roads If I follow this road all the way, I may reach the town Country Roads {Country Road カントリーロード Kono michi, zutto ike ba, この道 ずっと行けば Ano machi ni tsuzuiteru ki ga suru あの街に 続いてる 気がする Country Road カントリーロード} Yuko: Shizuku, nice! I like this. {Shizuku, ii yo! 雫、いいよ。}{Atashi suki. あたし好きっ。} Shizuku: Isn't it hard to sing? {Utai nikuku nai? 歌いにくくない?。} Kinu: No problem. {Nantoka narun jya nai? 何とかなるんじゃない?。} Yuko: It's dull only presenting the song to our junior class. {Koh-hai ni ageru dake jya tsumaranai. 後輩にあげるだけじゃつまらない。} Shall we sing the song at Syaon-kai? {Atashi tachi mo Syaon-kai de utaoh yo. あたし達も謝恩会で歌おうよ。} (Syaon-kai: a party given by graduates in honor of their teachers.) Sayo: Oh, Syaon-kai? {Ee? Syaon-kai? え、謝恩会?。} You are impatient. {Ki ga hayai. 気が早ーい。} Kinu: I like this part. {Koko ii naa. ここいいなァ。} "I decided to live alone, and ran away from the town without anything." {Hitori de ikiru to, nani mo motazu machi wo tobidasi ta. 一人で生きると、何も持たず街を飛び出した。} "I hide in lonliness, and have kept myself tough." {Samishisa oshi kome, tsuyoi jibun wo mamotte ita. 寂しさ押し込め、強い自分を守っていた。} [The bell rings.] Kohsaka: Girls, that is the preliminary bell. {Syokun, Yorei da yo. 諸君、予鈴だよ。} Girls: Yes. {Haai. はぁい。} [After school] [It is fine day, without rain.] [Shizuku leaves school.] [Shuzuku stretchs herself.] Shizuku: Oh, it was fine. {Aaa, hare ta hare ta. ああ、晴れた晴れた。} [Yuko, Sayo, Kinu call out to Shizuku from a window on the second floor.] Yuko: Shizuku! Shall we drop in the chorus club? I will show the translation to them. {Chorus-bu ni cyotto yotte ka nai?  コーラス部にちょっと寄ってかない?}{Ano shi miseru no.  あの詞、見せるの。} Shizuku: No. I would rather go to the (city) library. {Ii. いい。}{Tosyo-kan ni ikana kya. 図書館に行かなきゃ。} Yuko: What? There is a test tommorow, too. {E? え?。}{Ashita mo test aru yo. 明日もテストあるよ。} Shizuku: I'll study at the library. {Tosyo-kan de yaru mon. 図書館でやるもん。} Yuko: You sure like it there... {Suki ne. 好きね。} [Shizuku grins.] Shizuku: Bye! {Jyane, bye bye. じゃあね、バイバイ。} [In school] [Sugimura is standing at a passage.] [Yuko comes along.] [Sugimura calls Yuko.] Sugimura: Harada! Excuse me, have you got a minute? {Harada! 原田。}{Ano sa, waruin dakedo cyotto iikaka? あのさ、悪いんだけどちょっといいかな?。} Yuko: ...Yes. {...Un. ...うん。} [Shizuku walks on the road.] [Shizuku stops, and sees a way to the top of the hill.] [Shizuku remembers the shop.] [Shizuku goes forward to the top of the hill.] [Shizuku arrives at the shop. But it is closed.] Shizuku: The shop is closed as I expected. {Yappari o-yasumi. やっぱりお休み。} [Shizuku sees flowers in a barrel next to the door.] Shizuku: I wonder if someone watered the flowers? {O-hana ni mizu wa yatte aru no ka na? お花に水はやってあるのかな?。} [Shizuku peeps through the window.] Shizuku: There is no Baron. {Dansyaku ga inai wa. 男爵がいないわ。} Was he bought by anyone? {Kaware cyatta no kashira. 売れちゃったのかしら。} [Shizuku looks at the door plate.] "Atelier Chikyu-ya, Shiroh Nishi" {Atorie Chikyu-ya, Nishi Shiroh アトリエ地球屋。西司郎。} Shizuku: Shiroh Nishi... {Nishi Shiroh... 西司郎....。} That boy may be Nishi. {Aitsu mo Nishitte iu no ka na? あいつも西っていうのかな?。} [A bicycle passes in back of Shizuku. It makes a braking noise.] [Shizuku is startled.] [Shizuku leaves.] [In the evening] [Shizuku is studying at her desk as she listens to music with headphones.] [The phone rings.] Shio: Shizuku! ... Shizuku! [Shizuku doesn't notice Shio calling.] [Shio pulls Shizuku's headphones away from her ears.] Shio: You HAVE A PHONE CALL from Yuko! {Yuko-cyan kara denwa! 夕子ちゃんから電話。} [Shizuku comes into the dining area.] Mother: Your hearing may get worse, Shizuku. {Mimi waruku naru yo, Shizuku. 耳悪くなるよ、雫。} [Shizuku answers the phone call.] Shizuku: Yuko?... What? Once more... {E? Nani? Kikoe nai... え?何?聞えない....。} I will be there soon... {Ima sugu iku kara. 今すぐ行くから....。} So, I hang up. {Jya, kiru yo. じゃ、切るよ。} [Shizuku hangs up, and leaves the apartment.] Mother: Where are you going to go? {Doko iku no? どこ行くの?。} Shizuku: To the neighborhood. {Sugu soko. すぐそこ。} [In a park of Shizuku's apartment. Yuko is there.] Shizuku: What happened? Yuko? {Dohshita no? Yuko. どうしたの?夕子。} Yuko: Shizuku...     {雫ぅ...} [Yuko is sobbing.] Shizuku: What happened? Why are you making a funny face? {Doh shita no yo? どうしたのよ?}{A, nani, sono kao... あ、何?、その顔...} Yuko: Shizuku, what shall I do? {Shizuku, doh shiyo? 雫、どうしよう?} "Could you give me your reply," Sugimura said, because his friend in the same baseball club asked him to get a reply from me. {Sugimura ga tomodachi ni tanomarete "Ano tegami no henji kure"tte. 杉村が友達に頼まれて「あの手紙の返事くれ」って。} Shizuku: Oh my goodness... {Eeee acyaaaa... えーっ、あちゃー...。} [The reproduction of Yuko's memory.] Yuko: Why do you ask me such a thing!? {Nande Sugimura ga sonna koto iu no yo! 何で杉村がそんな事言うのよ!。} Sugimura: Hey, wait... {Ohhhi... おーい...。} [In the park] Shizuku: He is insensitive (to love)... {Aitsu nibui kara na... あいつ鈍いからなァ。} But he isn't guilty because he does not know your feelings. {Demo sa, Sugimura datte Yuko no kimochi shitteru wake jya nai shi. でもさ、杉村だって夕子の気持ち、知ってるわけじゃないし...。} Yuko: I know. {Un. うん。} I will apologize to Sugimura. {Sugimura ni wa ayamaru. 杉村には、謝る。} But I will be absent tomorrow because I can't go to school with such a face. {Demo konna kao jya gakko ike nai kara ashita wa yasumu ne. でもこんな顔じゃ学校行けないから、明日は休むね。} Shizuku: A test, too? {Test mo? テストも?} Yuko: Yes. {Un. うん。} Shizuku: I see. {Sokka. そっか。} [Next day at school] [During a test] [Sugimura casually sees Shizuku.] Shizuku: You fool. {Baaka. ばーか。} Sugimura: What? {Nanda yo? なんだよ?} [After school] Girls: Hi, Shizuku. Are you going to go to the library? {A, Shizuku, Kyoh mo tosyo-kan? あ、雫、今日も図書館?。} Shizuku: I will meet Yuko. {Yuko no toko itte miru. 夕子のとこ行ってみる。} Girls: Oh, yes, say hello to her. {A, sokka, yoroshiku ne. あ、そっか。よろしくね。} Shizuku: Bye. {Bye bye. バイバイ。} [Shizuku crosses a road. Sugimura calls out her.] Sugimura: Tsikishima! hey, wait! {Tsukishima! Mate yo! 月島!待てよ。} [Shizuku stops.] Sugimura: I'd like to talk over with you about Harada. {Harada no koto nanda kedo. 原田の事なんだけど...。} [In the grounds of shrine. There are only Shizuku and Sugimura.] Sugimura: ...then she burst into tears. {...Soshitara Harada no yatsu kyu ni naki dashite. ...そしたら原田のやつ、急に泣き出して。} Well, I said something wrong, but.... {Naa, Ore nani ka warui koto itta kana? なぁ、オレ、何か悪いこと言ったかなぁ?。} Shizuku: Sugimura, I know , she(Yuko) said "How dare YOU (can) ask me such a thing?" {Sugimura sa, Yuko wa "Anta ga doh shite sonna koto iu no?"tte ittan de syo? 杉村さ、夕子は「あんたがどうしてそんな事言うの?」って言ったんでしょ?。} Sugimura: Well, `cause my team mate asked. {Un, dakara "tomodachi ni tanomare ta"tte. うん、だから「友達に頼まれた」って。} Shizuku: Oh, No! {Chigau! 違う!。} She didn't ask you! She just wanted NOT to hear (such a thing) from YOU! {Sorette Sugimura ni sonna koto iwaretaku nai tte koto yo! それって「杉村にそんな事言われたくない」ってことよ!。} You see what I mean? {Kono imi wakaru de shoh?! この意味、わかるでしょう?。} Sugimura: No, I don't! Tell me! {Wakan nai yo! わかんないよ!}{Hakkiri itte yo! はっきり言ってよ。} Shizuku: You know nothing about her! {Moh!, hontoh ni nibui wa ne! もうっ!、本当に鈍いわね!。} Yuko is in love with YOU! {Yuko wa anta no koto ga suki nano yo! 夕子は、あんたのことが好きなのよ!。} Sugimura: Wh...What! {Eee! えぇ!。} I am (totally) ....confused.... {Snna ore komaru yo. そんな、オレ、困るよ。} Shizuku: You are (confused) .... Oh, poor Yoko! {Komaru tte...Kawaisoh nano wa Yuko no hoh yo! 困るって...かわいそうなのは夕子の方よ!。} She was absent because she was shocked! {Shock ukete yasun jyattan dakara! ショック受けて休んじゃったんだから!。} Sugimura: But I...I'm in love with YOU. {Datte ore...ore omae ga suki nanda. だってオレ...オレ、お前が好きなんだ。} Shizuku: What? Oh, (please) Don't tell me a joke at this moment! {E? え?}{Yada, Konna toki jyodan iwanai de. やだ、こんな時に冗談言わないで。} Sigimura: I'm serious! {Jyodan jya nai yo! 冗談じゃないよ!} I love you for a long time.(I have been in love with you since a long time.) {Zutto mae kara omae no koto ga suki dattan da. ずっと前からお前のことが好きだったんだ。} Shizuku: Don't tell me...I... {Dame da yo, watashi wa. ダメだよ、私は。} `cause I... {Datte sonna... だってそんな...。} Sugimura: Do you dislike me? {Ore no koto kirai ka? オレのこと嫌いか?。} Or any special for you? {Tsukiatteru yatsu ga iru no ka? 付き合ってるやつがいるのか?。} Shizuku: Not any special. {Tsukiatteru hito nanka inai yo. 付き合ってる人なんかいないよ。} But... {Demo... でも...} I'm leaving!(I'm sorry!) {Gomen! ごめん!} [Shizuku runs away from the scene.] [Sugimura catches Shizuku's arm.] Sugimura: Don't leave! You must tell me! {Mate! Tsukishima! 待て!月島!}{Hakkiri ie! はっきり言え!} Shizuku: We've been friends... {Datte zutto tomodachi datta kara... だってずっと友達だったから...。} I do like you, but it's not like romance, you know... {Sugimura no koto suki dakedo suki toka soh iun jya...杉村のこと好きだけど、好きとか言うんじゃ...} Sorry, I can't tell any more. {Gomen, umaku ie nai. ごめん、うまく言えない。} Sugimura: You mean I'm just one of them (your friends). {Tada no tomodachi ka? ただの友達か?。} [Shizuku nods.] Sugimura: Any chance for me (in the future)? {Kore kara mo ka? これからもか?} [Shizuku nods again.(in Japanese, she denied his question.)] Sugimura: I see. {Soh ka. そうか。} [Sugimura lets go of Shizuku's arm.] [Sugimura takes his bag, and leaves.] [Shizuku comes home.] [Shizuku sits down at her desk, and brushes away her books and notes with hand, and puts her face down on the desk.] Shizuku: How stupid. {Baka. バカ。} It's me who knows nothing. {Nibui no wa jibun jya nai ka. 鈍いのは自分じゃないか。} [Shizuku's mother comes home.] [Mother opens the door.] [A next-door neighbor calls mother.] Neighbor: Hi, Mrs.Tsukishima. Just a moment. {Tsukishima-san, cyotto matte. 月島さん、ちょっと待って。} I keep a small package for you. {O-todoke-mono azukatteru no. お届け物、預ってるの。} Mother: Oh, thank you. {Maa, itsumo sumimasen. まぁ、いつもすみません。} [The door is closed.] [Shizuku gets up, and changes her clothes.] [Mother gives a neighbor a melon that is sent from her aunt.] [Mother chats with a neighbor.] Neighbor: Thank you very much. {Warui wa nee. 悪いわねぇ。}{Itsu mo moraccyatte. いつも貰っちゃって。} Mother: Don't mind, it's in return for your kindness. {Ii no yo, uchi jya tabe kire nai kara. いいのよ、うちじゃ食べ切れないから。} [Shizuku goes out.] Mother: Are you in, Shizuku? {Kaetteta no? 帰ってたの?}{Shizuku? 雫?} [Shizuku doesn't answer.] [Shizuku came along to Chikyu-ya.] [But it's closed.] [Shizuku stands at there.] [Shizuku is in heart break.] [Cat boy appears behind a flower barrel.] [The cat is basking in the sun.] Shizuku: Yo-ho! {Yahhoo. やっほー。} [Shizuku sits down at the next.] Shizuku: You are locked out, too? {Kimi mo shime dasareta no? きみも閉めだされたの?。} Is this your home? {Kimi wa kono ie de kawarete iru no? きみはこの家で飼われているの?} Are you hungry? {O-naka hette nai? おなか、減ってない?} [The cat dones't answer.] Shizuku: You are not so easy to be loved. {Kimi mo kawaiku nai ne. きみもかわいくないね。} As I am. {Atashi sokkuri. あたしそっくり。} Why does man change? {Doh shite kawaccyaun da roh ne? どうして変わっちゃうんだろうね。} Even I was (much) honest and gentle. {Atashi datte mae wa zutto sunao de yasashii ko datta no ni. あたしだって前はずっと素直でやさしい子だったのに。} Even reading books doesn't make any fun (excitment) as before. {Hon wo yonde mo ne, kono goro mae mitai ni wakuwaku shinain da. 本を読んでもね、この頃前みたいにワクワクしないんだ。} "I know nothing comes to such a beautiful end", somebody whispers in my heart(mind). {"Konna huu ni sa, umaku ikikko nai"tte kokoro no naka de sugu dareka ga iunda yo ne. 「こんな風にさ、うまくいきっこない」って心の中ですぐ誰かが言うんだよね。} I am really not_easy_to_be loved! {Kawaiku nai yo ne. かわいくないよね。} [Seiji appears with a bicycle.] [Seiji finds Shizuku.] Seiji: Tsukishima? {Hee, Tsukishima ka. へぇ、月島か。} [Shizuku stands up.] Seiji: It's quite amazing that you can touch Moon. {Yoku Moon ga sawaraseta na. よくムーンが触らせたな。} [Moon leaves.] Seiji: Hey, Moon, Don't you drop in at the house? {Oi, Moon. おい、ムーン。}{Yotteka nai no ka? 寄ってかないのか?。} Shizuku: Is it Moon? {Ano neko Moon tte iu no? あのネコ、ムーンって言うの?。} Seiji: Yes, it is. His face is just like a full moon. {Aa. あぁ。}{Man-getsu mitai da ro? 満月みたいだろ?。} So I call him Moon. {Dakara Moon tte ore wa yonderunda kedo ne. だからムーンってオレは呼んでるだけどね。} Shizuku: Isn't Moon yours? {Moon wa kimin'chi no neko jya nai no? ムーンは、君ん家のネコじゃないの?。} Seiji: No, not really. He belongs to no one. {Aitsu wo hikitomeru no wa muri da yo. あいつを引き止めるのは無理だよ。} I saw him called "Otama" at some other place. {Yoso no ie de "Otama"tte yobarete iru no wo mita koto arun da. よその家で「おタマ」って呼ばれているのを見たことあるんだ。} I know he has dozens of it (his name). {Hoka ni mo kitto namae ga aru yo. 他にもきっと名前があるよ。} Shizuku: Hummm, He has many names. {Huuum, watari aruiterun da. ふーん、渡り歩いてるんだ。} Well, Moon commutes by train. {Soh ka, Moon wa densya de tsukin shiteru no ne. そうか、ムーンは電車で通勤してるのね。} Seiji: Commute? By train? {Densya? 電車?。} Shizuku: That right! I saw him in the train by himself. {Soh nano. そうなの。}{Hitori de densya ni notteta no. 一人で電車に乗ってたの。} Then I followed him to here. {Sore de ato wo tsuketara koko ni kite shimatta no. それで後をつけたらここに来てしまったの。} And I came to a wonderful shop! {Soshitara suteki na o-mise ga aru de syoh. そしたらすてきなお店があるでしょう。} I was realy excited as if I were in a (book) story. {Monogatari no naka mitai de dokidoki shi cyatta. 物語の中みたいでドキドキしちゃった。} [Shizuku returns to usual cheeaful herself.] [Seiji looks her bright smile.] Shizuku: I said a rude thing to Moon. {Warui koto iccyatta na. 悪いこと言っちゃったな。} That he is not easy to be loved just like me. {Moon ni "Omae kawaiku nai ne"tte iccyatta. ムーンに「お前かわいくないね」って言っちゃった。} "You are just like me.", I said to Moon. {"Watashi sokkuri da"tte. 「私そっくりだ」って。} Seiji: Moon? Just like you? {Moon ga omae to? ムーンがお前と?。} He is NOT like you at all!(It mean "You are charming") {Zenzen nite nai yo! 全然似てないよ!。} He is almost a monster cat. {Aitsu wa moh hanbun bake-neko da yo. あいつはもう半分化けネコだよ。} [Shizuku notices his feeling, and they fall silent each other.] Shizuku: ...Is your uncle O.K.? {O-jii-san o-genki? おじいさん、お元気?。} I wonder becaues the shop is closed all the time. {Zutto o-mise o-yasumi dakara genki kanatte. ずっとお店お休みだから元気かなって。} Seiji: He is O.K. {Pinpin shiteru yo. ピンピンしてるよ。} You see, this shop is strange. It has a greate holiday all the time! {Kono mise henna mise dakara aiteru hoh ga sukunain da. この店、変な店だから、開いてる方が少ないんだ。} Shizuku: Oh really? I'm relieved. {Soh na no? そうなの?。}{Yokatta. よかった。} I couldn't see Dansyaku through the window so I was afraid if he had been sold. {Mado kara nozoitara dansyaku ga mie nain de ure cyatta no ka na?tte. 窓から覗いたら男爵が見えないんで、売れちゃったのかな?って。} Seiji: You mean the cat doll, right? {Aa, ano neko no ningyoh ka. あぁ、あのネコの人形か。} You want to see it? Follow me! {Miru? 見る?}{Koi yo. 来いよ。} [Shizuku walks after him.] [They pass through the gate.] Seiji: Close the door. {Door shimete. ドア閉めて。} [Seiji goes down the stairs.] [Shizuku looks at the view from the back of the shop.] Shizuku: Oh, It's just like floating in the sky... {Waa, sora ni uiteru mitai... わあっ、空に浮かんでるみたい...。} (The shop is on top of the hill.) [Seiji is waiting for Shizuku.] Seiji: You have a fear of heights? {Kohsyo kyohu syoh? 高所恐怖症?。} Shizuku: No. I like high places. {Uun. ううん。}{Takai toko suki. 高いとこ、好き。} It's so beautiful... {Suteki... すてき...。} Seiji: We can see the most beautiful of it at this moment! {Kono syunkan ga ich-ban kirei ni mierun da yo. この瞬間が一番きれいに見えるんだよ。} This way! {Kocchi. こっち。} [Seiji shows Shizuku into the shop.] [They go up the stairs through the 1st floor. (In the shop, the back door opens into the 1st floor, and the shop and the front entrance are on the 2nd floor.)] Seiji: It looks fine. Take this seat! {Cyohdo ii ya, koko ni suwatte. ちょうどいいや、ここに座って。} Shizuku: The clock isn't there! {Tokei ga nai! 時計がない!。} Seiji: Well, the one over there? {Aa, soko ni atta yatsu? あぁ、そこにあったやつ?。} My uncle delivered it today. {Kyoh todoke ni ittan da. 今日届けに行ったんだ。} Come here. {Koko we koi yo. ここへ来いよ。} Shizuku: Was it sold? {Ure cyatta no? 売れちゃったの?。} Seiji: His business is the repairing. {Moto moto syuru no shigoto da mon. 元々修理の仕事だもん。} Shizuku: Well...I would like to see it again... {Sokka...Moh ichi-do mitakatta na. そっか...もう一度見たかったな。} Seiji: He has spent three years before... {San(3)-nen gakari de sa... 3年がかりでさ...} He finished it right on that day you (first visited and) forgot that lunch box. {Tsukishima ga bentoh wo wasureta hi ni dekitan da yo. 月島が弁当を忘れた日に出来たんだよ。} Shizuku: Oh! No!, that lunch box is... {Aa!, ano o-bentoh... あぁ!、あのお弁当...} Seiji: I knew it was NOT yours. {Wakatteru yo, omae no jya nai koto kurai. わかってるよ、お前のじゃないってことくらい。} [Shizuku pouts, realizing that she was kidded the other day by him.] Seiji: Come and look in its eyes! {Koko we kite neko no me no naka wo mite mina. ここへ来てネコの眼の中を見てみな。} ...You hurry up. The light will disappear soon. {Hayaku shiro yo, hikari ga nakunaru ze. 早くしろよ、光が無くなるぜ。} [Shizuku looks at the figurine's eyes.] Shizuku: Wow! {Waa! わぁ!。} [The eyes receive the evening sun, and twinkle.] Seiji: This is "Engels zimmer." {"Engels zimmer" エンゲルス・ツィマー。} It means the "Angel's room." {Tenshi no heya tte iun da. 天使の部屋って言うんだ。} It is created by flaws that a craftsman made when installing the cloth. {Nuno-bari no toki syokunin ga guzen tsuketa kizu de dekirun datte. 布張りの時、職人が偶然付けた傷で出来るんだって。} Shizuku: How beautiful... {Kirei ne. きれいね。} Seiji: My uncle won't sell Dansyaku. {Dansyaku wa nakunara nai yo. 男爵は、無くならないよ。} It's something special for him. {O-jii-cyan no takara mono da mon. おじいちゃんの宝物だもん。} Shizuku: Something special? {Takara mono? 宝物?。} Seiji: He has some old memories with it. {Nani ka omoide ga aru mitai nan da. 何か思い出があるみたいなんだ。} However he never tells us about it. {Iwanai kedo ne. 言わないけどね。} You can look in as much as you like. {Suki na dake mite te ii yo. 好きなだけ見てていいよ。} I'll be downstairs. {Ore shita ni iru kara. オレ、下にいるから。} The light switch is there. {Denki soko ne. 電気そこね。} You can turn on the light if you need it. {Tsuketakatta ra tsukete. 点けたかったら点けて。} [Seiji goes downstairs.] [Shizuku sits down, and looks at the cat doll.] Shizuku: How wonder! {Hushigi ne. 不思議ね。} I have a feeling that I have known you for a long time. {Anata no koto zutto izen kara shitte ita ki ga suru no. あなたの事ずっと以前から知っていた気がするの。} I'm dying to see you sometimes. {Tokidoki aitakute tamara naku naru wa. 時々会いたくてたまらなくなるわ。} You seem really sad today. {Kyoh wa nandaka totemo kanashi soh. 今日は、何だかとても悲しそう。} [The evening sun sets.] [Shizuku stands up, and leaves the room.] [Shizuku comes down to the 1st floor.] [Seiji is making a violin.] Seiji: Well, have you seen enough? {A, moh ii no? あ、もういいの?。} Shizuku: Yes. Thank you. {Un. うん。}{Arigatoh. ありがとう。} Well, are you making a violin? {Ne, sore moshika shite violin tsukutteru no? ね、それもしかしてバイオリン作ってるの?。} Seiji: Yes. {A, aa. あ、ああ。} Shizuki: May I see it? {Mite ii? 見ていい?。} Seiji: Sure. {Un. うん。} [Seiji shows Shizuku the violin that he is making.] Seiji: It goes like this. {Kore ga koh narunda yo. これがこうなるんだよ。} Shizuku: Oh, have you made this up all? By hand? {Waa, kore zenbu jibun de tsukutta no? わぁ、これ全部自分で作ったの?。}{Te de? 手で?。} Seiji: Sure. {Atarimae da yo. 当たり前だよ。} Shizuku: Unbelievable! {Shinji ran nai! 信じらんない!。} Seiji: The violin has its own shape three handred years. {Violin wa san-byaku(300)-nen mae ni katachi ga kansei shiterun da yo. バイオリンは、300年前に形が完成してるんだよ。} The quality of the sound is decided by the craftsman's skills. {Ato wa syoku-nin no ude de oto no yoshi-ashi ga kimarun da yo. 後は職人の腕で音の善し悪しが決まるんだよ。} [Shizuku looks at the other violins.] Shizuku: Did you make all those, too? {Are mo zenbu tsukutta no? あれも全部作ったの?。} Seiji: No, I didn't. {Masaka. まさか。} They are here because my uncle have a violin-craft class here. {Koko de violin zukuri no kyohshitsu mo yatteru kara sa. ここでバイオリン作りの教室もやってるからさ。} Shizuku: Have you made one of them {Demo anata no mo arun de syo? でもあなたのもあるんでしょ?。} Seiji: Yes. {Aa. あぁ。} Shizuku: Hey, which is the one? {Nee, dore? dore? ねえ、どれ?どれ?。} Seiji: That is it. {Are. あれ。} Shizuku: Oh, this one? {Waa, kore? わぁ、これ?。} What a wonder! {Sugoi naa. すごいなぁ。} How could you make such one? {Yoku konna no tsukureru ne? よくこんなの作れるね。} It's just like a magic. {Marude mahoh mitai. まるで魔法みたい。} Seiji: Hey you, I wonder how dare you can say such childish things. {Omae naa, Yoku soh-iu hazukashii koto ieru yo na. お前なァ、よくそういう恥ずかしい事言えるよな。} Shizuku: Well, it doesn't matter. {Ara, ii jya nai. あら、いいじゃない。} It is a real, my feeling. {Hontoh ni soh omottan da kara. 本当にそう思ったんだから。} Seiji: You can make it with easy. {Sono kurai no mono dare demo tsukureru yo. そのくらいの物、誰でも作れるよ。} My skill is not good enough at all. {Mada zenzen dame sa. まだ全然ダメさ。} Shizuku: You can play the violin? {Ne, violin hikerun de syo? ね、バイオリン弾けるんでしょ?。} Seiji: Yes, of course. {Maa ne. まぁね。} Shizuku: Please play the violin. {O-negai, kikasete. お願い、聴かせて。} Just a while. {Cyotto de ii kara. ちょっとでいいから。} Seiji: Give me a break! {Ano na. あのな。} Shizuku: Please, please, please! {O-negai, o-negai, o-negai! お願い、お願い、お願ーい!。} Seiji: All right, (I will play it) and you will SING to it. {Yoshi, sono kawari omae utae yo! よーし、その代わりお前歌えよ。} Shizuku: What? No. I'm tone-deaf. {E? え?}{Dame yo. だめよ。}{Watashi onchi da mon. 私音痴だもん。} Seiji: It's just for my violin. {Cyohdo ii jyan ka. ちょうどいいじゃんか。} [Seiji takes a violin out of a case.] Seiji: Sing! This is a song you know well. {Utae yo. 歌えよ。}{Shitteru kyoku dakara. 知ってる曲だから。} [Seiji begins playing the violin.] [Shizuku notices that the song is "Country Roads."] [Shizuku musters up her courage, and sings a song.] Shizuku: I dreamed that I tried to live Without being afraid lonely I hide loneliness And I shall keep myself tough Country Roads If I follow this road all the way May I reach the town Country Roads [Seiji's uncle and his friends come home.] [They join Shizuku and Seiji's concert.] Shizuku: Though I'm lonely I shall not shed tears I quicken my pace To forget my memories Country Roads If the road reaches my place I shall not go back Or can not go back Country Roads Country Roads When it's tomorrow And I will return to my usual self I want to go back But I can't Sayonara Country Roads {Hitori bocchi osorezu ni 独りぼっち 恐れずに ikite miyoh to yume mite ta. 生きてみようと 夢見てた Samishisa oshikomete 寂しさ 押し込めて tsuyoi jibun wo mamotte iko 強い自分を 守って行こう Country Road カントリーロード Kono michi zutto ikeba この道 ずっと 行けば ano machi ni tsuzuiteru ki ga suru あの街に 続いてる 気がする Country Road カントリーロード Donna samishii toki datte どんな寂しい時だって keshite namida wa mise nai de. 決して涙は見せないで Kokoro nashi ka hocyo ga hayaku natte iku 心無しか 歩調が速くなっていく omoide kesu tame. 思い出 消すため Country Road カントリーロード Kono michi hurusato we tsuzuite mo この道 ふるさとへ続いても Boku wa ikanai sa, 僕は 行かないさ Ikenai 行けない Country Road カントリーロード Country Road カントリーロード Ashita wa itsumo no boku sa. 明日は いつもの僕さ Kaeri tai, kaere nai, 帰りたい 帰れない Sayonara さよなら Country Road カントリーロード} [All applaud.] All: Yehy! Ha ha ha ha... [Shizuku introduces herself.] Shizuku: I'm Tsukishima Shizuku. {Tsukishima, Shizuku desu. 月島雫です。} Thank you very much for your kindness the other day. {Kono aida wa arigatoh gozai mashita. この間はありがとうございました。} Nishi: You're welcome. I thought that I'd like to meet you again. {Iya, o-jyoh-san ni wa mata aitai naa to omotte mashita. いや、お嬢さんとはまた会いたいなぁと思ってました。} These two are my music friends. {Kono hutari wa boku no ongaku nakama de su. この二人は僕の音楽仲間です。} Old man A: Nice vocal! [He shakes hands with Shizuku.] Old man A: You are the lucky lady who was there when the clock was completed, aren't you? {Rei no tokei ga kansei shita toki ni i-awaseta koh-un na kata desu na? 例の時計が完成した時に居合わせた幸運な方ですな。} Old man B: I don't expect that Seiji has such a charming friend. {Seiji kun ni konna kawaii tomodachi ga ita to wa ne. 聖司君にこんなかわいい友達がいたとはね。} [Shizuku first heard Seiji's name, and was surprised.] Shizuku: What? Seiji? {E? え?}{Seiji? せいじ?} Are you Seiji Amasawa by any chance? {Anata moshikashite Amasawa, Seiji? あなたもしかして天沢聖司?。} Seiji: Yes. Didn't I tell my name to you? {Aa あぁ。}{Are? itte nakattakke? ore no namae? あれ?言ってなかったっけ?オレの名前。} Shizuku: No, you didn't. {Itte nai. 言ってなァい。} But I saw the "Nishi" on the doorplate. {Datte omote ni "Nishi"tte deteta. だって表に「西」って出てた。} Seiji: That is my uncle's name. {Are wa o-jii-cyan no namae da yo. あれは、おじいちゃんの名前だよ。} I'm Amasawa. {Ore wa Amasawa. 俺は天沢。} Shizuku: Oh, this is a surprise attack. {Hidoi, hui uchi da wa. ひどい、不意打ちだわ。} Like being buried alive in a cave. {Dohkutsu no iki ume yo. 洞窟の生き埋めよ。} Or the sky falling down! {Sora ga ochite kita mitai! 空が落ちて来たみたい。} Seiji: Don't tell me nonsense! {Nani baka na koto ittenda yo. 何バカな事言ってんだよ。} What does a name matter? {Namae nanka dohdemo ii jya nai ka. 名前なんかどうでもいいじゃないか。} Shizuku: It does (matter). {Yoku nai! よくない!。} You calles me simply by full name. {Jibun wa yobi-sute ni shite oite. 自分は呼び捨てにしておいて。} Seiji: It's your fault not to ask my name. {Omae ga kikanai kara ikenain da ro. お前が聞かないからいけないんだろ。} Shizuku: You didn't give me any chance. {Kiku hima nanka nakatta jya nai. 聞く暇、なかったじゃない。} Oh, I surely imagined Seiji Amasawa should be... {Aa, atashi Amasawa, Seiji tte tekkiri... あぁ、あたし天沢聖司っててっきり...。} Seiji: Should be what? {Nanda yo? なんだよ。} Shizuku: He should be quiet and gentle. {Yasashii shizukana hito da to omotta no. やさしい静かな人だと思ったの。} Seiji: You've read too many books. {Omae hon no yomi-sugi da yo. お前、本の読み過ぎだよ。} Shizuku: You too! {Jibun datte ippai yonderu jya nai! 自分だっていっぱい読んでるじゃない!。} Old men: Ha ha ha ha ha.... [In the night] [Seiji sees Shizuku off.] [They walk together on the road.] Shizuku: I really had a good time. {Honto ni tanoshi katta. ほんとに楽しかった。} They are nice men. {Minna ii hito-tachi ne. みんないい人達ね。} Seiji: Come and see us again. {Mata koi yo. また来いよ。} They are glad to see you. {Jii-cyan-tachi yorokobu kara. じいちゃん達、喜ぶから。} Shizuku: I like just listening. {Kiku dake nara naa. 聞くだけならなァ。} Singing makes me in trouble. {Utau no wa tsurai yo. 歌うのはつらいよ。} By the way, you are good at playing the violin. {Demo Amasawa-kun violin jyohzu da ne. でも天沢君、バイオリン上手だね。} Are you going to become a violinist? {Socchi we susumu no? そっちへ進むの?。} Seiji: No. Many people can play it better than me. {Ore kurai no yatsu wa ippai iru yo. オレくらいの奴はいっぱいいるよ。} I'd like to become a violin craftsman rather than a player. {Soreyori ore sa, violin zukuri ni naritain da. それよりオレさ、バイオリン作りになりたいんだ。} Shizuku: Oh yes, you are good at making violins, too. {Sohka, moh anna ni jyohzu da mon ne. そっか、もうあんなに上手だもんね。} Seiji: There is a school of violin making in Cremona, Italy. {Italy no Cremona ni violin seisaku gakkoh ga arunda yo. イタリアのクレモーナにバイオリン製作学校があるんだよ。} I'd like to go on to the school after graduation. {Cyugaku wo detara soko we ikitainda. 中学を出たらそこへ行きたいんだ。} Shizuku: Won't you go on to high school? {Koh-koh ikanai no? 高校行かないの?。} Seiji: My family is opposed to it (Seiji going to Italy). {Ie jyu ga dai-hantai. 家中が大反対。} So it has not yet been decided. {Dakara mada doh naru ka wakaranai kedo. だからまだどうなるかわからないけど。} Only my uncle is on my side. {O-jii-cyan dake ga mikata shite kureterun da. おじいちゃんだけが味方してくれてるんだ。} Shizuku: I wonder - you have already decided your course. {Sugoi ne, moh shinro wo kimeteru nante. すごいね、もう進路を決めてるなんて。} I have no idea when I decided my course. {Watashi nanka zen-zen kentoh mo tsukanai. 私なんか全然見当もつかない。} Somehow I'm spending everyday. {Mai-nichi nanto naku sugi cyau dake. 毎日何となく過ぎちゃうだけ。} Seiji: In my case, nothing has been decided yet. {Ore datte mada ikeru tte kimaccya inain da ze. オレだってまだ行けるって決まっちゃいないんだぜ。} I'm quarreling with my parents every day. {Mai-nichi oya to kenka da mon. 毎日親とケンカだもん。} If I go on to the school, I will not be able to judge whether or not I have a talent, because I will never know unless I have put it to practice. {Iketa to shite mo Hontoh ni sainoh ga aruka yatte minai to wakaranai mon na. 行けたとしても本当に才能があるかやってみないとわからないもんな。} [They are parting.] Seiji: I will see you home. {Okutte ikanakute ii no? 送っていかなくていいの?。} Shizuku: No thank you. My home is near here. {Un.}{Moh soko dakara. うん。もうそこだから。} Bye. {Jya-ne. じゃあね。} Seiji: Hey, Tsukishima. {A, Tsukishima. あ、月島。} Shizuku: What? {Nani? なに?} Seiji: You have a talent for writing poems. {Omae sa, shi no sanoh aru yo. お前さ、誌の才能あるよ。} Although I like your "Country Roads" you sang, I like your "Concrete Road," too. {Sakki utatta nomo ii kedo, Concrete Road no hoh mo suki da ze. さっき歌ったのもいいけど、コンクリートロードの方も好きだぜ。} Shizuku: Darn it, the other day you said, "you had better not write it." {Nani yo, Kono mae wa "Yamero"tte itta kuse ni. 何よ、この前は「やめろ」って言ったくせに。} Seiji: Did I say such a thing? {Ore sonna koto ittakke? オレ、そんな事言ったっけ?。} Shizuku: You did! {Itta! 言ったァ!。} Seiji: So? {Soh ka? そうか?} [Shizuku smiles] Shizuku: Thank you. Good bye! {Kyo wa arigato. 今日はありがと。}{Sayonara! さよなら。} [Shizuku leaves.] [In the night] [Shizuku lays on her bed.] [Shio comes in the room.] Shio: Shizuku, you must switch off your light neatly. {Shizuku, stand cyan to keshi na. 雫、スタンドちゃんと消しな。} Yesterday you fell asleep without switching off the light. {Kinoh tsukeppanashi datta yo. 昨日、つけっぱなしだったよ。} [Shio lies down on her bed.] Shizuku: Shio, when did you decide your course? {O-nee-cyan, shinrotte itsu kimeta? お姉ちゃん、進路っていつ決めた?。} Shio: What? {E? え?。} Shizuku: Your course! {Shinro! 進路!。} Shio: You are going to take an exam for Suginomiya (high school), right? {Anta Suginomiya ukerunde syo? あんた杉ノ宮受けるんでしょう?。} Shizuku: That's not what I meant... {Soh jya nakutte... そうじゃなくって....} Shio: I have gone on to college looking for it. {Sore wo sagasu tame ni dai-gaku we itteru no. それを探すために大学行ってるの。} Shizuku: Hummm... {Huuun... ふーん...} Shio: Good night. {O-yasumi おやすみ。} Shizuku: Good night. {O-yasumi. おやすみ。} [Shizuku switches off the light.] [Next morning is a rainy day.] [Shizuku is running on the road.] Shizuku: Mom didn't get up because her class was canceled! {O-kaa-san teba jibun ga kyukoh dakaratte okinain dakara! お母さんてば、自分が休講だからって起きないんだから!。} [Shizuku turns at the crossing, then runs into Sugimura. They are running together.] Both: ...... Sugimura: ...Good morning. {Ohayoh. おはよう。} Shizuku: Good morning. {Ohayoh. おはよう。} Sugimura: Run faster. {Motto hayaku hashire. もっと速く走れ。} Shizuku: Go ahead. {Saki itte ii. 先行っていい。} [Sugimura leaves Shizuku.] [Shizuku stops, watching his back.] [Shizuku comes into her classroom.] Shizuku: Oh, I was in time... {Haaa, tasukattaaa... はぁ、助かったァ....。} Yuko: Shizuku, Shizuku. ... Wow, what a funny face. {Shizuku, Shizuku,...Hidoi kao ne. 雫、雫、....ひどい顔ねぇ。} Shizuku: For all you said, how quickly you got over it... {Soh iu anata wa tachi naori hayai wa ne... そう言うあんたは、立ち直り早いわねぇ。} Yuko: I heard that you have been walking with a boy from another class? {Yube yoso no class no otoko no ko to aruite tatte? 夕べよそのクラスの男の子と歩いてたって?。} [Shizuku is amazed.] Shizuku: What? Who told you such a thing? {E? え?}{Dare ga sonna koto itta no? 誰がそんな事言ったの?。} Yuko: It's a rumor. {Uwasa yo. 噂よ。} I hear that you are like a couple. {Koibito dohshi mitai datta tte. 恋人同士みたいだったって。} Shizuku: It's mistaken! {Sonnan jya nai yo. そんなんじゃないよ。} [Sugimura stands up, and comes near Shizuku and Yuko.] [Shizuku can't look him in the face.] Sugimura: Harada, I will refuse that thing for you. I'm sorry. {Harada, ano koto nanda kedo ore no hoh kara kotowattoku. 原田、あの事だけどオレの方から断わっとくよ。}{Gomen na. ごめんな。} Yuko: Thank you. And I'm sorry, too. {Uun. ううん。}{Watashi koso gomen ne. 私の方こそゴメンね。} Sugimura: You're welcome. {Ii yo. いいよ。} [In math class.] Teacher: I shall make a question for the midterm exam from this formula. Learn it well. {Kono kohshiki wa cyukan ni dasu kara ne. この公式は、中間に出すからね。}{Yoku oboe toki nasai. よく覚えときなさい。} Classmates: Booooo... {Eeeeee... えーっ。} Teacher: It's time to end. {Owari masu. 終わります。} [At lunch break] [Seiji comes to Shizuku's classroom.] Seiji: Excuse me, is Tsukishima here? {Ano sa, Tsukishima iru ka na? あのさ、月島いるかな?。} Seiji's friend: Hi Amasawa. May I help you? {Amasawa jyan. nani? 天沢じゃん。何?。} Seiji: Tsukishima is in this class, right? {Tsukishima tte kono class da ro? 月島ってこのクラスだろ?。} Friend: Tsukishima? Oh yeah. {Tsukishima? aa iru yo. 月島?あぁ、いるよ。} [The friend calls out to Shizuku.] Friend: Hey, Tsukishima! There is someone to see you! {Ooi, Tsukishima! menkai da zo! おーい、月島!面会だぞ。} WHO IS MALE. {otoko no! 男の。} [All look at Shizuku.] Friend: Look, there. {Hora, asoko da yo. ほら、あそこだよ。} Shizuku: Seiji! {Seiji-kun! 聖司くん!。} Seiji: Tsukishima, have you got a minute? {Tsukishima, cyotto ii ka na? 月島、ちょっといいかな?。} Shizuku: Ye.. Yes! {Ha..Hai! は..はいっ。} [Classmates jeer at Shizuku.] Classmates: Oh! Tsukishima has a boyfriend! {Ooo! Tsukishima ni otoko ga ita zo! おーっ、月島に男がいたぞ。} Shizuku: No! That's mistaken! {Chigau! sonnan jya nai wa yo! 違う!そんなんじゃないわよ。} [Shizuku goes to Seiji.] [All look at Shizuku and Seiji from the windows.] Shizuku: What do you want? {Nani? ittai. 何よ、いったい。} Seiji: I can go to Italy. {Italy we ikeru koto ni nattan da. イタリアへ行ける事になったんだ。} Shizuku: What? {E? え?} [Shizuku notices everyone watching them.] Shizuku: Shall we go someplace? {Acchi iko. あっち行こ。} [Shizuku and Seiji go up the stairs.] Seiji: Where are you going? {Doko we iku ki da yo? どこへ行く気だよ?。} Shizuku: The roof. {Okujyoh. 屋上。} [Shizuku and Seiji arrive on the roof. But It's raining heavily.] Shizuku: Oh... {Aaaa... あぁ....。} Seiji: This is awful. {Sugeena. すげーな。} Shizuku: Because you call me in front of many classmates. {Datte anna takusan hito ga iru tokoro de yobi dasun da mon. だって、あんなたくさん人がいるところで呼び出すんだもん。} Seiji: Sorry. {Warui. 悪い。} I wanted to tell you first. {Ichi-ban saki ni Shizuku ni oshieta kattanda. 一番先に雫に教えたかったから。} Shizuku: Although I don't mind classmates mistake us for loving each other... {Gokai sareru kurai kamawanai kedo... 誤解されるくらいかまわないけど....。} Seiji: My father at last gave in. {Oyaji ga yatto oretan da yo. 親父が、やっと折れたんだよ。} But it's on one condition. {Tadashi jyohken tsuki da kedo ne. 但し、条件付きだけどね。} Shizuku: What is the condition? {E? nani? え?何?。} Seiji: I will work on an apprenticeship for two months in an atelier that was introduced by my uncle's friend. {O-jii-cyan no tomodachi ga syohkai shite kureta atelire de ni-ka-getsu minarai wo yarun da yo. おじいちゃんの友達が紹介してくれたアトリエで、2ヶ月見習いをやるんだよ。} Shizuku: Apprenticeship? {Minarai? 見習い?。} Seiji: I will be judged competent or not by a very severe master. {Sono oyakata wa tottemo kibishii hoto nande mikomi ga aruka dohka mite kurerutte. その親方は、と手も厳しい人なんで、見込みがあるかどうか見てくれるって。} And I will understand my perseverance. {Sore ni ore jishin ga gaman dekiru ka dohkamo wakaru daroh tte sa. それにオレ自身が我慢出来るかどうかもわかるだろうってさ。} My father said that if I can't, I will go on to high school quietly. {Dame datta ra otonashiku shingaku shirotte iunda. ダメだったらおとなしく進学しろって言うんだ。} I dislike such a thing because it seems a setup for a fall. {Ore soh iu no suki jya nai yo, nigemichi tsukuttoku mitai de. オレ、そう言うの好きじゃないよ。逃げ道作ってるみたいで。} But it's a chance, so I go to Italy. {Demo chance dakara itte kuru. でもチャンスだから行ってくる。} Shizuku: When?... When will you leave? {Itsu? itsu iku no? いつ?いつ行くの?。} Seiji: As soon as I get a passport. {Passport ga tore shidai. パスポートが取れ次第。} My father and I will be deciding things with my school today. {Gakko to wa kyoh oyaji to hanashi wo tsukerunda. 学校とは、今日親父と話をつけるんだ。} Shizuku: Well...you leave soon, don't you? {Jyaa...sugu nanda. じゃあ、すぐなんだ。} Congratulations, your dream has come true. {Yokatta ne, yume ga kanatte. よかったね、夢がかなって。} Seiji: Thanks. I will do my best. {Aa, tonikaku issyohkenmei yatte miru. あぁ、とにかく一所懸命やってみる。} [Seiji looks up at the sky.] Seiji: It will stop rainning. {Ame agaru zo. 雨、上がるぞ。} Shizuku: Oh, yes. {Honto da. ほんとだ。} Wow, look there. {Waa, asoko mite. わぁ、あそこ見て。} A rainbow may appear. {Niji ga deru kamo shirenai. 虹が出るかもしれない。} Seiji: Yes. {Un. うん。} [Seiji and Shizuku run to the railing.] Shizuku: How is the town Cremona? { Cremona tte donna machi kana? クレモーナってどんな街かな?。} I hope it is a wonderful town. {Suteki na machi dato ii ne. すてきな街だといいね。} Seiji: Yes. {Un. うん。} I hear it's very historic. {Hurui machi datte. 古い街だって。} And many violin craftsmen live there. {Violin zukuri no syokunin ga takusan sunderun da. バイオリン作りの職人が、たくさん住んでるんだ。} Shizuku: You are great! {Sugoi naa. すごいなぁ。} You are advancing towards your dream. {Gungun yume ni mukatte susunde iku tte. ぐんぐん夢に向かって進んでいくって。} I'm stupid compared with you. {Atasi nanka baka mitai. あたしなんかバカみたい。} I wished to go on to the same highschool as you. {Seiji-kun to onaji kohkoh ni iketara ii naa tte. 聖司くんと同じ高校に行けたらいいなァ、って。} The level of my mind is too low, so I'm disgusted with myself. {Tende level hikukute yan naccyau ne. てんでレベル低くて、やんなっちゃうね。} Seiji: I have been aware of you from the library book cards for a long time. {Ore tosyo-card de zutto mae kara Shizuku ni ki ga tsuite itan da. オレ、図書カードでずっと前から雫に気がついていたんだ。} Didn't you notice that you and I passed many times in the library? {Tosyo-kan de nando mo surechigatta no shiranai daro? 図書館で何度もすれ違ったの知らないだろ?。} I have sat next to you. {Tonari no seki ni suwatta koto mo arunda zo. 隣の席に座った事もあるんだぞ。} Shizuku: Really? {Eeeee? えー?。} Seiji: I read many books because I wanted to record my name in book cards earlier than you. (Seiji wanted Shizuku to notice him.) {Ore omae yori saki ni tosyo card ni namae kaku tame zuibun hon yondan dakara na. オレ、お前より先に図書カードに名前書くため、ずいぶん本読んだんだからな。} [Shizuku looks at him.] Seiji: I (love you) ...I.. I will go to Italy and I will try as hard as I can to sing your song (Country or Concrete Roads). {オレ....オレ..オレ、イタリア行ったらお前のあの歌歌ってがんばるからな。} Shizuku: Me too... {Atashi mo... あたしも...。} Peeping classmates: Hey, don't push! {Osuna! baka! 押すな!バカ。} [Shizuku's classmates overflow the roof door.] [They disappear to a lower floor.] [Only Kinu and Sayo are behind the door.] Shizuku: Hey you! {Koraaaa! こらーっ。} Classmate: Oh, Tsukishima is mad! {Tsukishima ga okottaaa! 月島が怒ったァ!。} [Shizuku runs after her classmates.] [Shizuku stops at the door, and wipes her tears away.] [Shizuku doesn't notice Kinu and Sayo.] [Kinu and Sayo see Shizuku crying from just behind the door. They can't understand why Shizuku sheds tears.] [Shizuku runs after her classmates again.] [It is night] [In Shizuku's home] [Shizuku's family is eating a dinner in the dining room/kitchen.] [Shio serves rice in a bowl, and hands it to her father.] Shio: Here you are. {Hai. はい。} Father: Thank you. {Aa, suman. あぁ、すまん。} Shizuku: It was very good. {Gochisoh-sama. ごちそうさま。} [Shizuku stands up, and carries her dishes to the kitchen.] Mother: Shizuku, did you have enough? {Shizuku, moh tabe nai no? 雫、もう食べないの?} Shizuku: I have an appointment with Yuko. {Yuko to machi awase. 夕子と待合わせ。} Mother: If you go to a (railroad) station road, you will get a carton of milk. {Eki no hoh iku nara gyunyu katte kite. 駅の方行くなら、牛乳買って来て。} Shizuku: Boooo. {Eeee. えーーっ。} Shio: Because you drink too much of it. {Shizuku ga gabu-nomi shita de syo? 雫がガブ飲みしたんでしょ。} She is getting loose lately. {Konogoro tende tarunderun dakara, ano ko. この頃てんで弛んでるんだから、あの子。} [At the station, Yuko passes through a gate and goes out into the street.] [On station road, Shizuku is standing reading magazines in a convenience store.] [Yuko sees Shizuku through the window.] [Shizuku notices Yuko, and goes out into the street.] Shizuku: Sorry, did I make you cut Jyuku? {Gomen, saborashita? ごめん、サボらした?} Yuko: Don't worry. {Ii yo. いいよ。} Shizuku: My mind is in confusion. {Moh atama gujyagujya. もう頭グシャグシャ。} [Yuko and Shizuku go to Yuko's home.] Yuko's mother: Hi Shizuku. Welcome. {Ara, Shizuku-cyan irassyai. あら、雫ちゃんいらっしゃい。} Shizuku: Good evening. {Konban-wa こんばんは。} Yuko's father: Hi Yuko. {O-kaeri. おかえり。} Shizuku: Hello. {Shitsurei shimasu. 失礼します。} Yuko's mother: I made tea. Help yourselves. {O-cya ireru kara tori ni kinasai ne. お茶淹れるから取りに来なさいね。} Yuko: Yes. {Haai.} [Yuko and Shizuku go up the 2nd floor.] Yuko: I'm arguing with my father. {O-toh-san to kenka shiteru no. お父さんとケンカしてるの。} So I shall not talk to him. {Kuchi kiite yara nainda. 口きいてやらないんだ。} [In Yuko's room.] Yuko: Boys are great. {Otoko-no-ko tte sugoi naa. 男の子ってすごいなぁ。} Shizuku: Although he will come back in two months, he goes back to Italy after graduation. And he will study there for ten years. {Ni(2)-ka-getsu de modotte kite mo sotsugyoh shitara sugu modotte jyu(10)-nen kurai mukoh de syugyoh surun datte. 2ヶ月で戻って来ても卒業したらすぐ戻って10年くらい向こうで修行するんだって。} Yuko: Oh no, you are just like a widow. {Hotondo iki wakare jya nai. ほとんど生き別れじゃない。} But this is the red thread of destiny, isn't it? {Demo sa, koh iu no koso akai ito tte iun jya nai? でもさ、こういうのこそ「赤い糸」って言うんじゃない?。} How romantic! {Suteki da yo. すてきだよ。} Shizuku: He is too nice (nicer than me). {Aite ga kakko yosugiru yo. 相手がかっこよすぎるよ。} He and I have read the same books. But one had no idea, while the other has decided his course and is advancing. {Onaji hon wo yondeta no ni, katappoh wa sore dake de sa, katappoh wa shinro wo kimetete dondon susunde-ccyaunda mon. 同じ本を読んでたのに、片っ方はそれだけでさ、片っ方は進路を決めててどんどん進んでっちゃうんだもん。} Yuko: So...right. {Soh ka....soh yo ne. そうか....そうよね。} Kinu was in the same class with him in the seventh grade. {Kinu-cyan ichi-nen no toki onaji class datta jya nai? くにちゃん、一年の時同じクラスだったじゃない?。} "Although Amasawa is bluff, he is good-looking and good at work," she said. {「天沢くんてちょっととっつきにくいけどハンサムだし勉強も出来る」って言ってたわ。} Shizuku: You want to say, "he is ill-matched to me," don't you? {Dohse desu yo. どーせですよ。} Please don't say so frankly. {Soh akarasama ni iwanai de yo. そうあからさまに言わないでよ。} I feel more and more depressed. {Masumasu ochikon jyau. ますます落ち込んじゃう。} Yuko: Why? {Nande. なんで?。} If you are in love with him, there is no ploblem. {Suki nara ii jya nai. 好きならいいじゃない。} He declared his love for you, right? {Kokuhaku saretan de syo? 告白されたんでしょ?。} Shizuku: I lost confidence about that. (I might have heard it wrong.) {Sore mo jishin naku natta. それも自信なくなった。} Yuko: I don't undertand your thinking. {Atashi wakaranai. あたし、わかんない。} If I was in your place, I would write a letter every day to encourage him. {Atashi datta ra mainichi tegami kaite hagemashitari hagemasaretari suru kedo naa. あたしだったら毎日手紙書いて、励ましたり励まされたりするけどな。} Shizuku: Someone who tries as little as me can't say "stick out" to him. {Jibun yori zutto ganbatteru yatsu ni "ganbare" nante ienai mon. 自分よりがんばってるやつに「がんばれ」なんて言えないもん。} Yuko: I don't think so. {Soh ka naa? そうかなァ?。} I'm listening to your mind, but I don't see your intentions. {Shizuku no kiiteru to sa, aite to doh naritai no ka wakaranai yo. 雫の聞いてるとさ、相手とどうなりたいのかわかんないよ。} Can't a student who hasn't yet decided her course be in love? {Shinro ga kimatte nai to koi mo dekinai wake? 進路が決まってないと恋も出来ないわけ?。} You have a talent, too. {Shizuku datte sainoh aru jya nai. 雫だって才能あるじゃない。} Your translation of "Country Roads" is popular among the junior class. {Country Road no yakushi nanka koh-hai tachi oh-yorokobi shiteru mono. "Country Road"の訳詞なんか後輩たち大喜びしてるもの。} You can say your mind frankly, unlike me. {Atashi to chigatte jibun no koto hakkiri ieru shi sa.あたしと違って自分のことはっきり言えるしさ。} Shizuku: "There are many people like me." {"Sore kurai no yatsu takusan iru yo". 「それくらいのやつたくさんいるよ。」} Yuko: What? {E? え?} Shizuku: No. He said so. {Uun. ううん。}{Aitsu ga itta no. あいつが言ったの。} He goes to Italy to prove his talent to himself. {Aitsu wa jibun no sainoh wo tashikame ni iku no. あいつは自分の才能を確かめに行くの。} So I will try also. {Dattara atashi mo yatte miru. だったらあたしもやってみる。} I've decided now. I shall write a story. {Kimeta. 決めた。}{Atashi monogatari wo kaku. あたし物語を書く。} I have a story that I want to write. {Kakitai mono ga aru no. 書きたいものがあるの。} If he tries, I will too. {Aitsu ga yaru nara atashi mo yatte miru. あいつがやるならあたしもやってみる。} Yuko: But there is a midterm exam soon. {Demo moh jiki cyukan da yo. でももうじき中間だよ。} Shizuku: I know. {Ii no. いいの。} Thank you, Yuko. {Yuko arigatoh. 夕子、ありがとう。} Somehow I am cheered up. {Nandaka chikara ga waite kita. 何だか力が湧いて来た。} Yuko: Are you going home? {Kaeru? 帰る?} Shizuku: Yes. {Un. うん。} [Shizuku stands up.] [Shizuku and Yuko go down to the ground floor.] Shizuku: I must be going now. {O-jyama shimashita. お邪魔しました。} Yuko's mother: Say hello to your mother. {O-kaa-san ni yoroshiku ne. お母さんによろしくね。} Shizuku: Yes. {Hai. はい。} [At the gate.] Shizuku: Good luck, Yuko. {Yuko mo ganbatte ne. 夕子もがんばってね。} I'm sure that Sugimura will notice your charm. {Yuko no yosa sugimura nimo wakaru yo. 夕子の良さ、杉村にもわかるよ。} Bye. {Sayonara. さよなら。} Yuko: Bye. {Sayonara. さよなら。} [Shizuku walks in a residential area.] Shizuku: Right! It's an easy thing. {Sohka, kantan na koto nanda. そうか、簡単な事だったんだ。} I have only to do something, too. {Atashi mo yare ba iin da. あたしもやればいいんだ。} [Moon crosses on the road.] Shizuku: Moon... [Moon glances at Shizuku and disappears.] [A girl who is about 7 years old goes into the road.] Girl: Boota! Boota!... Mom, Boota has gone again. {O-kaa-san, Boota mata iccyatta yo. おかあさん、ぶー太また行っちゃったよ。} Boota!... Shizuku: One of his other names is Boota? {Boota datte. ブー太だって。} [One day, Shizuku calls on Nishi at Chikyu-ya.] [Nishi and Shizuku sit at the table.] Nishi: Well, you will make the Baron a hero in your story? {Hoh, Baron wo syujinkoh ni? ほう、バロンを主人公に?。} Shizuku: Would you mind giving me permisson? {O-yurushi wo itadake masuka? お許しをいただけますか?。} Because I heard from Seiji that this doll is your treasure. {Seiji-kun kara kono O-ningyoh ga O-jii-san no takara mono da to ukagatta mono desukara. 聖司くんから、このお人形がおじいさんの宝物だと伺ったものですから。} Nishi: So you took the trouble to come to me? {Sore de wazawaza? それでわざわざ?。} Of course. {Ii desu tomo. いいですとも。} But I have a condition for you. {Tadashi jyohken ga hitotsu aru. 但し条件が一つある。} Shizuku: Yes... {Hai... はい...} Nishi: You will allow me to be the first reader of your story. {Boku wo Shizuku-san no monogatari no saisyo no dokusya ni suru koto. 僕を雫さんの物語の最初の読者にする事。} Shizuku: Well... {A..ano. あ、あの...} Nishi: What do you think? {Doh desu ka na. どうですかな?。} Shizuku: Must I show it to you? {Yappari misenakya dame desu ka? やっぱり見せないとダメですか?。} I don't know yet that I can write a good story. {Datte cyanto kakeru ka doh ka mada wakaranai kara. だってちゃんと出来るかどうかわからないから。} Nishi: We craftsmen are the same as you, too. {Sore wa watashi-tachi syokunin mo onaji desu. それは私達職人も同じです。} We must not wish perfection from the begining. {Hajime kara kanpeki nante kitai shicya ikenai. 初めから完璧なんて期待しちゃいけない。} Well, may I show you something? {Sohda, ii mono wo misete ageyoh kana. そうだ、いい物を見せてあげようかな。} [Nishi stands up, and goes and gets a stone.] Nishi: This one. {Kore kore. これこれ。} Look. {Mite goran. 見てごらん。} [Nishi hands Shizuku the stone.] Nishi: This is a stone that is called Lapis Lazuli. {Unmo-hengan to iu ishi nandaga ne. 雲母変岩と言う石なんだがね。} Look at that split. {Sono wareme wo nozoite goran. その割れ目を覗いてごらん。} Yes, so... {Soh, sho shite... そう、そうして...} [Shizuku looks at the split.] [Nishi takes a small flashlight from his pocket, and shines the light behind the stone.] Shizuku: Wow.. beautiful... {Waa, kirei... わぁ きれい。} [Small crystals in the split glitter in a rainbow color.] Nishi: That is beryl. And it includes the raw ore of an emerald. {Ryokucyu-seki to itte ne. 緑中石と言ってね。}{Emerald no genseki ga hukumarete irunda yo. エメラルドの原石が含まれているんだよ。} Shizuku: An emerald....is in juelly? {Emerald tte hohseki no? エメラルドって、宝石の?。} Nishi: You and Seiji are just like the stone. {Shizuku-san mo Seiji mo sono ishi mitai na mono da. 雫さんも聖司もその石みたいなものだ。} It's a natural stone without polishing. {Mada migaite nai shizen no mama no ishi. まだ磨かれてない自然のままの石。} I like those (without polishing). {Watashi wa sono mama demo totemo suki da ga ne. 私は、そのままでもとても好きだがね。} But to make a violin and to write a story are two diffrent things. {Shikasi violin wo tsukuttari monogatari wo kaku to iu no wa chigaun da. しかし、バイオリンを作ったり物語を書くと言うのは、違うんだ。} What takes a long time is to find the raw ore in yourself and polish it. {Jibun no naka ni genseki wo mitsukete jikan wo kakete migaku koto nanda. 自分の中に原石を見つけて、時間をかけて磨くことなんだ。} It's a work that takes a lot of time and labor. {Tema no kakaru shigoto da. 手間のかかる仕事だ。} The biggest raw ore is within the stone, isn't it? {Sono ishi no ichi-ban ohkina genseki ga aru de syoh? その石の一番大きな原石があるでしょう?。} Shizuku: Yes. {Hai. はい。} Nishi: If one polished the stone, it would become worthless. {Jitsu ha sore wa migaku to kaette tsumaranai mono ni natte shimau ishi nanda. 実はそれは、磨くと却ってつまらないものになってしまう石なんだ。} A small stone in the depths is purer than this. {Motto oku no chiisai mono no hoh ga zyundo ga takai. もっと奥の小さな物の方が、純度が高い。} Well, there may be more pure raw ore in the depths. {Iya, soto kara mienai tokoro ni motto ii genseki ga aru kamo shirenainda. いや、外から見えないところにもっといい原石があるかもしれないんだ。} Oh, I'm sorry that an old man likes to lecture. {Iyaaa, ikan ikan, toshi wo toru to sekkyoh kusakute ikan naa. いやぁ、いかんいかん、歳を取ると説教臭くていかんなァ。} Shizuku: I am filled with anxiety because I don't know if I have such a beautiful crystal. {jibun ni konna kirei na kessyoh ga arunoka dohka totemo kowaku naccyatta. 自分にこんなきれいな結晶があるのかどうかとても恐くなっちゃった。} But I'd like to write a story. {Demo kakitain desu. でも書きたいんです。} If I finish, I will surely show you the story first. {Kaitara kitto o-jii-san ni saisyo ni o-mise shimasu. かいたらきっと、おじいさんに最初にお見せします。} Nishi: Thank you. I'm looking forward to reading it. {Arigatoh. ありがとう。}{Tanoshimi ni matte masu yo. 楽しみに待ってますよ。} [Shizuku leaves Chikyu-ya, and walks down the road.] Shizuku: A raw ore...the vein of ore of Lapis Lazuli... {Genseki...LapisLazuli no kohmyaku... 原石...ラピスラズリの鉱脈...} [The image flashes into her mind.] [Shizuku imagines herself on the top of a tower.] Baron: Now, I will accompany you for an adventure in search of a vein of Lapis Lazuli. {Iza, o-tomo tsukamatsuran, LapisLazuli no kohmyaku wo sagasu tabi ni. いざお供つかまつらん、ラピスラズリの鉱脈を探す旅に。} Don't fear. Space is distorted on a new moon day. {Osoreru koto wa nai. 恐れることはない。}{Shingetsu no hi wa kuukan ga hizumu. 新月の日は、空間が歪む。} Distant things look big, and nearby things look small. {Toh-i mono wa ohkiku, chikai mono wa chiisaku mieru dake no koto. 遠い物は大きく、近くの物は小さく見えるだけのこと。} Let's fly! {Toboh! 飛ぼう!} Catch the ascending current! {Jyohsyoh kiryu wo tsukamun da. 上昇気流をつかむんだ。} [Some small planets crowd the adventurers.] Baron: We must hurry. {Isoganeba. いぞがねば。} Small planets are crowding. {Syoh waksei ga atsumatte kita. 小惑星が集まって来た。} [Shizuku and Baron jump from the tower hand in hand.] [They fall down, then float in the sky.] [They are flying.] Baron: Good. We have a current. {Iizo.いいぞ。}{Kiryu ni notta. 気流に乗った。} Let's fly over that tower. {Kono mama ano toh wo ikki ni kosoh. このままあの塔を一気に越そう。} Shizuku: Fly so high? {Anna ni takaku? あんなに高く?。} Baron: It's nothing serious. The tower only looks high. {Naani chikazukeba sorehodo no koto wa nai sa. 何、近づけばそれ程のことはないさ。} [Shizuku returns to the real world, and goes down the steep stairs.] Shizuku: Fly high without fear! {Ikoh, osorezu ni. 行こう、恐れずに。} When an afternoon current is in disorder, our hands will reach the stars in the sky. {Gogo no kiryu ga midareru toki, hoshi nimo te ga todokoh. 午後の気流が乱れる時、星にも手が届こう。} [In the city library.] [Shizuku's father sees Shizuku selecting books.] Father: Heavens. {Aree. あれぇ?} Gee, it's rare. {Hee, mezurashii na. へぇ、珍しいな。} Shizuku is looking for books without stories. {Shizuku ga monogatari igai no hon wo sagashite iru nante. 雫が物語以外の本を探しているなんて。} [Shizuku carries some books to a table.] [Shizuku looks at some books. They are an illustrated book about ore, a cat folklore book, and a book about violin history.] [Shizuku opens one book, and finds a woodblock.] Shizuku: This man is making a violin at a prison... {Kono hito rohya de violin tsukutterun da. この人、牢屋でヴァイオリン作ってるんだ。} [Shizuku takes notes.] [Someone sits down in front of Shizuku.] [Shizuku looks up.] Shizuku: Seiji! {Seiji-kun! 聖司くん!} I thought that you'd left. {Moh iccyatta no ka to omotta. もう行っちゃったのかと思った。} Seiji: I expected to find you here because my uncle told me what you're doing. {O-jii-cyan ni kiite koko jya naika to omottan da. おじいちゃんに聞いてここじゃないかと思ったんだ。} I'm glad to see you. {Aete yokatta. 会えてよかった。} I will leave here tomorrow. {Ashita iku. 明日行く。} Shizuku: Tomorrow... {Ashita... 明日...} Seiji: Go on. I will wait for you until you finish your work. {Ii yo. いいよ。}{Shizuku ga owaru made koko de matteru. 雫が終わるまでここで待ってる。} [Seiji shows Shizuku a book.] [Shizuku smiles.] [The entrance to the city library in the evening.] Seiji: I'm sorry that I can't see you. {Okurenakute gomen na. 送れなくてごめんな。} Shizuku: No. I was glad that you came to me. {Uun.ううん。}{Kitekurete totemo ureshi katta. 来てくれてとてもうれしかった。} Although I can't see you, I'm waiting for you to come back. {Miokuri ni wa ikenai kedo, kaeri wo matteru ne. 見送りには行けないけど、帰りを待ってるね。} Seiji: Thanks. Only two months. {Un. うん。}{Tatta ni(2)-ka-getsu sa. たった2ヶ月さ。} Shizuku: I'm sorry that I complained. {Watashi naki goto bakari itte gomen ne. 私、泣き言ばかり言ってごめんね。} I will do my best, too. {Watashi mo ganbaru ne. 私もがんばるね。} Seiji: Well, I go. {Jya, itte kuru. じゃ、行って来る。} [Seiji leaves on his bicycle.] Shizuku: Bye. {Itterassyai! いってらっしゃい。} [Seiji waves to Shizuku.] [In Shizuku's imagination.] Baron: Louise, who is my fiancee, and I were born in the town of a far away foreign country. {Watashi to konyaku-sya no Louese wa toh-i ikoku no machi ni umareta. 私と婚約者のルイーゼは、遠い異国の街に生まれた。} Magic was still alive in the town, and studios of craftsmen who were descendants of wizards lined the street. {Sono machi ni wa mada mahoh ga ikite ite, mahoh-tsukai no chi wo hiku syokunin tachi ga kohboh wo tsuranete ita mono datta. その街にはまだ魔法が生きていて、魔法使いの血を引く職人達が、工房を連ねていた物だった。} We were made by a poor apprentice doll craftsman. {Watashi tachi wo tsukutta no wa minarai no mazushii ningyoh-zukuri datta. 私達を作ったのは、見習いの貧しい人形作りだった。} But Louise and I were happy. {Shikashi Louese to watashi wa shiawase datta. しかしルイーゼと私は、幸せだった。} Because he put his heart into us. {Kare ga hito wo aisuru omoi wo komete kureta kara. 彼が、人を愛する想いを込めてくれたから。} But... {Tokoro ga... ところが...} [Shizuku returns to the real world.] [Somebody is calling Shizuku.] Yuko: Shizuku...Shizuku...Shizuku! {雫...雫...雫!} [Shizuku comes to herself.] [In a class on Japanese.] Teacher: Are you OK? Tsukishima. {Dohshitan da, Tsukishima! どうしたんだ、月島!} [Shizuku stands up.] Shizuku: I'm sorry that I have not listened. {Wakarimasen, kiite masen deshita. わかりません。聞いてませんでした。} Teacher: Get control of yourself! {Shikkari shiro yo. しっかりしろよ。} Now is the most important time for you. {Daiji na toki da zo. 大事な時だぞ。} Shizuku: I see. {Sumimasen. すみません。} Teacher: Harada, read for her. {Harada, kawari ni yome. 原田、代わりに読め。} [During lunch break.] [Shizuku and Yuko are on a bench.] Yuko: What? You have stayed up till four o'clock again? {Eeee! えぇぇぇっ。}{Mata yo-ji made okiteta no? また4時まで起きてたの?。} Shizuku: I don't mind. I don't become sleepy. {Heiki da yo. 平気だよ。}{Zenzen nemuku naranai mon. 全然眠くならないもん。} Yuko: Yet, you are dreaming absently sometimes. {Demo sa, Shizuku, konogoro bohhhtto shiteru koto oh-i yo. でもさ、雫、この頃ぼーっとしてること多いよ。} A little while ago, too. {Sakki datte. さっきだって} Shizuku: I was only thinking hard. {Kangae kondeta dake yo. 考え込んでただけよ。} I have many ideas, so they haven't been well organized. {Kakitai koto ga ari sugite matomara nain da. 書きたいことがあり過ぎてまとまらないんだ。} [Shizuku stops eating.] Shizuku: I don't have any kind of appetite. {Nanka syokuyoku nai. なんだか、食欲ない。} [Shizuku returns home, and is writing the story at her desk.] [Mother comes home.] Mother: Shizuku? You are home? {Shizuku? 雫?}{Irunjya nai. いるんじゃない。} Oh, you didn't turn on the lights, did you? {Yaane, akari mo tsuke nai de. やぁね、明かりも点けないで。} Oh, you should have taken in the wash. {Aaa, sentaku mono kurai shimatte kurereba ii no ni. あぁ、洗濯物くらいしまってくれればいいのに。} Hey Shizuku, come here! {Shizuku, cyotto kinasai, Shizuku! 雫、ちょっと来なさい、雫!。} [Shizuku bangs the door of her room.] [During the dinner] [Shizuku's mother and father are dining.] Father: Is Shizuku here? Is she home? {Shizuku wa? 雫は?}{Irunda ro? いるんだろ?} Mother: She said "I don't want to eat." {Hoshiku nai tte. 欲しくないって。} [A few days later.] [Mother is called out to Shizuku's school.] Teacher: I have been waiting for you. {O-machi shite mashita. お待ちしてました。} Mother: I'm sorry to trouble you. {O-tesuu o-kake shimasu. お手数お掛けします。} Teacher (speaking to another teacher): Is the guidance counseling room vacant? {Shinro shidoh shitsu aiteru daro? 進路指導室空いてるだろ?} Other teacher: Yes. {Aa. あぁ。} Teacher: Please follow me. {Dohzo. どうぞ。} [Mother comes home.] [Shio is inputting text at the dining room table.] Mother: Hi. {Tadaima. ただいま。} Shio: Hi. {Okaeri nasai. おかえりなさい。} Mother: You came home early, didn't you? {Kyoh wa hayai no ne, Shio. 今日は早いのね、汐。} Boy, am I tired! {Haa, tsukate ta! はぁ、疲れたァ。} [Mother sits down at the table.] Shio: Coffee? {Coffee nomu? コーヒー飲む?} Mother: Thank you. {Tanomu wa. 頼むわ。} [Shio makes her mother some coffee.] Shio: Mom, I have something talk over with you. {O-kaa-san, cyotto sohdan ga arunda kedo. お母さん、ちょっと相談があるんだけど。} Mother: What? {Naani? なぁに?。} Shio: I'm thinking about moving out on my own. {Watashi ie deyoh to omoun da. 私、家を出ようと思うんだ。} [Mother looks at Shio.] Shio: I have already found new apartment. {Moh heya mitsukete aru no. もう部屋見つけてあるの。} Mother: Yet, it will cost you a lot, won't it? {Demo okane kakarun de syoh? でもお金かかるんでしょう?。} Shio: Don't worry, I kept my savings from a part-time job. {Dai-jyohbu, Baito de tameta shi. 大丈夫、バイトで貯めたし。} And I found new part-time job teaching at Jyuku. {Jyuku no sensei no kuchi mitsuketa kara. 塾の先生の口、見つけたから。} Mother: Well...I'm sorry that I made you help. {Sohkaa...Shio ni wa tetsudai bakari yarase ccyatta mon ne. そうかぁ...汐には手伝いばかりやらせちゃったもんね。} Good luck to you, I will tell father about it. {Ganbari na, O-toh-san ni wa hanashi to ku. がんばりな。お父さんには話しとく。} Shio: Really? I'm glad. {honto? ホント?}{Ureshii. うれしい。} Mother: Although we have a lot of expences for one thing or another, I can work after graduation and help you financially. {Haru made wa nanika to mono iri dakedo, sotsugyoh shitara atashi mo hatarakeru kara, soshitara sukoshi wa oh-en suru ne. 春までは何かと物入りだけど、卒業したら私も働けるから、そしたら少しは応援するね。} Shio: Thank you, I hope. {Un, kitai shiteru. うん、期待してる。} Sorry, you are busy with your master's dissertation. {Gomen ne, syusi ronbun de isogashii toki ni. ごめんね、修士論文で忙しい時に。} Mother: Thank you. {Arigato. ありがと。} I'm very grateful for you helping me to sort out my data. {Data no seiri tetsudatte kureta dake de dai-kansya shiteru. データの整理手伝ってくれただけで、大感謝してる。} Shio: With more room, Shizuku will concentlate on her studies. She seems strange lately. {Heya ga hiroku natte Shizuku mo sukoshi wa benkyoh ni syucyu dekiru yo. 部屋が広くなって雫も少しは勉強に集中出来るよ。}{Ano ko konogoro hen da mono. あの子、この頃変だもの。} Mother: You think so? {Yappari soh omou? やっぱりそう思う?。} I was called to her school today. {Kyoh gakkoh ni yobidasareta no. 今日、学校に呼び出されたの。} Look at this. {Kore mite. これ見て。} [Mother shows Shio Shizuku's grade on the midterm exam.] Shio: What is this?.... {Nani kore? 何、これ?} Unbelievable! She dropped her one hundred places in the ranking! {Shinji ran nai! 信じられない!}{Hyaku(100)-ban mo okkotoshiteru jya nai! 100番も落っことしてるじゃない!。} Mother: I really wonder what she's doing at the desk lately... {Ano ko tsukue ni kajiritsiite nani yatteru no kashira ne... あの子、机にかじりついて何やってるのかしらね...} [In the evening.] [Father comes home.] [on the stairs, father passes a neighboring woman.] Father: Good evening. {Konban wa. こんばんは。} Woman: Hello. {O-kaeri nasai. おかえりなさい。} [Father makes way for her.] Thank you. {Suimasen ne. すいませんね。} [Father opens the door, then hears his daughters arguing.] Shio: What high school on earth can you go to with such a grade? {Anna seiseki de ittai donna koh-koh ni iku tsumori? あんな成績でいったいどんな高校に行くつもり?。} Shizuku: Don't worry, I have no intention of going on to a high school. {Ii wa yo, koh-koh nanka ikanai kara. いいわよ、高校なんか行かないから。} Shio: Not go on to a high school? Never underestimate the world! {Koh-koh ikanai? 高校行かない?}{Yo no naka amaku mirunjya nai wa yo! 世の中甘く見るんじゃないわよ!} How can you make a living only graduating from junior high school? {Cyu-gaku deta dake de doh yatte iku ki?中学出ただけでどうやっていく気?。} Shizuku: I decided my life! (My course is decided by me!) {Jibun no shinro kurai jibun de kimeru yo! 自分の進路くらい自分で決めるよ!} Shio: None of your cheek! {Namaiki iunjya nai no! 生意気言うんじゃないの!} You are only escaping from reality. {Shizuku no wa tada no genjitsu toh-hi da yo. 雫のは、ただの現実逃避だよ。} You know that school recommendations are decided based on midterms, don't you? {Ni-gakki de naishin kimaru no wakatteru de syo? 2学期で内申決まるの、わかってるでしょ?} Shizuku: Is to study so important? {Benkyo suru no ga sonna ni erai wake?勉強するのが、そんなに偉いわけ?} You got into college, and only work part-time. {O-nee-cyan datte daigaku haittara baito shika shite nai jya nai. お姉ちゃんだって大学入ってからバイトしかしていないじゃない。} Shio: I have done what I had to. {Watashi wa yaru beki koto wa yatteru wa. 私は、やるべきことはやってるわ。} It's you that have escaped from things. {Ima yaranakya ikenai koto kara nigeteru no wa Shizuku de syo! 今やらなきゃいけないことから逃げているのは、雫でしょ!} Don't you notice it? {Sore ga wakaranai? それがわからない?} Shizuku: I have not escaped. {Nigete nanka inai. 逃げてなんかいない。} I have a more important thing. {Motto daiji na koto ga arun dakara. もっと大事なことが、あるんだから。} Shio: What is the important thing? {Daiji na koto tte nani yo? 大事なことって何よ?} Say frankly! {Hakkiri itte goran! はっきり言ってごらん!} Father: Shio, Shizuku, stop it now. {Shio, Shizuku, moh yame nasai. 汐、雫、もうやめなさい。} Shio: Dad, she is terrible. {Datte o-toh-san, Shizuku ttara hidoi no yo. だってお父さん、雫ったらひどいのよ。} Father: Well, both, come here and give me an explanation. {Un, hutari tomo kocchi we kite wake wo hanashite goran. うん、二人ともこっちへ来て訳を話してごらん。} Shizuku, change your clothes. {Shizuku, cyanto huku wo kigaete oide. 雫、ちゃんと服を着替えておいで。} Shio: Hurry up. {Hayaku shina. 早くしな。} [Father and Shio leave the room.] [Shizuku stands up and changes her clothes.] [Father, Shio and Shizuku are at the dining room table.] Father: I see. Shio is right. {Naruhodo. なるほど。}{Shizuku, Shio no itta tohri da yo. 雫、汐の言った通りだよ。} Shizuku: I don't think that an exam is insignificant! {Test ga doh demo ii nante omotte nai! テストがどうでもいいなんて思ってない。} Shio: "Not go on to a high school," you said a little while ago. {Sakki "Koh-koh ikanai"tte itta jya nai. さっき「高校行かない」って言ったじゃない。} Shizuku: Because you said "you can't go anywhere (high school)!" {Datte o-nee-cyan ga "doko we mo ikenai"tte itta! だってお姉ちゃんが「どこへも行けない」って言った。} Father: Shio, I will talk with Shizuku, so leave for a while. {Shio, Shizuku to hutari de hanashi wo shitai kara seki wo hazushite kure nai ka? 汐、雫と二人で話をしたいから、席を外してくれないか。} Shio: I see. {Hai. はい。} Father: Where is mother? {母さんは?} Shio: She is at Mr.Tanaka's. {田中さんとこ。} [Shio goes out.] [Mother comes home.] Mother: Hi. {Tadaima. ただいま。} Shio: Hi. {O-kaeri nasai. お帰りなさい。} Dad, Mom's home. {O-kaa-san お母さん。} Mother: Father is home? {O-toh-san kaetten no? お父さん、帰ってんの?} Shio: Yes. {Un. うん。} Father: Mother, will you come here? {Kaa-san mo koko we kite kure nai ka? 母さんもここへ来てくれないか?} I heard about Shizuku from Shio. {Shizuku no koto Shio kara kiita toko nanda. 雫のこと、汐から聞いたとこなんだ。} Mother: Yes. {Hai. はい。} [Mother sits down next to father.] Father: Well, Shizuku. {Sate, Shizuku. さて、雫。} Is anything that you are doing now more important than studing? {Ima Shizuku ga yatte iru koto wa benkyoh rori taisetsu na koto nano ka? 今雫がやっていることは、勉強より大切な事なのか?} [Shizuku nods.] Father: Will you tell me what are you doing? {Nani wo yatte iru ka hanashite kure nai ka? 何をやっているか話してくれないか?} Shizuku: In time I will tell you. {Ieru toki ga kitara iu. 言える時が来たら、言う。} Mother: Shizuku, do you have to do it now? {Shizuku, sorette ima sugu yaranakya ikenai koto nano? 雫、それって今やらなきゃいけない事なの?} Shizuku: I have no time. {Jikan ga nai no. 時間がないの。} I have to do it within three weeks. {Aro san(3)-syukan no uchi ni yaranai to. あと3週間のうちにやらないと。} Because I decided that I will test myself. {Atashi sono aida ni jibun wo tamesu tte kimetan dakara. 私、その間に自分を試すって決めたんだから。} I shall do it. (I have to do.) {Yaranakya. やらなきゃ。} Mother: What is "the test?" {Tamesu tte nani yo? 試すって、何よ?} What are you testing? {Nani wo tameshite iru no? 何を試しているの?} Shizuku: .... Mother: If you keep silent, we will not understand. {Damatte cya wakara nai de syo. 黙ってちゃわからないでしょ。} Is it a thing that you can't tell us? {O-toh-san ya o-kaa-san ni wa ienai koto nano? お父さんやお母さんには言えない事なの?} [Father lights a cigarette.] Mother: Darling! {Anata! あなた!} Father: Oh, sorry. I'm careless. {Aa, suman. あ、すまん。}{Tsui na. ついな。} [Father puts out a cigarette.] Father: I saw her doing hard work in the library. {Shizuku ga tosyo-kan de nani ka issyohkenmei yatteru no miterushi naa. 雫が図書館で何か一生懸命やってるの、見てるしなァ。} I have admired her. {Kanshin shitetan da yo. 感心してたんだよ。} Mother, will you let her do as she wishes? {Shizuku no shitai yoh ni sase yoh ka? kaa-san. 雫のしたいようにやらせようか?母さん。} [Shizuku looks at her father.] Father: There is not only one way of living. {Hitotsu shika ikikata ga nai wake jya nai shi. 一つしか生き方がないわけじゃないし。} Mother: Well, I had some experiences like hers, too... {Soryaa, Watashi ni mo mi ni oboe no hitotsu ya hutatsu aru kedo.そりゃぁ、私にも身に覚えの一つや二つあるけど。} Father: All right, Shizuku. {Yoshi, Shizuku. よし、雫。} You can do as you believe. {Jibun no shinjiru tohri yatte goran. 自分の信じる通り、やってごらん。} But the way that is different from others is hard in its own way. {Demo na, hito to chigau iki kata wa sorenari ni shindoi zo. でもな、人と違う生き方は、それなりにしんどいぞ。} If you have any difficulty, you will have to hold yourself responsible. {Nani ga okite mo dare no sei ni mo deki nai kara ne. 何が起きても誰のせいにも出来ないからね。} Mother: And show up punctually for dinner. {Sorekara gihan no toki wa cyanto kao wo dashina sai. それから食事の時は、ちゃんと顔を出しなさい。} Father: Right. We are a family. {Soh da, kazoku nanda kara ne. そうだ。家族なんだからね。} Shizuku: Yes, I will. {Hai. はい。} Father: Call Shio. {Shio wo yonde kite. 汐を呼んで来て。} Mother: I will make some tea. {O-cya ireru wa. お茶、淹れるわ。} Father: Thank you. {Un.} [At night, in Shizuku and Shiho's room.] [Shio is on her bed. Shizuku is writing at her desk.] Shio: Shizuku, no matter what dad says, he truly hopes that you work. {Shizuku, o-toh-san aa itteru kedo, honto wa benkyo shite hoshii to omoteerun da kara ne. 雫、お父さん、あぁ言ってるけど、ほんとは勉強して欲しいと思ってるんだからね。} Shizuku: I know. It's written on his back. {Wakatteru. わかってる。}{Senaka ni kaite aru mon. 背中に書いてあるもん。} Shio: I'm planning to move out next Sunday. {Atashi kondo no nichiyoh ni hikkosu kara ne. 私、今度の日曜に引っ越すからね。} You will have this room to yourself. {Heya hitori de tsukaeru yo. 部屋、一人で使えるよ。} Shizuku: Are you going to become independent? {O-nee-cyan ie deru no? お姉ちゃん、家出るの?} Shio: Yes. Hang in there. {Soh. そう。}{Shikkari yanna. しっかりやんな。} [In Shizuku's dream.] [Shizuku is running in the dark.] Baron (only voice): Hurry up! {Hayaku, hayaku, hayaku! 早く!早く!早く!} [Shizuku goes into a cave. Many jewels are on the walls, ceiling and floor.] Baron: There is only one real Lapis Lazuli. {Honmono wa hitotsu dake da. 本物は、一つだけだ。} Shizuku: Which? Which is the real stone? {Dore? dore ga honmono? どれ? どれが本物?} Baron: Hurry up! {Hayaku, hayaku, hayaku! 早く!早く!早く!} [Some stones shine. Shizuku selects one, and pulls it free.] [But the stone becomes a dead chick in her hands.] [Shizuku shrieks.] [Shizuku wakes up at her desk.] [Shizuku's work (writing the story) is progressing slowly.] [Shizuku lies down on the floor (a tatami mat).] [Shizuku opens a book.] [Shizuku finds the woodblock print in the book. It is "A craftsman who is making a violin at a prison."] [The print reminds Shizuku of Seiji.] [Shizuku is moved to tears, and puts her face down on the floor.] [A few days later. (It's one day before Seiji comes back.)] [In Chikyu-ya.] [Nishi is asleep at his rocking chair.] [Nishi hears a noise of the door opening.] [Nishi sees a beautiful young woman standing at the entrance.] [She was Louise who was his fiancee.] Nishi: Louise, you came here for me, didn't you? {Louese, kite kureta no ka. ルイーゼ、来てくれたのか。} I became such a old man. {Watashi wa moh sukkari toshi wo totte shimatta yo. 私はもう、すっかり歳を取ってしまったよ。} [She stretches out her arms, and they joins hands.] [Collapsing firewood in the fireplace wakes Nishi up.] [Nishi sighs.] [Nishi hears the noise of the door opning again.] [Nishi sees Shizuku.] Nishi: Shizuku, please come in. {Shizuku-san, saa dohzo. 雫さん、さぁどうぞ。} Oh, I have fallen asleep. {Iyaa, sukkari nemutte shimatta. いやぁ、すっかり眠ってしまった。} Shizuku: I'm sorry. Well, I finished writing my story and brought it to you. {Suimasen. すいません。}{Ano, monogatari wo kaite kita node motte kimashita. あの、物語を書いて来たので、持って来ました。} Nishi: Oh, it is finished, is it? {Hou, sorede dekitan desu ne? ほう、それで、出来たんですね?} Shizuku: This is the promise to you. {Yakusoku desu. 約束です。} Would you become the first reader of my work? {Saisyo no dokusya ni natte kudasai. 最初の読者になって下さい。} [Nishi receives the story notebook from Shizuku.] Nishi: This is a novel! {kore wa dai-cyoh-hen da! これは、大長編だ。} On the cover; "Whisper of the Heart"     耳をすませば "--The story the Baron gave me--"   バロンのくれた物語 "by Shizuku Tsukishima"     月島 雫 Shizuku: Well, would you read it now if possible? {Ano, ima sugu yonde itadake masen ka? あの、今すぐ読んでいただけませんか?} I can wait for hours. {Nan jikan demo matte masu kara. 何時間でも待ってますから。} Nishi: But I would like to take enough time to read it. {Shikashi sekkaku no sakuhin dakara jikan wo kakete yomitai ga naa. しかしせっかくの作品だから、時間をかけて読みたいがなァ。} Shizuku: If the story is dull, you can stop reading. {Tsumarana kattara, sugu yamete iin desu. つまらなかったら、すぐ止めていいんです。} Well, if it is not inconvenient for you,... {Ie, go-meiwaku de nakattara, ano... いえ、ご迷惑でなかったら、あの...} My heart is pounding, so... {Dokidoki shite totemo... ドキドキしてとても...} Nishi: ...I see. {...Wakari mashita. わかりました。} I will read it now. {Sugu yomasete morai masu. すぐ読ませていただきます。} [Nishi puts firewood into the fireplace.] Nishi: Come next to the fireplace. {Saa, hi no soba we. さぁ、火のそばへ。} It's cold today. {Kyoh wa hie comu. 今日は冷える。} [Nishi turns the "OPEN" plate on the door to "CLOSED".] Nishi: This way nobody will interrupt us. {Korede jyama mono wa konai. これで邪魔者は来ない。} Shizuku: Well, might I wait downstairs? {Ano, Atashi shita no heya de mattecya dame de syoh ka?あの、私、下の部屋で待ってちゃだめでしょうか?} Nishi: What? {Un? うん?} Shizuku: I'm all right. {Heiki desu. 平気です。} I'm not cold at all. {Chittomo samuku arimasen. ちっとも寒くありません。} Nishi: Sure...but... {Kamawan ga...shikashi... かまわんが...しかし...} [Shizuku goes downstairs.] [Shizuku looks at Seiji's workbench, remembering him.] [Shizuku goes out onto the terrace and looks at the view of the town at dusk. Her hands are shaking.] [A few hours later.] [The light turns on downstairs.] [Nishi goes out onto the terrace. Shizuku is there, crouching down. Moon is next to her.] Nishi: Oh, you are at such a place... {Konna tokoro de... こんなところで} Shizuku, I finished reading. {Shizuku-san, yomi mashita yo. 雫さん、読みましたよ。} [Shizuku looks up.] Nishi: Thank you. {Arigatoh. ありがとう。} It's very nice. {Totemo yokatta. とても良かった。} [Shizuku stands up suddenly.] Shizuku: Untrue. It's untrue! {Uso. うそ。}{Uso! うそ!} Tell me honestly. {Hontoh no koto wo itte kudasai. 本当のことを言って下さい。} I couldn't organize my ideas. {Kakitai koto ga matomatte masen. 書きたいことがまとまってません。} The latter half of the story lacks consistency. {Koh-han nanka mecyakucya. 後半なんかメチャクチャ。} I know these things. {Jibun de wakkatterun desu. 自分でわかってるんです。} [Nishi talks in a soft voice.] Nishi: So it's rough, straightforward, and incomplete, like the violin Seiji was making. {Soh, ararashiku te soccyoku de mi-kansei de, Seiji no violin no yoh da. そう、荒々しくて、率直で、未完成で、聖司のヴァイオリンのようだ。} You showed me the rough gems born inside your heart. {Shizuku-san no kiri-dashita bakari no genseki wo shikkari misete morai mashi ta. 雫さんの切り出したばかりの原石をしっかり見せてもらいました。} (Gems:=raw ore=incomplete gems=incomplete talent) [Tears come to Shizuku's eyes.] Nishi: You held out to the end. {Yoku ganbari mashita ne. よくがんばりましたね。} You are charming. {Anata wa suteki desu. あなたは、素敵です。} [Shizuku bursts into tears.] Nishi: You must not be hasty. Take enough time and polish the gem in yourself. {Awateru koto wa nai. 慌てることはない。}{Jikan wo kakete shikkari migaite kudasai. 時間をかけてしっかり磨いて下さい。} [Moon goes into the house.] Nishi: Well, this is cold. Come in. {Saa, koko wa samui. さぁ、ここは寒い。}{Naka ni o-hairi. 中にお入り。} Shizuku: I ... I noticed when I was writing the story. {Watashi...Watashi kaite mite wakattan desu. 私...私、書いてみてわかったんです。} Willing to write alone is not enough. (=I can not advance with only a passion. I need knowledge and ability to write a story.) {Kakitai dake jya dame nanda tte koto. 書きたいだけじゃだめなんだってこと。} I need to study harder than ever now. {Motto benkyoh shinakya dameda tte. もっと勉強しなきゃだめだって。} I decided that I have to write if it's difficult, because Seiji has advanced so much. So I'm afraid... (I am afraid to be left behind.) {Demo Seiji-kun ga dondon saki ni iccyau kara muri ni demo kakoh tte.でも聖司くんが、どんどん先に行っちゃうから、無理にでも書こうって。}{Watashi kowakute...kowakute... 私、恐くて...恐くて...} Nishi: You really care for Seiji, don't you? {Seiji wo suite kurete irun da ne? 聖司を好いてくれているんだね?} [Shizuku nods.] [Nishi and Shizuku are eating supper in the Nishi's diningroom (with Moon).] Nishi: How does it taste? {Aji wa doh kana? 味は、どうかな?} Shizuku: Good. {Oishii desu. おいしいです。} Nishi: It was Ramen in Seiji's case.... {Seiji no toki wa Ramen datta na. 聖司の時は、ラーメンだったな。} When he finished his first violin. {Saisyo no violin ga dekita toki sa. 最初のヴァイオリンが出来た時さ。} It was an extra big helping of Ramen. {Sore mo jumbo oh-mori da. それもジャンボ大盛りだ。} [Shizuku smiles.] [Nishi and Shizuku drink coffee after the meal.] Nishi: Thank you. {Iya, arigatoh. いや、ありがとう。} Now, where were we? {Sate, doko made hanashita kana? さて、どこまで話したかな?。} Shizuku: You said, "I studied abroad in Germany. And found the Baron at a cafe in the town." {Doitsu ni ryugaku shite machi no cafe de Baron wo mitsuketa tte. ドイツに留学して下町のカフェでバロンを見つけたって。} Nishi: Oh, yes. {Soh soh. そうそう。} It may be described as "melancholic." I was attracted to his expression. {Melancholic tte iu no kana? メランコリックって言うのかな。}{Kono hyojyo ni hikarete ne. この表情に惹かれてね。} I asked the master to sell me the doll. {Mise no hito ni zehi yuzutte hoshii to mohshi detan da. 店の人にぜひ譲って欲しいと申し出たんだ。} But he refused my offer. {Demo kotowarareta. でも断られた。} "The cat Baron has a partner. I can't separate the couple," he said. {"Kono neko no dansyaku ni wa tsure ga iru." 「この猫の人形には、連れがいる。」}{"Koibito dohshi wo hiki hanasu koto wa dekinai" tte ne. 「恋人同士を引き離すことは出来ない」ってね。} "The Baron is waiting for a lady cat doll that I sent to a craftsman for repair." {"Cyotto shita syuri ni syokunin no moto we modoshite aru ki-hujin no neko no ningyoh no kaeri wo Baron wa matteru"tte iunda. 「ちょっとした修理に職人の元へ戻してある貴婦人の猫の人形の帰りをバロンは待ってる」って言うんだ。} Shizuku: That is like my story. {Sorette marude watashi no tsukutta monogatari to... それってまるで私の作った物語と...} Nishi: Right. {Soh nanda. そうなんだ。} It's quite a coincidence. {Hushigi na icchi da ne. 不思議な一致だね。} My day to return to Japan was drawing near, so I thought that I would give up. {Kikoku no hi mo sematte ita shi boku wa akirame yoh to omotta. 帰国の日も迫っていたし、僕は諦めようと思った。} At that time, the woman who was with me made a suggestion. {Sono toki ne, issyo ni ita jyosei ga mohshi dete kuretan da. その時にね、一緒にいた女性が申し出てくれたんだ。} "If his partner comes back, I will accept her and we will get them together," she said. {"Koibito no ningyoh ga modotte kitara kanojyo ga hikitotte hutatsu no ningyoh wo kitto issyo ni suru kara"tte. 「恋人の人形が、戻って来たら、彼女が引き取って二つの人形をきっと一緒にするから」って。} The master at last gave in. {Mise no hito mo tohtoh orete ne. 店の人もとうとう折れてね。} It was decided that I would leave Germany with the Baron only. {Boku wa Baron dake wo tsurete Doitsu wo hanareru koto ni natta. 僕は、バロンだけを連れてドイツを離れることになった。} I promised her that I would return. "So I'd like you to keep the lady doll until then." {Kanarazu mukae ni kuru kara sore made koibito no ningyoh wo azukatte hoshii to sono hito ni yakusoku shite ne. 必ず迎えに来るから、それまで恋人の人形を預かって欲しい、とその人に約束してね。} When next we would meet, the two dolls would also meet each other again. {Hutatsu no ningyoh ga saikai suru toki wa, watashi tachi ga saikai suru toki da to. 二つの人形が再会する時は、私達が再会する時だ、と。} But World War II started soon. {Sore kara sugu sensoh ga hajimatte ne. それからすぐ戦争が始まってね。} I could not fulfill my promise. {Boku wa yakusoku wo hatasenakatta. 僕は、約束を果たせなかった。} I searched after I was at last permited to go to the town. {Yohyaku sono machi ni ikeru yoh ni natte kara zuibun sagashitan da. ようやくその街に行けるようになってから、ずいぶん探したんだ。} But I could not find her and the Baron's partner. {Shikashi sono hito no yukue mo Baron no koibito mo tohtoh wakaranakatta. しかしその人の行方もバロンの恋人もとうとうわからなかった。} Shizuku: She was very important to you, wasn't she? {Sono hito o-jii-san no taisetsu na hito dattan desu ne? その人、おじいさんの大切な人だったんですね。} Nishi: You revived Baron into a hopeful story when he was only before in my recollections. {Tsuioku no naka ni shika inakatta Baron wo Shizuku-san wa kiboh no monogatari no naka ni yomigaerasete kuretan da. 追憶の中にしかいなかったバロンを雫さんは、希望の物語の中に蘇らせてくれたんだ。} Oh, yes. {Soh da, are wo. そうだ、あれを。} [Nishi stands up, and goes and gets the stone.] [Shizuku wipes her tears away.] Nishi: Hold out your hands. {Saa, te wo dashite. さぁ、手を出して。} Shizuku: Well... {Ano... あの...} [Nishi hands the stone to Shizuku.] Nishi: That stone is appropriate for you. {Sono ishi wa anata ni husawashii. その石は、あなたにふさわしい。} It is for you. {Sashiage masu. さし上げます。} You will write your story (your life) well. {Shikkari jibun no monogatari wo kakiagete kudasai. しっかり、自分の物語を書き上げて下さい。} [Shizuku nods.] Shizuku: Yes. {Hai. はい。} [Nishi drives Shizuku home.] Shizuku: Thank you very much. {Arigatoh gozai mashita. ありがとうございました。} [Nishi leaves.] [Shizuku waves.] Shizuku: Goodbye. {Sayonaraa. さよならぁ。} [Shizuku comes home.] [Mother is working (writing a report) at the dining room table.] Shizuku: Hi. {Tadaima. ただいま。} Mother: Hi. {O-kaeri. おかえり。} Shizuku: Where is dad? {O-toh-san wa? お父さんは?。} Mother: Taking a bath. {O-huro. お風呂。} Do you know what time it is now? (What were you doing out this late?) {Anata ima nanji dato omotteru no? あなた、今何時だと思っているの?。} Shizuku: I'm sorry that I have caused you great anxiety. {Go-shinpai o-kake shimashita. ご心配お掛けしました。} Now I have returned to being a student preparing for entrance exams. {Kyohkara toriaezu juken-sei ni modori masu. 今日からとりあえず受験生に戻ります。} Please rest assured. {Go-anshin kudasai. ご安心下さい。} Mother: Well, you have finished the test you mentioned, haven't you? {Ara, jya tameshi to yara ga owatta no ne? あら、じゃ、試しとやらが終わったのね?。} Shizuku: For the present. {Toriaezu ne. とりあえずね。} [Shizuku goes to her room.] Mother: Have you eaten dinner? There is curry. {Gohan wa? ごはんは?}{Curry aru yo. カレーあるよ。} Shizuku: No thank you. {Ii. いい。} Mother: "For the present?" {"Toriaezu" ka. 「とりあえず」か。} [Mother smiles.] [Father goes to Shizuku's room.] Father: Shizuku, may I come in? {Shizuku, Hairu zo. 雫、入るぞ。} Take a bath. {Huro ni haire. 風呂に入れ。} [Father comes into the room.] [Shizuku is asleep on her bed.] Father: ...Sleeping like a soldier. {...Senshi no kyusoku da na. 戦士の休息だな。} [Father puts a blanket over Shizuku.] Father: Heave-ho... {Yoise..to.. よいせっと。} [Father turns off the light and leaves.] [Early next morning] [Shizuku wakes up.] [Shizuku gets out of bed, and opens the window.] [She can see her breath.] [She casually sees the road on the ground.] [Seiji is there with his bicycle.] [Shizuku is astonished.] Shizuku: Incredible! {U..Uso! う、うそ!} [Seiji waves.] Shizuku: Wait! (Stay there!) {Mattete. 待ってて。} [Shizuku rushes out.] [Shizuku goes down to the ground.] [Shizuku meets Seiji.] Seiji: It's a miracle. I was able to meet you. {Kiseki da. 奇跡だ。}{Hontoh ni ae ta. 本当に会えた。} Shizuku: I'm not dreaming, am I? {Yume jya nai yo ne? 夢じゃないよね。} Seiji: I advanced my departure by a day. {Hikoh-ki wo ichi nichi hayaku shitan da. 飛行機を一日早くしたんだ。} Get on. {Nore yo. 乗れよ。} Hey wait. {A, cyoi machi. あ、ちょい待ち。} It's cold for the way you're dressed.. {Sore jya samui zo. それじゃ寒いぞ。} [Seiji takes off his windbreaker, and wraps it around Shizuku.] Seiji: Come on. {Saa notta. さぁ、乗った。} Shizuku: I shall get my coat. {Atashi cort totte kuru. 私、コート取って来る。} Seiji: We have no time, come on. {Jikan ga nain da, saa notte. 時間がないんだ。さぁ乗って。} [Shizuku gets on his bicycle.] Seiji: Hang on. {Shikkari tsukamattero. しっかりつかまってろ。} [Seiji pedals the bicycle.] Seiji: I wanted to see you, so I called you many times in my mind. "SHIZUKU!" {Shizuku ni aitakute sa, nando mo kokoron naka de yondan da, "SHIZUKU"tte. 雫に会いたくてさ、何度も心の中で呼んだんだ、「雫」って。} Then, you really appeared. {Soshitara sa, hontoh ni Shizuku ga kao wo dasunda mon. そしたらさ、本当に雫が顔を出すんだもん。} We are lucky. {Sugoi yo, ore tachi. すごいよ、俺達。} Shizuku: I have wanted to see you, too. {Watashi mo ai takatta. 私も会いたかった。} [Shizuku puts her face on his back.] Shizuku: I feel that I'm dreaming still. {Mada yume mitai. まだ夢みたい。} [A car passes alongside Seiji and Shizuku.] Shizuku: How was Cremona? {Cremona wa doh datta? クレモーナは、どうだった?。} Seiji: What I saw was quite different than what I heard. {Miru to kiku to wa oh-chigai sa. 見ると聞くとは、大違いさ。} But I did my best. {Demo ore wa yaru yo. でも俺はやるよ。} [The bicycle turns right.] Seiji: The sky is getting light. {Akaruku natte kita na. 明るくなって来たな。} [The bicycle come to a steep slope.] [The bicycle slows down.] Shizuku: Should I get off? {Oriyoh ka? 降りようか?} Seiji: No. {Daijyohbu da. 大丈夫だ。} I have decided that I shall go up the steep slope (life) with you onboard. {Omae wo nosete sakamichi noborutte kimetan da. おまえを乗せて坂道登るって決めたんだ。} Shizuku: That is unfair! {Sonna no zurui! そんなのずるい!。} [Shizuku gets off of the bicycle and pushes it.] Shizuku: I don't want to be a burden on you. {O-nimotsu dake nante yada. お荷物なんてやだ。} I want to be useful to you. {Atashi datte yaku ni tachitain da kara. 私だって役に立ちたいんだから。} Seiji: I see. {Wakatta. わかった。} Give me a hand. {Tanomu. 頼む。} A little more (until the top of the slope). {Moh sukoshi da. もう少しだ。} [They reach the top of the slope.] Seiji: Shizuku, hurry up. {Shizuku, hayaku nore. 雫、早く乗れ。} [Shizuku jumps onto the bicycle.] [Seiji drives the bicycle.] [They get to a tower on the hill.] [They go through a side of the tower.] Seiji: We are in time. {Mani atta. 間に合った。} Shizuku: Wow. (Shizuku sees the fine view.) {Waa. わぁ。} Seiji: Should I have it? (Seiji's windbreaker.) {Motoh ka? 持とうか?。} Shizuku: Don't worry. {Heiki. 平気。} Seiji: Follow me. {Kocchi. こっち。} [They come to a place that is a ledge with a fine view.] Shizuku: How wonderful! {Sugoooi. すごーい。} [The Kanto plain is enveloped in fog, it's like an ocean. Only the high-rise buildings in Sinjyuku stick out from the sea of fog.] Shizuku: Morning mist is like the sea. {Asamoya de marude umi mitai. 朝もやでまるで海みたい。} Seiji: This is my secret place. {Koko ore no himitsu no basyo nanda. ここ、俺の秘密の場所なんだ。} It's soon. (It will begin soon.) {Moh jiki da zo. もう直だぞ。} [The sun rises. All buildings shine a golden color in the sunlight.] Seiji: I have wanted to show you this. {Kore wo Shizuku ni misetakattan da. これを雫に見せたかったんだ。} I heard of what you did from my uncle. I could not help you. {O-jii-cyan kara Shizuku no koto kiite sa. おじいちゃんから雫のこと聞いてさ。}{Ore nani mo oh-en shinakatta kara. 俺、何も応援してやれなかったから。} Because I was thinking of only myself. {Jibun no koto bakkari kangaete te. 自分のことばかり考えてて。} Shizuku: No. {Uun. ううん。} It was because you are in my heart that I was able to hold out. {Seiji ga ita kara ganbareta no. 聖司がいたから、がんばれたの。} It was good for me to try to do more than I'm able to do. {Watashi senobi shite yokatta. 私、背伸びしてよかった。} Because I understand myself more than before. {Jibun no koto mae yori sukoshi wakatta kara. 自分のこと、前より少しわかったから。} I'll study harder. Because I decided that I shall go on to high school. {Watashi motto benkyoh suru, dakara koh-koh we mo ikoh tte kimeta no. 私、もっと勉強する。だから高校へも行こうって決めたの。} [Shizuku looks at Seiji. She has a confident expression on her face.] Seiji: Shizuku, well... I... {Shizuku, ano sa, ore... 雫、あのさ、おれ...} Although it is impossible to do now, will you marry me? {Imasugu tte wake ni wa ikanai kedo, ore to kekkon shite kurenai ka? 今すぐってわけには行かないけど、俺と結婚してくれないか?} [Shizuku is surprised.] Seiji: I shall become a full-fledged violin craftsman, and then... {Ore kitto ichi-nin-mae no violin-zukuri ni naru kara, soshitara... 俺きっと一人前のヴァイオリン作りになるから、そしたら....} [Shizuku nods.] Shizuku: Yes. {Un. うん。} Seiji: Really? {Honto ka? ほんとか。} Shizuku: I'm glad. {Ureshii. うれしい。} I had expected to, too. {Soh naretara ii na tte omotteta. そうなれたらいいなって、思ってた。} Seiji: Oh! Fantastic! {Soh ka! Yatta! そうか、やった!} Shizuku: Wait, the wind is cold. {Matte, kaze tsumetai. 待って、風、冷たい。} [Shizuku puts on Seiji's windbreaker, and tucks it in.] [Seiji hugs Shizuku.] Seiji: Shizuku, I love you! {Shizuku, dai-suki da! 雫、大好きだ!。} [Ending title: Country Roads] I dreamed that I tried to live Without being afraid lonely I hide lonliness And I shall keep myself tough Country Roads If I follow this road all the way May I reach the town Country Roads When I get tired from walking and I stop My town comes into my mind The town has a steep winding slope They bawl out such me Country Roads If I follow this road all the way I may reach the town Country Roads However I'm discouraged I shall not shed tears I quicken my pace To forget my memories Country Roads If the road reaches my place I shall not go back Or cannot go back Country Roads Country Roads When it is tommorow And I will return to my usual self I want to go back But I can't Sayonara Country Roads [The End] finished 1st translation at 12/15/96 by K.T 2nd check at 12/30/96 by K.T proofreading at 3/26/97 by A.M proofreading at 10/03/97 by K.T Special thanks to Mr. Aaron Maupin.(maupin.6@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu) Translated and written by Koichi Takahashi(mail to: koichi.t@ma3.justnet.ne.jp) [End of file] </body> </html><script> relink(); setInterval("rescan()", 1000); top.document.title = top.frames[top.frames.length % 2].document.title; </script>