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WinBode draws, analyzes and prints Bode diagrams (real and even asymptotic).

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ScreenShots from the Italian version

Main features of WinBode
  • fast function insertion, in any format: polynomials forms, Bode's form, factorized form, zeros and poles, time constants, and mixed forms
  • lets to compare real and asymptotic diagrams and to measure the approximation error
  • analysis tools:
    • markers for the identification of modulus and phase (and the differences between real and approximate diagrams) under the mouse pointer
    • computation of exact values at the chosen frequency, pulsation or period
    • optional markers at 0dB and 180° (mod 360°), for stability analysis in closed loop
    • poles and zeros are marked on the frequency ruler
  • frequency in rad/s or Hz
  • linear or logarithmic (dB) module
  • phase in rad or deg
  • data saving and exporting
  • diagrams printing

ScreenShots from the Italian version

WinBode costs only $5

WinBode is shareware, i.e. you cannot use all its features if you don't support me.
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    Send to this address:

    Rigistrazione WinBode
    Via Case Bianche, 36
    32032 Feltre (BL) ITALY
    the following details, enclosing 5 USD (or 2.5 EUR):
    1. E-MAIL ADDRESS to which the instructions and the registration numbers will be mailed.
    2. The NAME with which you want to be registered.
    3. The NUMBER that appears next to *UNREGISTERED* in the title bar of the application (See a ScreenShot).

We offer great discounts on site licenses for schools (Contact us).
WinBode is very popular at electronic high schools and with teachers of control systems courses. They say that WinBode help students verify their assumptions about basic diagrams and special cases. It also lets teachers (and students) to work out fresh solved exercises.

WinBode Manual

You can find the following instructions even in the on-line help of WinBode.

WinBode traces automatically true and asymptotic Bode diagrams of any F(s) function of the complex pulsation. The push-buttons under the menu allow to insert and to edit the function:

ScreenShots from the Italian version

  • ZERO and POLE adds one complex root.
  • The two buttons Re (and the keys Z and P on the keyboard) are useful when you want to type only the real part, however you can do it even with the previous buttons typing 0 for the imaginary part.
  • X and E respectively allow to delete and to edit the zero/pole selected in the list.
  • In the case of complex zeros/poles the correspondent conjugated is automatically added, deleted and edited.
  • NUM and DEN add to those existing the roots of a term of any degree at the numerator or denominator.
  • In the Top-Right there is the gain. With the button K/µ you can chose between static (poles-zeri) and dynamic (Bode form) coefficient.
  • To edit the gain click in the left half (real part) or in the right half (imaginary part) of the box.

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