SSTV - Slow Scan TeleVision

With this transmission mode it is possibile to send pictures, both black and white and color, although at a rather low speed (minimum period is about 8 seconds per picture), not enough to produce the illusion of motion, as in cinema or tv.
The bandwidth of common SSTV modes is 1,100 Hz and it works well enough to send beautiful pictures at thousands of km.

I began working SSTV only on 1998 and this are some of the pictures I received on 20m band.


Radio amateurs can also send real motion pictures on the air, using ATV (Amateur TV), called also FSTV (Fast Scan Television). In fact this mode is very similar to commercial TV and the bandwidth is thus very large, 5 MHz or more. Video is transmitted either in AM, as in terrestrial tv channels, or in FM, as in satellite tv.
In many countries ATV is aired mainly on 70 cm band, but elsewhere, where there is not enough contiguous space there, higher frequencies are in common use.
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