Lady Valentina Cavandoli (1872-1969) was the director of ‘Casa del Sole’ in Turin, an institute that provided shelter to children who had parents ill with tuberculosis.  In order to entertain these children, from the 1920’s onwards, she introduced a simple method of tying threads which was named after her.  The children, with help from their teacher, made little bags, book markers, small boxes, pin cushions, borders and trimmings that they sold for charity.  Cavandoli was developed in the Turin area but by the beginning of the Second World War the technique was completely forgotten.

In order to embroider Cavandoli, you need to take 2 threads of contrasting colours, one for the subject and one for the background. With the different winding of the threads, in which you alternate the role of  the knot holder,  you can make the subject visible with vertical knots and the background with horizontal knots.  The tying of the knots is carried out by hand and the items are often finished with a fringe of macramé.  The end fabric that you obtain is compact and robust.
