Oppose Islamic regime's "Soccer policy" on US soil
SMCCDI (Urgent Action)
April 18, 2004
" To sin by silence, when we should protest, makes cowards out of men. The human race has climbed on protest.  Had no
voice been raised against injustice, ignorance and lust, the inquisition yet would serve the law, and guillotines
decide our least disputes.  The few who dare, must speak and speak again, to right the wrongs of many..."   - ( Ella Wheeler Wilcox )
Fellow Iranians and Americans, Two international soccer games are scheduled to be played by Iran's National Team on the US soil. The first game is scheduled to be played against the USA's Galaxy Team in the Rose Bowl Stadium located in Pasadena, California on Wednesday April 28, 2004, from 07:30 PM PST; And the second game against Guatemala's National Team in the RFK Stadium
located in Washington DC on Saturday May 1, 2004, from 08:00 PM EST.
More games on the US soil are planned for September 21st and as we will be approaching the US Presidential election...
Some among us are still, unfortunately, unaware of the political impact this type of controversial games and benefits the Islamic regime will try to derive at Iranians and Americans expense.  Indeed, Living in the free American society and afar from the Motherland tend to blind, or
promote ignorance amongst a few members of the Iranian Diaspora which would be not found in the Iranian population
subject to mullahs' oppressive rule and demagogy.  After all, most our countrymen still remember how  the very
same Iranian National Team was forced to loose to Bahrain in order to put a stop to the consecutive massive protest actions made in the frame of what became famous as "Iran's Soccer Demos"...
We do remember? Don't we?...
Yes we do... Most of us do!!!

But, those few of us that will still be excited to go to these new games just for the pleasure of enjoying and
revitalizing their "National feelings", need to remember that this is the 2nd time that the Rose Bowl stadium is to
be used as a political platform by the Mullahs.  It is mostly anoher desperate attempt by the Mullahs and a few
misguided American officials and legislators to promote "soccer policy" between the U.S. and a collapsing
tyrannical and terrorist sponsoring regime that is already dead on arrival (DOA). 
Just as a reminder, the first U.S.-Iran soccer game was played on Sunday January 29, 2000, and opened the way for
several pro-regime oriented organizations to orchestrate meetings by so-called Iranian-American or American-Iranian
councils and their political action committees (PACs).
 Regime officials used these illegitimate entities to claim wide support within the Iranian Diaspora and to justify
visits to the U.S. by the Islamic foreign minister and president, and to solicit "political" donations.  Many of
you remember the meetings held at: The Dana Point Ritz Carlton (on September 9, 2000 with the regime's FM Kamal
Kharazi as official guest and leading to a massive protest action in Orange County);  Seton Hall University (on
November 9, 2001 with Mohamad Khatami as guest speaker); The illegal Islamic presidential election ballot boxes on
U.S. soil in June 2001; New York's New School University (on May 9, 2002 with Kamal Kharazi as guest speaker);  San
Francisco Ritz Carlton (on June 1, 2002 with John Kerry present along controversial Iranians and talking about
"success of reforms in Iran" and "need to cancel sanctions law and establish formal ties with the regime"); Various
other objectionable actions, such as, fund raising for Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) at the Los Angeles based IMAN
Islamic center in year 2002); "Apology" offered by the Clinton Administration to the Islamic regime by the voice
of Madeleine Albright; US legislators and Mehdi Karoubi talks on the US soil; US-Islamic regime negociations in
Turkey and Cyprus; And various gatherings claimed to be supported by Iranians living in the US.
These were just few "results" following the first episode of "Soccer Policy"..... Few results giving "more Time to a
tyrannical and terrorist regime"... More time to repress, kill and plan future misdeeds...
Fellow People of Conscience, This is not a request for boycotting these games. In contrary, it's an invitation for a massive and lucid
participation.  It's an invitation to participate, enjoy, support the National Team but above all to respond to part of our moral duties...

The new game scheduled to be played in California has been planned for a "Wednesday" (4/28/04 till further notice).
Still till this time, issuing moment of this Urgent Action, the Galaxy's management has not reconfirmed the game but
ticket's are being sold...  Most likely the game will take place as scheduled as it's especially confirmed on the US
Soccer Association's official website...
This Hush Hush policy seems to be just a desperate tactic intending to avoid a massive Iranian presence and an
adversarial crowd that will protest the brutal Islamic republic regime as it did on January 2000.

They fear, the Mullahs' regime and their controversial counterparts in America,  that the big number of Iranian
freedom lovers residing in California and many Americans will expose them to the world while they attempt to
manipulate the media during this U.S. election year. 

The Mullahs and their US based counterparts recognize that, in these times of public awareness, it will be impossible
for anyone to invite regime officials without expecting wide scale protest from millions of Iranians and Americans.
The regime is returning to it's  first "reforms" step and is organizing this game which will most likely be
"blacked-out" but a preview of future events the despots will promote to secure ties with America.  Times and
strategies force the Mullahs to change staged future events that will surely include controversial internationally
recognized figures that will attempt to promote the regime's agenda with "new types of reforms from within".
 Controversial figures, like Ebrahim Yazdi and his National-Religious gang, and the so-called Nobel Peace
Prize Winner Shirin Ebadi will continue to be exploited by the mullahs. 

Keep in mind that millions of Iranians and freedom lovers' displeasure over Iran's first Nobel Peace Prize winner who
till very recently defended the Islamic terrorists being held in Guantanamo prison.  Yes, sadly, Iran's first Nobel Peace Prize winner is now defending the terrorists' 9/11 genocidal atrocity in America and their barbarian rule inAfghanistan.  Compounding her complicity, Shirin Ebadi, refused till last week to utter a word against the inhumane treatment of our fellow students and freedom lovers and the fate of those being held, or killed in the theocratic regime's prisons.  She, Shirin Ebadi,  was too busy protesting against France's decision to ban the veil from secular public schools than defending Iranian women forced and beaten, for a quarter of a century, to wear the mandatory veil. Since last week, she has started, FINALLY, to speak.... Most likely in order to calm the Iranian
Diaspora as she has been planned to make speeches in Canada and in the US...

Yes, be assured, the Mullahs next charade will be to invite their "second generation of reformists," like Shirin Ebadi
who has also shamefully stated "she is kissing the hands of the Islamic Majiles (Parliament) members and thanking
President Khatami for what he has done."

Outrageously shameful!  Yes, just more despotic Islamic masquerading and manipulation!!!!   When will these acts of demagoguery written with Iranian blood cease?

Fellow Good Men and Good Women of Integrity and Principles,
The Islamic regime can no longer suggest, or claim gradual democratization is occurring, or report any "progress of reforms" to anybody with a brain.  Do not, therefore, allow their agents of deceit lull you, or your friends, into thinking that the Mullahs have changed.

The Mullahs' new game uses U.S. based lobbyist groups, especially those associated with the questionable actions
of John Kerry's presidential election bid.  Promising to "repair the damage done by the Bush Administration," U.S.
Senator John Kerry has already taken campaign donations from these sources headed by controversial individuals of
Iranian origin.  The very same John Kerry who supported the theory of sham Regime reforms to Americans and helped to
bought time for the Islamic regime, will benefit from their support and donations.  For the record, Senator Kerry also
considers the Islamic regime a "democratic entity" and has qualified a fanatic, such as, Moghtada Al-Sadr as a
"legitimate leader" during an interview with NPR. Intent upon winning The White House, the American Democratic Party
leadership cares not what happens to, or the sacrifices made by Iranians and Americans' sons and daughters in the
region.  It is obvious that Senator Kerry is following the same self-deluding and destructive path that the previous Democrat administration advocated.  That Clinton administration actually apologized to the regime and accepted responsibility for past rights abuses and terrorism.

This is wrong and contrary to all ethics!!!!  We must not allow such things to ever happen again!  We must seize the
occasion and expose this regime's autocratic and evil nature! 

Iranians living in the despotic hell the Mullahs have created have paid heavy prices to expose the despotic
Mullahs' fascism and backward mentality.  Opposing the Mullahs, near helpless Iranians resist the despots with
their bare hands at times to the death.  The U.S. Iranian Diaspora and American freedom lovers must reiterate that the Mullahs' despotic actions will not be tolerated.'

Fellow Freedom Lovers,
Many of you still remember the SMCCDI's Urgent Call To Action of January 12, 2000, (see:
http://www.daneshjoo.org/article/publish/article_54.shtml) and the dramatic effect of the demonstration that took
place at the first Rose Bowl soccer game.  Recall, please, how the collaboration of a few Islamic regime's opponents
succeeded in turning the regime's agenda against its' promoters and organizers.  Thousands of our fellow
compatriots and Americans, responding to their moral duty, seized the occasion to bow the regime's official anthem and
were able to focus attention on the plight of Iranians struggling for freedom, secularity and democracy.
Yes, due to awareness, the game played out against the regime itself!!!
This is to be done again!!!
The time has come again, along with our countrymen who are fighting openly in Iran, to remind yourselves that the
Iranian soccer team is not our enemy, the mullahs and their regime are.
Remind yourselves on your way to the Rose Bowl Stadium and while there, that the Iranian athletes and team are
different from the Islamic regime, and how the game might be of benefit to the tyrants and terrorists if you are
passive. You must understand that while you can enjoy the game and be proud of your players, you have a moral duty to
protest against the Islamic regime, promoters and lobbyists. 
Remember, the promoters and lobbyist are the ones intent upon using the soccer game as a platform to praise the
existence of a nightmare called the "Islamic Republic." 
Also, you must not allow Americans to forget how the Islamic republic is illegitimate, tyrannical and that it
poses grave dangers to their sons and daughters, to its neighbors and to the World's stability and peace!!!

In light of these facts, please remember:
This is how:
1- Try to participate in each game you can. If you are unable to obtain tickets, as tickets will be selectively sold, or already massively "bought out," you're invited to take the day off and join the demonstration in front of the stadium.

2- Do not accept or wave the Islamic Republic flag which is usually distributed at the entries of such organized
gatherings.  Our national flag is without the Islamic Republic emblem.
The regime has on several occasions exploited young, or naive people in the U.S. and European countries by placing
the Islamic Republic flag in their innocent hands.
 Innocent young, or naive people will wave any flag that has been given to them not knowing the political
ramifications of the regime's intentions.  Such false mages of regime support are shown then by governmental TV
and press to our enchained countrymen. The mullahs use naivety and irresponsibility as propaganda tools while
simultaneously taking the lives of Iranian children.... 
Do not give the impression that we approve of the Mullahs' repression of students, imprisonment of teachers, journalists and other freedom lovers!
3- Conceal under your clothing the banned "Lion and Sun" flag or get one from freedom lovers who will try to
distribute them at the entry door areas of the Stadium. Show your support of your historical heritage by
displaying and actively waving the "Lion and Sun flag".
 The Lion and Sun Flag has become a symbol of rejection of the Islamic regime by millions of Iranians.
4- Write on long white paper sheets (e.g. butcher paper) in very thick and bold RED or BLACK "English" and "Persian"
letters these slogans: "Free Political Prisoners in Iran" (Zendani e Siassi Azad bayad gardad), "Down with Islamic
Republic" (Marg bar Jomhoori e Eslami), "No to Theocracy (in Red) Yes to Democracy (in black)", (Hokoomat e Mazhabi
NA, Mardomsalari ARI),  "Down with Tyranny" (Marg bar Estebdad), "Freedom for Iran" (Azadi baraye Iran),
"Referundum for Iran", (Referundum baraye Iran) "Down with the Mullah regime" (Nabood bad Regime e Mollayan), "Down
with Terrorsists" (Marg bar Terrorist), "Kerry, Iran is NO Democracy" (Kerry, Iran Democracy nist), "Kerry don't talk
to the terrorists" (Kerry ba terrorist goftegoo na).
Roll, or fold the long sheets of paper and conceal them under your clothing to get it inside the stadium.  If
discovered, somebody will take your banner from you.  Once inside the stadium and after the start of the game wait for
an appropriate moment to vigorously display your sign.
Live television images sent from the stadium for Americans must resonate your message of regime rejection and support
for Iranians seeking freedom.  Do not in any way allow it to appear that you support the regime and its' lobbyists.
5- When the American national anthem is played, please rise and pay respect.
6- When the Islamic Republic anthem is played, sit down, or turn your back and bow low in a sign of protest.  Cut out
eye and mouth holes (so you can breath) in plastic grocery bags, if you wish not to be identified.
7- Bring black gloves, if you have them. Point your fists to the sky while the Islamic republic anthem is played.
 This protest action was first demonstrated by members o the American Black community during the 1960 Olympic games
in Mexico; to protest against discrimination and is well known to all freedom lovers...
8- At the end of the regime's anthem, everybody rise and together sing "EY IRAN EY MARZ-E-POR GOHAR."  (Oh. Iran).
 This song was sung by the students during the July 1999 protest movement and has since been considered by the
absolute majority of Iranians as their legitimate National Anthem.
9- In the event this song, O Iran, is played by the Stadium Band rise and sing it.  If the Stadium band does not play
our anthem do not forget to follow the guidance of number 7 (above).
10- Send faxes and e-mails to John Kerry and declare your dismay at his statements and actions, in reference to the
Islamic regime. 202-224-8525; 323-935-3579; 617-523-2033; 212-213-9230;
11- Send e-mails and faxes to US officials, lawmakers and also to California's Governor (CG) state representatives of
your rejection of the regime and any action promoted by controversial entities claiming to act on behalf of
Iranians and Iranian-Americans while pushing for "dialogue" and "establishment of ties with the repressive and
terrorist regime."
President Bush: 202-456-246 ,
president@whitehouse.gov CG: 916-445-4633 , governor@governor.ca.gov
12- Send a copy the following message to all American media sources (FOX, ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC.
13- Send copies of your messages to SMCCDI's fax and
e.mail. 972-491-0866;
Fellow Men and Women of Good Will,
Show the world and especially the US Presidential candidates that you have not forgotten your homeland, and
have not forgiven the regime for its' tyranny.  Show the world that while some of you may be too young and do not
have personal memories of the revolution you care and compassionately know that years of tyranny cannot be
whitewashed away with a soccer game.  More importantly, show that you are politically aware and care for your
Iranian brothers and sisters.
 The time for another fight for TRUTH, PRINCIPLES, FREEDOM, and an END TO TYRANNY AND TERROR has come once again.
 Together we stand, divided we fall. Never more true.  It is time to stand together and support our team - NOT the regime!
Remember you can accelerate the Iranian freedom process and save lives by showing your support...Thousands of innocent
eyes are looking for your responsible actions...
God bless you all...
The "Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran" (SMCCDI)
Tel: +1 (972) 504-6864
Fax: +1 (972) 491-9866
"Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran" / "Komite e Hamahangui e Jonbesh e Daneshjoo-i Baraye
Democracy dar Iran"