Paved::buttonAdaptor -1.1

transforms an existing button widget in a Paved::button

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Paved::buttonAdaptor - transforms an existing button widget in a Paved-Button


package require Paved::button

Paved::buttonAdaptor pathName ?options?


Paved::buttonAdaptor transforms an existing button in a a Paved-Button.

Actually Paved::button is built upon Paved::buttonAdaptor, that is, the latter is the real widget, whilst Paved::button simply creates a button, then transforms it using Paved::buttonAdaptor.

Once a button has been transformed in a Paved-Button, you can use all its options/sub-commands/bindings as if it were an original Paved::button.


    # creates a standard button
   button .b -text "Hello World" \
     -command "tk_messageBox -message Hello"
   package require Paved::button  
    # suppose xyz.gif is in current directory
    # get the original button .b and transform it in a paved-button
   Paved::buttonAdaptor .b -tile xyz.gif
   .b configure -compound center


See Paved-canvas bugs.