as IK2ULB/2  JN45MU -  Contest "Sezioni" 25/03/2001
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14 el DL6WU & 9 F9FT IW2DVK/2 Roberto IK2ULB/2 Paolo

Rig. ICOM IC821h + PA 150w  QTH: Monte Bisbino 1320 m a.s.l. above COMO city

 September 1997   IW2DVK/5   JN44WL
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Rig. TS771e + SP2 + 2x13 CC IW2DVK/5 departure from my home

 Multiop. with HB9SUL to celebrate our first 10 years of contesting

Special thanks to Donald HB9OCW, the owner of antennas 

HB9/IW2DVK/p IARU Contest 70cm 1995
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4 x 21 F9FT 4 x 21 F9FT HB9/IW2DVK/p Take off to north
RIG: Kenwood TR851  - pre SSB electronic SP70  Datong FL2 audio filter - Home made voice recorder
Due to several problems i was not QRV on 1992-1995, on 1995 I come back on 70 cm from  Switzerland. The QTH was Kronberg JN47PH, tnx to HB9DGX and HB9SUL for their hospitality.
IW2DVK/1  JN44SN 1989-1992
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The QTH in JN44SN The shack A bit of ice on the solar panel 16 el F9FT

This is my the last contest from JN44SN: did you ever used a chopper to fly down from a mountain top?  We   did!   Left to right: the owner of the chopper, I2UIY, I1MXI, IW2DVK and IK1QQW.      

The best places for contesting in Italy are located in JN44-JN54-JN63-JN64 ( I1,I4 and I5 call area). When at the end of 1989  Angelo I2ADN offered to me and I2FUM his location in JN44SN (1777 m a.s.l. in Genova province) we decided to go there and run  on 2m, 70cm, 23cm, 13cm and 6cm until 1992.   
HB9/IW2DVK/p Chasseral (Bern) JN37MD 
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 2x21 F9FT - TR851


  17 F9FT - FT 726

IARU Contest July 1990 -Our first experience in the northern part of HB9


HB9/IW2DVK/P JN45MW  Multiop. with HB9SUL and IW2EWG 

In my old QTH I had a very bad take off so most part of my activity was /p operations. The northern part of I2 area is close to  the Alps so we haven't  any competitive places  for contesting. I made my first experience on the mountain between JN45 and JN46 as  IW2DVK/2 and  HB9/IW2DVK on 2m and 70 cm.