Wind in missions
As you may have noticed, the Mission Builder does not allow us to set up full meteorological conditions as well as we can in Free Flight. This is true for wind but I suspect it's also true for turbulence and other variables, even though I have not tested it extensively.

Well, no problem. I have just received a precious tip from Hans Castorp, which I reproduce here:

1) go into free flight
2) open up the advanced weather dialog
3) setup your desired atmospheric conditions
4) fly now (this is necessary to have cfs2 rewrite to the cfs2.cfg file)
5) exit free flight
6) with your text editor, open up cfs2.cfg and under the heading [free flight] copy all of the weather related entries
7) with your text editor, open up the mission file you want to add the weather to and add the section heading [weather] after the first heading in the file; paste in the weather data under this new heading and save

I just tested it, with a simple mission called windtest, this is the result:

The destroyer is heading for 90° with a speed of 16 knots. The wind is 35 knots, gusting to 40 knots, from 270°; you can see the smoke is blowing accordingly ;-)

Hans also suggests:
I have winds set for ground at c2500 (depending on cloud coverage) and aloft at 5000, 10000, 18000, and 24000 with accompanying temperature readings, all taken from for real time conditions. Surface gusts are as per whatever METAR report I happen to be using, and shear strength and turbulence are (subjectively) dependent on how stormy it 'feels' (ie i haven't been able to find reported data for these variables yet). Clouds and surface temp/dew point as per METAR in use.

Hans, thank you very much indeed ;-)