grab the zip here (installation instructions included, 10k):

This modification enables a new effect, a dust cloud for the CFS2 vehicles.
IMO it's rather useful because it makes moving vehicles more visible when attacking them from the air.
The cloud is enabled only for moving vehicles (the cloud is not active when the vehicles are added to a mission as infrastructure).

I have also added new damage effects; fire with black smoke when the vehicles are destroyed (lasts about a minute) and then 10 minutes of grey smoke. The damage effects have been obtained by modifying the fx_gasfire effects.

Moreover a little bug was fixed: 3 of the original vehicles (Fuel truck US, Light truck, MC51 weapons carrier US) didn't move even when assigned waypoints. The fix adopted was similar to the fix for non combat ships (see the tips and tricks section on my site).

A little test mission is included in the package; you are on the ground on Henderson Field as a convoy of all types of CFS2 vehicles passes on your left; take off and strafe or rocket them.