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In the Hospital of the Veterans in Los Angeles, California, died 43 years old, demolished from AIDS, John C.Holmes known as the King of the Porno."The King ", so named by the journalist Bill Margold, in a period in which making film hard was revolutionary: they were fighting in order to change the " system ", not only for join in it.The site you're visiting is a due homage not only to the artist but above all to the man.Often our hypocrisy and false moral makes us believe that behind people of the porno there aren't men and women like all the others, with the same cargo of stress, joy, pain and love but just excitated animals.

The song that you're listening to is an old hit of the BREAD, "Everything I own". This song is very special to John's wife, Laurie Rose Holmes (alias Misty Dawn) as it was the way she felt and still is. But what makes it even more special is that she played this song for John while on his death bed in a coma. She knows that he heard it as a tear rolled down his cheek.

I hope that all this is usefull to introduce better John: "Because maybe he mistaked so much in his life, but anyone who knew he, he knows that the best instrument of John Holmes was not the PENIS, but the HEART. "

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