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Nuove funzioni del Borland C++ 5.02

Borland C++ 5.02 new features

The following tables show the differences (improvements, bug-fixes, ...) between 5.01 and 5.02 release.

OWL Classes

TButton There are three undocumented functions only for Win32 targets. They are:
  1. Click() sends a BM_CLICK message to simulate clicking of the button (see BM_CLICK message on WIN32 API for more info).
  2. GetImage() sends a BM_GETIMAGE message to retrieve the handle of the image associated with this button (see BM_GETIMAGE in WIN32 API for more info).
  3. SetImage(HANDLE newImage, TImageType imageType) sends a BM_SETIMAGE message to associate a new image with the button (see BM_SETIMAGE on WIN32 API for more info); imageType can be Icon or Bitmap type.
TButtonGadget The SetButtonState function corrects a bug on Exclusive or SemiExclusive button types.
TComboBox There are two new undocumented functions only for Win32 targets. They are:
  1. GetDroppedWidth() sends a CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH message to retrieve the width of the list box (see CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH on WIN32 API for more info).
  2. SetDroppedWidth(uint width) sends a CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH message to set the width of the list box (see CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH on WIN32 API for more info).
TControlGadget GetInnerRect function is been deleted.
SetBounds function doesn't size the control now.
TDocking TFloatingSlip now responds to WM_GETMINMAXINFO message to set the minimum tracking size for a vertical floating bar.
TEdgeSlip EvNCPaint(HRGN) only on Win32 targets.
TEditFile SetupWindow function now supports correctly Windows NT 4.0's 3D-look.
TEditFile constructor now initializes Filename with NULL.
TFileDocument New private "CalcFileLength" function only for Win16 targets.
TFloatingFrame New EvNCPaint(HRGN) only for Win32 targets.
TFont There are two new undocumented functions. They are:
  1. GetFaceName : Return the typeface name of the font (see LOGFONT structure on WIN32 API for more info).
  2. GetPitchAndFamily : Return the pitch and family flags of the font (see LOGFONT structure on WIN32 API for more info).
TGadgetWindow TGadgetWindowFont uses now TDefaultGUIFont instead of "MS Sans Serif" font.
TGadgetWindowFont has a new constructor that uses an existing font.
SetupWindow function creates tooltip object only after other windows have been created.
THostInfoManager Corrections in "GetHostName" function.
A new other constructor for "HostEntryToAddress" function.
Corrections in "SetHostRequestCompleted" function.
TINetSocketAddress Now the constructor and the functions "ConvertAddress", "SetNetworkAddress" and "IsAddressDottedDecimal" can use "const char" as parameter.
TListBox There are three new undocumented functions only for Win32 targets. They are:
  1. InitStorage sends an LB_INITSTORAGE message to the list box (see LB_INITSTORAGE on WIN32 API for more info).
  2. GetAnchorIndex sends a LB_GETANCHORINDEX message to the list box (see LB_GETANCHORINDEX on WIN32 API for more info).
  3. SetAnchorIndex sends a LB_SETANCHORINDEX message to the list box (see LB_SETANCHORINDEX on WIN32 API for more info).
TMenu Now "GetMenuItemID" function correctly returns the popup menu name for each menu name.
TMetafilePict TMetafilePict constructor now initializes "Placeable" variable to false.
TMetafilePict constructor with an external file has been completely rewritten to avoid several bugs.
New "CalcHeaderChecksum"protected function used to verify the header's integrity.
There are three new public functions:
  1. ISPlaceable returns the "Placeable" current value.
  2. GetPlaceableHeader returns the Metafileheader if "Placeable" variable is true.
  3. SetPlaceableHeader sets the metafile header.
TNoteTab SetupFont function now uses a TDefaultGUIFont font instead of an ANSI_VAR_FONT.
TOleView Now "CanClose" and "CleanupWindow" functions are public.
TPaneSplitter Now there is a new splitter cushion used to prevent accidental closure of panes.
New public function "SetSplitterCushion" used to set the cushion.
TPropertyPage New function "SetFlags" : sets the flags used to create the property page (see source file for more info).
CmOk() function, in Win16 targets, call Apply function and then CloseWindow for current sheet (see source file for more info).
TPropertySheet "Run" function : now a non-modal sheet will automatically enable subclassing.
New function "PreProcessMsg" : closes current property sheet if there is no page.
The following functions now support Help button:
  • "ButtonClicked" function now supports IDHELP button.
  • "CreateButtons" function creates a help button if requested.
  • "UpdateButtons" function updates a help button if present.
  • "SetActivePage" function enables or disables a help button if the new page needs it.
TScrollBar Now "SetPosition" function supports a second undocumented parameter "bool". If this parameter is false, the scroll bar won't be redrawn.
Now "SetRange" function supports a third undocumented parameter "bool". If this parameter is false, the scroll bar won't be redrawn.
TServiceManager The functions "GetService", "GetServicePort", "GetServiceName" and "GetServiceAsync" now passes a "ushort" type variable instead of a "int" type.
TShellItem Now the functions "Copy", "Move" and "Delete" set the "fAnyOperationsAborted" field to false (see source file for more info).
TSlider The "SetRange" function now supports a third undocumented parameter. If it is set to false, the slider won't be redrawn.
TSocket Corrections in "SetBroadcastOption" function.
The functions "DoReadNotification", "DoWriteNotification", "DoOOBNotification", "DoAcceptNotification", "DoConnectNotification" and "DoCloseNotification" now are declared as "virtual int".
TSocketError The "AppendError" function now returns a correct value.
TSplashWindow The constructor now adds a WS_CAPTION style to splash window if there is a title and centers the Dib only if ShrinkToFit attribute is not set.
The "SetupWindow" function now adjusts size to accomodate static and gauge.
New "Create" function is used to force the window to be updated.
TStatic Now Win32 targets support "STN_CLICKED", "STN_DBLCLK", "STN_ENABLE", "STN_DISABLE" notification messages (see WIN32 API for more info).
There are two new undocumented functions only for Win32 targets. They are:
  1. GetImage : sends a "STM_GETIMAGE" message to static control to retrieve the handle of the image (see "STM_GETIMAGE" on WIN32 API for more info).
  2. SetImage : sends a "STM_SETIMAGE" message to static control to associate a new image (see "STM_SETIMAGE" on WIN32 API for more info).
TTabControl Now "SetupWindow" function uses TDefaultGUIFont as default font for Win16 targets.
TTimeGadget New "GetLocalTime" function (documented on OWL Guide).
TTinyCaption Constructor now supports HRGN parameter only for WIN32 targets.
TTooltip Now "SetDelayTime" function really uses the "flag" parameter.
TTreeNode New "AddSibling" function with only one parameter (TTreeNode).
New "SetState" function (only for WIN32 targets).
New "SetItem" function (only for Win16 implementation).
TWindow Now "ShowWindow" function correctly updates the window when passing "SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED" constant.
EvNCPaint function now passes HRGN in Win32 targets.

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Ultimo aggiornamento : 20/02/2008.  Copyright © 1997-2070, Joseph Parrello.


Ultimo aggiornamento : 20/02/2008.
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