Korat Breeders and Owners from USA

This page contains the addresses of Korat breeders and owners that live in United States, Canada and Argentina. It is not necessary to be a breeder to be listed here! Even if you are simply "owned" by a pet Korat, you are welcome to join this list.

This page will allow you to reach other Korat lovers and share your love for this cat, your experiences, your doubts, and more, with all of them! So, send me a note about you, at least you e-mail address and, if you already have a homepage of your own, let me know its location and, if you wish, I'll link it here (a link back to this site will be welcome)!

I already had some of the addresses listed in this page. If you find yours and want to be removed from the list, let me know soon. Moreover, if you find mistakes of any kind (geographic, e-mail address, ect.), or even if you want to add more information to your account, let me know and all of us will be thankful for the correct information provided!



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