Among some Thai traditions, cats were important in marriage and establishing a family... tradition had it that the bridal couple must carry a cat into the bridal chamber in preparing the bed for the newlyweds - the larger the cat the better... Males with long whiskers who were already mated were great favorites. Korats, especially, were valued as wedding gifts - a gift of silver. The baby crib was checked out to see there were no unwelcome insects, such as scorpions, by first putting a cat in the crib to ensure it was safe for the baby. The silver color of the Korat gave it special "good luck" propensities - wealth to the business man; good crops to the farmer with their coat the color of rain clouds and their eyes the color of young rice.

Mrs. Daphne Negus
" Si Sawat" Cattery - USA



The Korat comes from the north-eastern province of Thailand called Korat. The Thai people also call the cat "Si-Sawat" because it has the colour of the silverblue fruit of Thailand, the sawat.

In Thailand, the Korat is considered a good-luck cat, because it has the colour of rain-clouds, silversheen hinting wealth, and eyes like young rice. The whole appearance of the cat suggests good fortune. In an old poem it is said that the Korat has body colour like the sawat-fruit, the fur is silky with cloudy roots and silvery tips. The eyes shine like a dewdrops on a lotus leaf. How poetic!

The Thai people value the Korat highly as a symbol of good luck. The Korat is often given as a gift to highly respected people in the community. The owner values his Korat so much that he locks his door when leaving home. This is not usual in Thailand - but he does not want to lose his Korat for anything in the world!

The Korat is a pure breed, but as a contrast to other breeds, it is purely bred through nature. It has its special beauty from living freely in natural surroundings for centuries - without human interference.

The Korat's ancestor is a jungle cat that still lives in remote areas of Thailand. While living free, the cats have chosen their own partners. Following the laws of nature, that means that only the best and strongest cats survive and reproduce.

The body of the Korat is both supple and compact. It is built for fast jumps and stamina with a springiness and elegance, as if it was made of steel. The head is strong, just like the wild cats. In the close jungle the soft lines of the body have helped the Korat to hunt for food, soundlessly and unnoticed.

The eyes, which are very big and bright, have also been of help when hunting. They vary in colour, from a golden-green in daylight to a clear emerald-green at night. No matter what the colour, the eyes are always alert and watchful. They are apparently a bottomless well of knowledge about the ancient times in the distant Asian land, Thailand.

The large eyes are protected by a bony crest across the eyes and down to the broad cheek-bones. It is this "eyebrow-crest" that gives the Korat its special heart-shaped face. The short, slightly downwardbent nose and the well-developed muzzle with a strong chin underline the heartshape. Over the eyebrow-crest, an indentation or a small groove is found (especially in older males), like the one the Thai leopard has.

The ears, placed highly on the head, are large and very broad at the base. They are well ventilated and stimulate the hearing, since they always point directly at the sound of interest. The Korat's sound-sensitivity has caused it to be particularly valued as "watch-dog" in the distant jungle-village.

The Korat has a fabulous temper. It likes to be around people. It also participates in everything you do. The Korat loves to play - everything from 'hide and seek' to lurching and many other catgames. Even though it sometimes gets quite wild during play, the Korat is always very careful. It is also wise and has no problems adapting to a family. Among the more talkative breeds, it is sure to tell you when it is hungry, wants to play, or it is time for a little extra attention: NOW!!!

In Thailand, the Korat has been bred for a long time, but only 30 years ago did the first 2 Korats come to America. Since then the number has increased considerably. All Korats with a pedigree must be able to trace their history back to Thailand. In that way, the breeders hope to still be able to claim that the Korat is one of the few original breeds left. In Norway, the Korat has been bred for 20 years. All European Korats, except those in Great Britain, originate from Norway or USA. There are now breeders in Germany, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway.


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