The Korat cat is almost the same everywhere... There are only few differences in standards among feline associations and federations of the world. Here there are the "Korat Standards" from the main associations of pedigreed cats: CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) and FIFe (International Feline Federation) , TICA (The International Cat Association) , AACE (American Association of Cat Enthusiasts) Check them and see how similar they are!


To keep the page updated, I'd like to get other associations's standard of points for the Korat cat. You can send the info to me and I'll add it to this list. Thanks for your cooperation.




I'm only publishing the FIFe standard of Korat because it is not yet available in
FIFe homepage

  • GENERAL APPEARANCE: Alert appearance
  • SIZE: Medium
  • HEAD SHAPE: Viewed from the front, the head is heart-shaped with breadth between and across the eyes. The eyebrow ridges from the upper curves of the heart and the sides of the face curve gently down to the chin to complete the heart shape. Length in proportion to the face with a slight stop in profile.
  • NOSE: There is a slight downward curve at the tip of the nose and nose leather (lion-like).
  • JOWLS: Jowls and chin firm and well developed, forming a good balance for the profile and for the completion of the heart shape.
  • MUZZLE: Muzzle neither sharply pointed nor square.
  • CHIN: Chin neither week nor receding which gives a pointed shape to the head.
  • EARS SHAPE: Large, broad at the base, slightly rounded at the tips. Inside of ears slightly covered and outside well covered with extremely short and close hair.
  • EARS PLACEMENT: Set high on head to vige an alert expression
  • EYES SHAPE: Large, round and well opened, rather oversized for the size of the face, luminous and expressive.
  • EYE COLOUR: Brilliant green colour preferred, but amber is permissible.
  • BODY STRUCTURE: Neither short like a Manx nor long like a Siamese, muscular, supple; powerful but not heavily built; heavier in weight than appearance suggests. Back curved
  • LEGS: In good proportion to the body. Hind legs slightly longer than front legs.
  • PAWS: Oval
  • TAIL: Medium long, heavier at the base, tapering to a rounded tip.
  • COAT STRUCTURE: Short to medium in lenght, lying close to the body, single coat. Glossy and fine. Inclined to brake over the spine as the cat moves.
  • COAT COLOUR: Silver-blugray all over, hair tipped with silver; the more silver the better. At the extremities where the coat is shorter, the silver shine is intensified.
  • NOSE LEATHER, LIPS, PAW PADS COLOUR: dark blue-grey or lavander (paw pads with a pink tinge)


    Females are slightly finer built and smaller than males.


    • Too narrow head without enough width between eyes is undesirable
    • a jaw pinch is undesirable
    • a nose too long or too short in proportion to the shape of the head is undesirable


    • small and lustreless eyes are undesirable
    • until the cat is 2 years old the eye colour can be amber or greenish-amber, the distinctive colour does not become true until after 2 years of age

No Korats carrying or suspected of carrying the chocolate gene are allowed to be used in the breeding of Korats


    Coats with silver tipping only on the head, legs and feet are undesirable



    • white hairs or patches
    • any other colour than silver and blue
    • shady ot tabby markings

* Korat allowable outcross breeds: none.


Head: (20 points)
General shape, nose, cheeks and muzzle, jaws and teeth,
forhead, chin , placement and shape of ears

Eyes: (15 points )
Size, shape and placement

Eye Colour: ( 5 points)

Body: (25 points)
Shape, size, bone structure, height of legs, shape of paws,
shape and length of tail

Coat colour: (20 points)

Coat quality and texture, length: (10 points)

Condition: (5 points)

Total: .....................................................................100 points


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