#ifndef INCLUDE_STRING_TABLE_H #define INCLUDE_STRING_TABLE_H #define STR_LANGUAGE_CODE "english" //Fill this with your reference, if it's empty "" it will be invisible #define MSG_TRANSLATORCREDITS "Translator Credits:" #define MSG_TRANSLATORNAME "" #define STR_APPNAME_EXT "Serial Device Programmer" #define STR_APPDOWNLOAD1 "Download last version of" #define STR_APPDOWNLOAD2 "at the address:" #define STR_NONAME "No Name" //Button captions #ifdef WIN32 #define STR_BTNOK " &OK " #define STR_BTNCANC " &Cancel " #define STR_BTNHELP " &Help " #define STR_BTNPROBE " &Probe " #else #define STR_BTNOK " OK " #define STR_BTNCANC " Cancel " #define STR_BTNHELP " Help " #define STR_BTNPROBE " Probe " #endif #define STR_BTNCHECKHW " Hardware Check " #define STR_BTNNOTE "Note" #define STR_BTNEDIT "Edit" //Dialog messages #define STR_MSGVERSION "Version" #define STR_MSGYES "Yes" #define STR_MSGNO "No" #define STR_MSGOK "Ok" #define STR_MSGTEST "Test" #define STR_MSGFAILED "Failed" #define STR_ABOUT "About" #define STR_MSGPAGE "Page" #define STR_MSGUNKNOWN "Unknown" #define STR_VGUIABOUT "This program uses the V library.\nThe V library is copyright by Bruce E.Wampler.\nYou can find it and related license at\nhttp://www.objectcentral.com" #define STR_BUFCHANGED "Buffer \"%s\" changed. Save it before closing?" #define STR_BUFCHANGED2 "Buffer changed. Save it before opening?" #define STR_NOTHINGSAVE "Nothing to save" #define STR_NOTHINGLOAD "Nothing to load" #define STR_NOTHINGPRINT "Nothing to print" #define STR_NOTHINGWRITE "Nothing to write" #define STR_NOTHINGVERIFY "Nothing to verify" #define STR_BUSCALIBRA1 "Bus timing calibration.\nBe sure there are no application running other than " #define STR_BUSCALIBRA2 "\n(the CPU and hard disk have to be idle)\nThe calibration may take a couple of seconds.\nDo you want to run calibration now?" #define STR_BUSCALIBRAOK "Calibration OK" #define STR_BUSCALIBRAFAIL "Calibration failed" #define STR_MSGNEEDCALIB "You need to run Calibration from the Options menu\nbefore any read/write operations" #define STR_MSGNEEDSETUP "You need to run Setup from the Options menu\nbefore any read/write operations" #define STR_MSGREADING "Reading..." #define STR_MSGREADOK "Read successful\nDevice Size:" #define STR_ASKWRITE "Are you sure you want to write the device?\nAll previous content will be lost" #define STR_MSGWRITING "Writing..." #define STR_MSGVERIFING "Verifying..." #define STR_MSGWRITEOK "Write successful" #define STR_MSGWRITEFAIL "Write failed" #define STR_MSGERASING "Erasing..." #define STR_MSGERASEOK "Erase successful" #define STR_MSGVERIFYFAIL1 "Cannot verify, device missing or bad device" #define STR_MSGVERIFYFAIL2 "Verify Failed" #define STR_MSGVERIFYOK "Verify successful" #define STR_MSGPROGRAMOK "Program succesful" #define STR_MSGPROGRAMFAIL "Program Failed" #define STR_MSGDEVRESET "Device reset" #define STR_MSGWRITINGSEC "Writing security bits..." #define STR_MSGWRITESECFAIL "Security bits write failed" #define STR_MSGREADINGSEC "Reading security bits..." #define STR_MSGREADSECFAIL "Security bits read failed" #define STR_MSGREADINGFUSE "Reading configuration bits..." #define STR_MSGREADFUSEFAIL "Configuration bits read failed" #define STR_MSGWRITINGFUSE "Writing configuration bits..." #define STR_MSGWRITEFUSEFAIL "Configuration bits write failed" #define STR_MSGSCRIPTERROR "Script error at line" #define STR_MSGSCRIPTBADCOMMAND "Bad command" #define STR_MSGSCRIPTBADARGUMENT "Bad argument" #define STR_MSGSCRIPTARGMISSING "Argument missing" #define STR_MSGDEFAULTPAUSE "Do you want to continue?" #define STR_BUFEMPTY "Buffer empty" #define STR_OPNOTSUP "Operation not supported" #define STR_MSGINSPARAM "Insert parameters" #define STR_MSGBADPARAM "Bad parameters" #define STR_MSGACCEPTCMD "Accepting commands..." #define STR_MSGOPENFILE "Open device content file" #define STR_MSGOPENPROGFILE "Open program (FLASH) content file" #define STR_MSGOPENDATAFILE "Open data (EEPROM) content file" #define STR_MSGFILENOTFOUND "File not found" #define STR_MSGFILESAVEFAIL "File save failed" #define STR_MSGFILESAVEAS "Save Device Content File As" #define STR_MSGFILESAVEPROG "Save Program (FLASH) Content File As" #define STR_MSGFILESAVEDATA "Save Data (EEPROM) Content File As" #define STR_MSGCLOSEWINEXIT "Close last window: do you want to exit?" #define STR_MSGCLOSEWINSAVE "Buffer changed. Save it before closing?" #define STR_MSGOPENSCRIPT "Open script file" //Menu entries //Main Menu #define STR_MENUFILE "&File" #define STR_MENUEDIT "&Edit" #define STR_MENUDEVICE "&Device" #define STR_MENUCMD "&Command" #define STR_MENUSCRIPT "Scri&pt" #define STR_MENUUTIL "&Utility" #define STR_MENUSETUP "&Setup" #define STR_MENUOPTIONS "&Options" #define STR_MENUQMARK "&?" //Menu File #define STR_NEWWIN "&New Window" #define STR_OPEN "&Open Device File..." #define STR_OPENFLASH "Open &Program (FLASH) File..." #define STR_OPENDATA "Open &Data (EEPROM) File..." #define STR_SAVE "&Save Device File" #define STR_SAVEAS "Save Device File &As..." #define STR_SAVEFLASH "Save Program (&FLASH) File As..." #define STR_SAVEDATA "Save Data (&EEPROM) File As..." #define STR_RELOAD "&Reload Files" #define STR_PRINT "Prin&t..." #define STR_CLOSE "&Close" #define STR_EXIT "E&xit" //Menu Edit #define STR_EDITNOTE "Edit &Note..." #define STR_EDITBUFENA "Edit Bu&ffer enabled" //Menu Command #define STR_READALL "&Read All" #define STR_READPROG "Read Program (FLASH)" #define STR_READDATA "Read Data (EEPROM)" #define STR_READSECBITS "Read &Security and Configuration Bits" #define STR_WRITEALL "&Write All" #define STR_WRITEPROG "Write Program (&FLASH)" #define STR_WRITEDATA "Write Data (EEPROM)" #define STR_WRITESECBITS "Wr&ite Security and Configuration Bits" #define STR_VERIFYALL "&Verify All" #define STR_VERIFYPROG "Verify Program (FLASH)" #define STR_VERIFYDATA "Verify Data (EEPROM)" #define STR_VERIFYSECBITS "Verif&y Security and Configuration Bits" #define STR_ERASE "&Erase" #define STR_GETINFO "&GetInfo" #define STR_RESET "Rese&t" #define STR_PROGRAM "&Program" #define STR_PROGOPTION "Program Options..." //Menu Options #define STR_INTERFSETUP "&Interface Setup..." #define STR_CALIBRATION "&Calibration" #define STR_REMOTEMODE "&Remote Mode" //Menu Utility #define STR_CLEARBUF "&Clear Buffer" #define STR_FILLBUF "&Fill Buffer..." #define STR_DOUBLEBANK "&Double Bank" #define STR_BYTESWAP "&Byte Swap" #define STR_DOWNSERNUM "Set Serial&Number" #define STR_SERNUMCONF "SerialNumber C&onfig..." //Menu Help #define STR_MENUHELP "&Help" #define STR_MENUABOUT "&About" //Menu Options #define STR_MENULOG "&Log File..." //Menu Script #define STR_EDITSCR "&Edit..." #define STR_LOADSCR "&Load and Run..." #define STR_AUTOLOADSCR "&Auto Load" #define STR_RUNSCR "&Run" //Tool Bar //Dialog Messages #define STR_MSGDEVTYPE "Dev.Type" //Tool tips #define STR_TTOPENFILE "Open Device File" #define STR_TTSAVEFILE "Save Device File" #define STR_TTPRINT "Print Buffer" #define STR_TTRELOAD "Reload Files" #define STR_TTREADALL "Read Device" #define STR_TTREADPROG "Read Program Memory (FLASH)" #define STR_TTREADDATA "Read Data Memory (EEPROM)" #define STR_TTREADSEC "Read Security and Configuration Bits" #define STR_TTWRITEALL "Write Device" #define STR_TTWRITEPROG "Write Program Memory (FLASH)" #define STR_TTWRITEDATA "Write Data Memory (EEPROM)" //#define STR_TTWRITESEC "Write Security and Configuration Bits" #define STR_TTVERIFYPROG "Verify Program Memory (FLASH)" #define STR_TTVERIFYDATA "Verify Data Memory (EEPROM)" #define STR_TTVERIFYSEC "Verify Security and Configuration Bits" #define STR_TTSELFAMILY "Select device family" #define STR_TTSELTYPE "Select device type" #define STR_TTEDITNOTE "Edit device notes" //Error Messages #define STR_DEVNOTRESP "Device Not Responding" #define STR_DEVBADTYPE "Bad device, select the correct type" #define STR_DEVUNKNOWN "Device missing or unknown device" #define STR_DEVLOCKED "Unable to probe, bad device or device locked" #define STR_OPABORTED "User abort" #define STR_OPENFAILED "Communication port not available" #define STR_ACCDENIED "I/O access denied. You must be root to perform I/O" #define STR_NOTINST "Programmer board not found" #define STR_HWERROR "Hardware error, is the board properly connected?" #define STR_BUSBUSY "Bus busy or hardware error" #define STR_I2CNOACK "Missing Acknowledge from the device" #define STR_I2CNODEV "Missing device" #define STR_I2CTIMEOUT "Timeout on the bus" #define STR_I2CSTOPERR "I2CBus Stop condition error (bad timing?)" #define STR_WRITEERR "Write error" #define STR_BLANKCHECKERR "Blank check error" #define STR_ERRNO "Error n." #define STR_SCRIPTERROR "Script error" //----Setup dialog //Dialog title #define STR_DLGIOSETUP "I/O port setup" #define STR_MSGINTSETUP "Interface board Setup" //Dialog messages #define STR_LBLCOMLPT "COM/LPT interface" #define STR_LBLSERIAL " Serial " #define STR_LBLPARALLEL " Parallel " #define STR_LBLINTERFSEL " Interface select " #define STR_LBLINTERFTYPE " Interface type " #define STR_LBLCOMSELECT " COM Port select " #define STR_LBLCOM1 " COM1 " #define STR_LBLCOM2 " COM2 " #define STR_LBLCOM3 " COM3 " #define STR_LBLCOM4 " COM4 " #define STR_LBLLPTSELECT " LPT Port select " #define STR_LBLLPT1 " LPT1 " #define STR_LBLLPT2 " LPT2 " #define STR_LBLLPT3 " LPT3 " #define STR_LBLLPT4 " LPT4 " #define STR_LBLSELPOLARITY " Select Polarity of the Control lines" #define STR_LBLINVRESET " Invert Reset " #define STR_LBLINVSCK " Invert SCKL " #define STR_LBLINVDATAIN " Invert D-IN " #define STR_LBLINVDATAOUT " Invert D-OUT " //Tool tips #define STR_TTCOM1 "Select serial port COM1" #define STR_TTCOM2 "Select serial port COM2" #define STR_TTCOM3 "Select serial port COM3" #define STR_TTCOM4 "Select serial port COM4" #define STR_TTLPT1 "Select parallel port LPT1" #define STR_TTLPT2 "Select parallel port LPT2" #define STR_TTLPT3 "Select parallel port LPT3" //----Fill dialog //Dialog title #define STR_LBLFILLBUF "Fill Buffer" //Dialog messages: NB should be of the same size (number of char) #define STR_LBLFROM " From " #define STR_LBLTO " To " #define STR_LBLVALUE " Value " //----Fuse dialog //Button captions #ifdef WIN32 #define STR_BTNCLRALL " C&lear All " #define STR_BTNSETALL " &Set All " #define STR_BTNWRITE " &Write " #define STR_BTNREAD " &Read " #else #define STR_BTNCLRALL " Clear All " #define STR_BTNSETALL " Set All " #define STR_BTNWRITE " Write " #define STR_BTNREAD " Read " #endif //Dialog title #define STR_MSGFUSEDLG "Configuration and Security bits" //Dialog messages: NB should be of the same size (number of char) #define STR_MSGFIRSTBLK " First Block to Lock " #define STR_MSGNUMBLOCK " N.of Blocks to Lock " #define STR_MSGHIGHENDBLK " High endurance block" //Tool tips #define STR_TTCLRALL "All bits to '0'" #define STR_TTSETALL "All bits to '1'" #define STR_TTWRITE "Write bits to the device" #define STR_TTREAD "Read bits from the device" //----Info dialog //Button captions #ifdef WIN32 #define STR_BTNCLOSE " &Close " #else #define STR_BTNCLOSE " Close " #endif //Dialog title #define STR_MSGDEVINFO "Device Info" //Dialog messages #define STR_MSGBANKROLL "Bank roll-over capability:" #define STR_MSGSIZE "Size:" #define STR_MSGCRC "CRC:" #define STR_MSGSECBLOCK "Security block:" #define STR_HIGHENDURAN "High endurance block:" //----Char Edit dialog //Dialog title #define STR_MSGEDITBUG "Edit Buffer" //Dialog messages: NB should be of the same size (number of char) #define STR_MSGHEX " Hex " #define STR_MSGDECIMAL " Decimal " #define STR_MSGCHAR " Char " #define STR_MSGINSNEWVAL "Insert the new value" #define STR_MSGENTERTEXT "Enter text from the address" //Tool tips #define STR_TTHEX "Hexadecimal value" #define STR_TTDECIMAL "Decimal value" #define STR_TTCHAR "Char value" //----Program Option dialog //Dialog title #define STR_MSGPROGOPT "Program Options" //Dialog messages #define STR_MSGRELOAD "Reload Files" #define STR_MSGREADPROG "Read Program memory (FLASH)" #define STR_MSGREADDATA "Read Data memory (EEPROM)" #define STR_MSGREADSERNUM "Read Seriial Number" #define STR_MSGBYTESWAP "Byte Swap" #define STR_MSGSERNUM "Set Serial Number" #define STR_MSGERASE "Erase" #define STR_MSGWRITEPROG "Write Program memory (FLASH)" #define STR_MSGWRITEDATA "Write Data memory (EEPROM)" #define STR_MSGWRITESEC "Write Security and Config bits" #define STR_MSGVERIFYSEC "Verify Security and Config bits" //----Serial Number dialog //Dialog title #define STR_MSGSERNUMCFG "Serial Number Config" //Dialog messages: NB should be of the same size (number of char) #define STR_MSGADDRESS " Address " #define STR_MSGSIZE2 " Size " #define STR_MSGVALUE " Value " #define STR_MSGFORMAT " Format " //next 2 probably can't be translated #define STR_MSGLITTLEEND "Little endian" #define STR_MSGBIGENDIAN "Big endian" #define STR_MSGOFFSET "Data memory offset" //Tool tips #define STR_TTSNMEMADDR "Memory address" #define STR_TTSNSIZE "Size in bytes" #define STR_TTSNVALUE "Next value to be used" #define STR_TTSNOFFSET "Assume the Address relative to Data memory instead of Program memory" #define STR_TTLITTLEEND "Most significant Byte at high address" #define STR_TTBIGENDIAN "Most significant Byte at low address" //----Retry dialog //Button captions #ifdef WIN32 #define STR_BTNABORT " &Abort " #define STR_BTNRETRY " &Retry " #define STR_BTNIGNORE " &Ignore " #else #define STR_BTNABORT " Abort " #define STR_BTNRETRY " Retry " #define STR_BTNIGNORE " Ignore " #endif //Dialog title #define STR_MSGALERT "Alert" //----Notes dialog //Dialog title #define STR_MSGDEVNOTE "Edit Device Notes" //----Progress dialog //Dialog title #define STR_MSGSTATUS "Status" //----Hardware check dialog #define STR_MSGHWCHECKDLG "Hardware Check" //----About dialog #define STR_LBLNOSOUND "Disable sound" //---- Oscillator Calibration Byte #define STR_MSGOSCCALIBCFG "Oscillator Calibration Byte" #define STR_READOSCCALIB "Read Osc.Calibration Byte" #define STR_OSCCALIBOPTION "Osc. Calibration Options..." #define STR_MSGREADCALIBOK "Read Osc.Calibration Byte successful" #define STR_MSGCHIPID " Chip Id" #define STR_MSGNOTE " Note " #define STR_MSGEEPSIZE "EEPROM Size" #define STR_MSGFLASHSIZE "FLASH Size" #define STR_MSGSNAUTOINC "Auto Increment" #define STR_TTSNAUTOINC "Increment the serial number after every 'set serial number' operation" #define STR_MSGBANKROLLOVER "Can't know bank roll-over without modify and write, do you want to write?" #define STR_BUFCHANGED3 "Buffer changed. Save it before reading?" #define STR_TTOPENPROG "Open Program Memory (FLASH) File" #define STR_TTOPENDATA "Open Data Memory (EEPROM) File" #define STR_TTSAVEPROG "Save Program Memory (FLASH) File" #define STR_TTSAVEDATA "Save Data Memory (EEPROM) File" #define STR_TTNEWWIN "New Window" #define STR_TTPROGRAM "Launch program cycle" #define STR_TTSCRIPT "Execute script" #define STR_TTSETUP "Open setup dialog" #define STR_TTERASE "Erase all the device to FF" #define STR_SECBITS "Security and Configuration &Bits..." #define STR_TTSECBITS "Security and Configuration Bits" #define STR_LBLFUSEDLGHLP "Refer to device datasheet, please" #define STR_FUSEDLGNOTESET "Checked items means programmed" #define STR_FUSEDLGNOTECLR "UnChecked items means unprogrammed" #endif