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sardinia in the times
of the nuraghe


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The most charecteristic structure of the megalithic culture
in Sardinia is the so called "Nuraghe" whic is a construction
in form of a truncated cone formed out of stone blocks
weighing tons. They are constrcted without any binding
agent to form a false cupola. Beside the nuraghe (the castle
or fortification) this tecnique was also used for the houses,
the giants' tombs, the temples, and the sacred wells.
But these gigantic structures are not the only witnesses of a
great culture, During the bronze age (in Sardinia from 1800
b.C. to 1000 b.C.) the handling of this metal was brought
to a high standard. Beside the daily used objects and
weapons of a shepherd and warrior culture there are found
the so called "bronzetti". These nuragic bronzes bring to our
eyes the every day life of that time in its most varied aspects.
Those little figures were withot any doubt produced for the
sole purpose of dedication. They are singular in respect of
stile, expression, and handicraft. The following examples
are best known:
Warrior white a bow-warrior with swod and shield-musican
god with four eyes and four arms- priestess-wrestlers- wo-
man carrying water jug-little boats with holy symbols-chief
of a tribu-mother with her killed son-animals and so on.
This singular prehistorie culture lasted in Sardinia from about
1500b.C. until the year 238 b.C. when the romans conque-
red the whole island after violent wars.
You find true copies of the above mentioned nuragic bron-
zes hand-fonded in the traditional way of the Sardiniam
fonders at LA NUOVA FUCINA.

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