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Walking in the Dolomites

PENGUIN, Milano 2000, pp.224 , cm.12x18, ISBN 18528407x, euro 23.76.
Nostra offerta con sconto 10%: euro 21.38

The soaring limestone towers of the Dolomites have long fascinated climbers, but less well known are the delights it offers to mountain walkers. Quite apart from the stunning scenery, well graded paths and excellent mountain refuges, this region has fascinating remains from World War I when Italy fought Austria for possession of the pinnacles! Tunnels bore through entire mountains, crazy paths zig-zag up impossible peaks... there's nothing like it anywhere else. And now that many artefacts have been restored and preserved by the authorities, you have the first really comprehensive walker's guide to the Dolomites, with routes for all the family.

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Data ultimo aggiornamento: Sabato 30 novembre 2002
Offerta valida 60 giorni