The Church of San Michele rises just in the middle of the ancient Roman forum. Since Middle-age it was a place to trade silk and other goods. A church consacrated to the martyr stood in the middle of the square since the 8th century, but the present-day church was rebuilt in the second half of the 11th century by bishop Anselmo. The works went on till the 14th century, and the new building was constructed on the site of the old crypt.

At the top of the church there's the statue of archangel San Michele, represented as triumphant on the dragon, while he holds a cross-shaped globe by the left hand. The statue is remarkable not only as a wonderful artistic work, but also for the greatvalue and the enormous proportons: the height of 4 meters is an extraordinary size. An enormous quantity of ferrous metal was put on the wings so that the statue is solid, firm and unshakable against the gusts of wind.

According to some historical documents, it seems that the ring at the angel's finger is set with an enormous diamond: at night, looking at the statue from a definite point of the square, it is possible to see the shimmer of light.