Brief explanation about iFrames, with graphic example

The term iframe means 'in line framework '. The iframe tag allows you to open "windows" into a page, independent from document's other content. Let me explain how it works by the figure, where different colors indicate areas defined by page DIVs:

Among the DIV tag that define the area of this menu you insert an iframe which contains the menu page with its links


Between < div > ...... </div > enter the following statement:

<iframe src="htmpages/simples/introduction.htm" name="rightside" id= "rightside" width="100%" height="575" frameborder="0" margin="0" scrolling="auto" overflow-style="visible"></iframe>

that puts the first page "introduction.htm" into the iframe named "rightside". Pay attention to the link path because the address of the page above is taken from where is the page that we show here.
: the iframe has the same width and height that of the DIV

Through menus links or from elsewhere, one can change the iframe content giving the new htm the TARGET to the wnated frame. Warning: careful to assign the link the right address. Here's an example of this:

<a href="../simples/new_introduction.htm" target="rightside">Introduzione</a>