Template - Derivative - How does it work - Needed tools - Site's pattern

FOR DUMMIES: A template (template) is a form mold or pattern used as a guide to do something.

A) The model used for HTML FILES

To create an HTML template, after building the page itself, your html code is divided into parts that can be edited, ie, modifiable, and parts that can not be edited. We need to enter the lines of code into the page to create editable areas.

LISTING 1. let's. simulate here a list of a site, to establish the template and instructions to individuate the editable parts.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

Here's a code part NOT EDITABLE between HEAD and / HEAD
To create an editable area, that is, an area that you can change the code,
insert a command as follows

<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="Nome ..." -->

Here is an editable code area , which must have its own unique name
To close it you must type a command follows

<!-- TemplateEndEditable -->

Here's another area between the HEAD tags and / HEAD, that you cannot edit the code Remember that it is possible to establish a non-editable area everywhere
- before and after text or a complete instruction -


Here's a code part NOT EDITABLE between BODY and / BODY TAGS
To create an editable area, that is, an area where you can change the code,
insert a command as follows

<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="Nome ..." -->
Here is an editable code area , which must have its own unique name
To close it you must type a command follows

<!-- TemplateEndEditable -->

Here's another area between the BODY tags and / BODY, that you can not edit the code Remember that it is possible to establish a non-editable area everywhere
- before and after text or complete instructions



These commands let you get a derived page where you can change the code only where needed on the lay-out of an original htm page.


From the previous file saved with a dwt (template) you can save it as HTM and obtain a derivative HTM file by introducing two lines of code. The first one goes immediately after the TAG <html> and the second is added just before the tag
Here' s the first problem, because you should use a specialist editor software both to manipulate your template both to attach it attach to your new htm or html file. You could do it with the developer's tools offered by browsers.

However I recommend to use Adobe Dreamweaver, which has less ties to the developer.

TO US WHO ARE DUMMIES I suggest to use cloned htm files to build your new pages:

To call your new file from a menu, it should be linked in the same menu item, the TARGET assigned to the area where you want your page to be displayed. Taking an example, suppose that you have placed in each zone an IFRAME with name as in the figure:

left_menu center right_menu

Suppose you have at left (IFRAME 'left_menu') a menu page where we have links leading to the center (IFRAME "center"). Whether to put a new .htm page in the center, only we need to link the name of the page in the edit area of a line in the menu.
Since we have standard pages to clone for each type of page, starting from the home page, which is initially IFRAMEd in different zones, each with its initial pages allocated, we can act in this following way:


CREATING A HTML DERIVED FROM MODEL TEMPLATE IS NOT SO EASY UNLESS WE USE A SPECIAL EDITOR which allows the developer to apply the template .dwt and save the derivate as an HTM file.
It's easies instead to get a template using a specialized editor. Remember that the extension of a template given by different editors can be other than dwt. So I advise you to use always the same specialized editor.
To obtain an html file from the template you should save it with his own name. Ie, if you have the template named top_horizontal_ menu.dwt you can apply this template to a blank html page using your specialized editor and then save it wherever you need giving it the name and extension htm or html. In this case we have to check links to it css and script files, to check and adjust other links too.

Here we have prepared htm pages derived from Lino's templates, that you can easily clone and use with another name. In fact,those templates are designed in the way that you're allowed to easily change links to stylesheets, to figures, and to other files.
Of course you must have prepared all the pages and files to link for your purposes, and put into the derived files all the matters that you need.


  1. with windows exlorer search and duplicate - copy and paste - this html file (click) derived by a template. WARNING: do not use 'save with name'  from your browser. We take it from here just so you can see your folder location from your link back.
  2. By the windows explorer change its filename to another giving the same extension (ie HTM). Warning: to reside in your site this new file must not be ouside your site, that is, the directory of your unzipped files .
  3. Now you can open the file with the editor to cancel, modify, and write something, or add your own material already prepared.




To create your sites you need the right minimum tools:

Using the basic HTML language is a very good thing because one discovers every day a new function to improve his own skill, but a heavy works to learn the necessary is needed. Do not even begin if you're lazy.

Before moving to the remaining instructions and installing the site, let's tell how we have organized its folders. When downloaded and extracted the compressed file, for example on the desktop, if we expand the folders we will find:
Miosito      Site's folder
|--- index.htm index file
|--- main_framepage_f.htm

french Homepage

|--- main_framepage_i.htm italian Homepage
|--- main_framepage_s.htm spanish Homepage
|--- htmpages    folder with htm pages
 |    |      
 | |---- horizmenus  folder of horizontal menus
 |    |      
 | |---- simples  folder with menuless pages
 |    |      
 | |---- vertmenus  folder of column menus
 |    |      
 | |---- withmenus   folder of sliding pages with menu on top
 | immagini   Images' folder  
 | stylesheets   CSS' folder  
|--- templates   Templates' folder  

Of course we can add all the new needed folders that we want and all the files according to our needs, duplicating from  htm or getting them by dwt models.