Virtual Shop
Trading conditions
Payment methods  
From the purchase order form you can select your preferred payment method. The payment by "Cheque by registered mail" must be done with bank cheque at the order of "LUCIANO LAZARDI". For the credit card payment we accept only VISA (but not VISA Electron), MasterCard, American Express and Diner's Club International credit cards.
Accepted payment methods  
Payment method
Accepted currencies
Delivery terms
Cash on delivery Payment cash to the postman at the receipt of the merchandise (delivery by registered mail).
This payment method is valid only for Italy
Mailing comes right away after the customer confirms the purchase order.
Credit card Payment by credit card using our secure credit card payment form provided by Banca Antonveneta S.p.A. and Consorzio Triveneto.
Important warning for foreign customers: because of some attempts of fraud perpetrated with stolen or not valid credit cards we are forced not to accept payments with credit cards for amounts over Euro 50.00 for the first purchase order. We will Accept payments by credit card for amounts over Euro 50.00 only after having verified the good result of the previous transactions (about 2 months).
Mailing comes after receipt of the e-mail confirmation message about the payment transaction from Consorzio Triveneto and after checking its correctness.
Cash by registered mail Payment by cash sent into a closed envelope by registered mail to the address:
Luciano Lazardi
Via M. Merlin, 16/b
35143 Padova (PD)
Euro or
U.S. Dollars
Mailing comes after the receipt of the registered mail with the cash and after checking the correctness of the payment.
Cheque by registered mail Payment by cheque sent into a closed envelope by registered mail to the address:
Luciano Lazardi
Via M. Merlin, 16/b
35143 Padova (PD)

We accept only cheques issued by Italian banks.
Mailing comes after the receipt of the registered mail with the cheque and after checking the correctness of the payment and cheque is checked "with recourse" by the bank.
Bank transfer Bank transfer to the following bank current account:
Account owner:
Luciano Lazardi
Account informations:
Banca Antoniana Popolare Veneta
328 - Agenzia Brusegana - Padova
C/C no. 1094/R
ABI 05040.1 - CAB 12125.1
We accept only bank transfers coming from Italian banks.
Mailing comes after the receipt of the bank transfer on our bank current account, after checking the correctness of the payment and not before the clearing date of the transfer.
Postal transfer Postal transfer to the postal current account no. 12853354. Account owner: Luciano Lazardi.
Transfers are also accepted from France, Germany, Japan, Luxembourg, Norwey, Netherland, Morocco, Slovakia, Sweden and Switzerland with an overcharge of about Euro 3.00.
Mailing comes after the receipt of the postal transfer on our postal current account, after checking the correctness of the payment and not before the clearing date of the transfer.
Warning! In case of payment coming from abroad the postal transfer clearing time can be particularly long.
Go to the credit card payment form.