Virtual Shop
Trading conditions
Withdrawal right  
1. Withdrawal right terms

The Supplier, according with the articles of the Italian Legislative Decree no. 185/99 (Consumers tutelage in contracts concluded at distance), informs the Customer about the following:
the withdrawal right can be exercised by the Customer within and not beyond 10 (ten) days from the reception of the ordered goods;
the withdrawal right is valid exclusively for the Customer - final consumer that buys for sakes different from the own economic and working activity.
The withdrawal right is not applied to the Customer in the following cases:
Purchase of goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations of the rates of the financial market that the Supplier is not able to control;
Purchase of goods made on measure or personalized for the Customer or that, for their nature, cannot be returned or risk to lose their strength or to alter quickly;
Supply of services whose execution is begun, according with the Customer, before the expiration of the term of ten days previewed from comma 1 - art. 5, Lgs. D. 185/99

2. How to apply the withdrawal right
The withdrawal right must be exercised by the Customer sending, in the term above indicated, a registered letter with return receipt addressed to:

Via M. Merlin, 16/b. 35143 Padova (PD) - ITALY
Withdrawal right

or with appropriate e-mail message, with return receipt, to the address and having “Withdrawal right” as subject.

The communication will have necessarily to contain all the following items:
the references of the purchase order to which the withdrawal right will apply (e.g. order code, order date, etc.);
the clear will of the Customer to withdraw in all or part of the purchase contract;
the description and the codes of the items to which the withdrawal right will apply.

In the lack of the aforesaid requirements the Supplier will not be able to recognize the withdrawal right to the Customer. The Customer engages itself to conserve and to guard with the maximum care and diligence the goods and for which it will exercise the withdrawal right conserving them integral with the packages and the eventual original accessories of every item. As a result of the reception of the Customer’s communication, the Supplier, once verified the correspondence of the aforesaid requirements, it will communicate by e-mail to the Customer the modalities of restitution of the goods object of the withdrawal. The Customer engages itself to give back the withdrawn items not later than 7 (seven) days from the communication of the modalities of their restitution sending them to the following address:

Via M. Merlin, 16/b – 35143 Padova (PD) - ITALY

All the costs and the risks of the transport for the restitution are integrally due by the Customer. The restitution of not integral or deteriorated items, or deprived of original accessories and equipments will not be accepted by the Supplier and will be given back to the sender with debit of mailing expenses. The Supplier, once received the goods in conformity with the above, carried out the due verifications and agreed with the Customer the reimbursement modalities, will proceed to the reimbursement of the difference to the Customer as soon as possible.