Dean Koontz - Long Fiction - 1974/75/76

Cover scans are courtesy of Stu Weaver.

After the Last Race

Pub: Atheneum
Price: $8.95

Still looking for a synopsis for this one, sorry.


Nightmare Journey

Pub: Berkley Medallion
Price: $0.95

In a distant future, mankind has discovered more intelligent beings in the outer space, and it is now struggling to come back to planet Earth. After man fled the stars, he tried to explore his own genetic frontier, creating horrible races of deformed beings - some scaled, some furred, tiny, winged and huge.
Now Jask, a Pure who retains the original human genetic code, and Tedesco, a great bear with a human brain, are thrown together by a trait they share - telepathy. Hunted like animals by the gruesome population, they set out seeking for The Black Presence - which may be the key to mankind's place in the cosmos.


Night Chills

Pub: Atheneum
Price: $8.95
See Also: 1989 (revised version)

"The fever is spreading. Seizing the men and women of Black River. Plaguing them with night chills. Driving them to violent acts of rape and murder. The fever is spreading. Designed by top scientists, and unleashed in amonstrous conspiracy-It's deadly spell can unlock the most frightening potential of the human mind. the fever is spreading. The nightmare is real. And death is the only cure..."

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