Dean Koontz - Long Fiction - 1984/85

Cover scans are courtesy of Stu Weaver.


Pub: Berkley
Price: $3.95
Notes: published in the UK with the title "Darkness Comes" - originally intended to be the third book issued under the name Owen West with the title The Pit

"Strange days - Winter gripped the city. Terror gripped it too. They found four corpses in four days, each more hideous than the last. Strange nights - At first the cops thought they were dealing with a psychopath. But soon they heard eerie sounds in the ventilation system. And saw unearthly silver eyes in the snow-slashed night. Final hours - In a city paralyzed by a blizzard, something watches, something stalks..."

Sorry, no scan cover Darkness Comes

Pub: Allen, W.H.
Price: £9.95
Notes: British title of Darkfall

Read the upper synopsis.


The Face of Fear

Pub: Berkley
Notes: originally published in 1977 under the name Brian Coffey

"Don't look down. Because you're trapped. With a beautiful, terrified woman. On the 40th floor of a deserted office building. By the psychopath they call "The Butcher." Don't look down. Because he has slaughtered the guards and short-circuited the elevators. Because the stairways are blocked, and for you and the woman with you, there's only one escape route. Don't look down. Because 600 feet of empty space are looking back at you."

Twilight Eyes

Pub: Land of Enchantment
Price: $32 - $75
See Also: 1987 (reissued with sequel)

"They're out there - Waiting, watching. Unseen by normal eyes, but all too visible to Slim MacKenzie, a young man blessed-or cursed-by Twilight Eyes... They're out there - Lurking in the darkest shadows of an eerie, moonlit carnival. Feeding their twisted needs with human suffering. And fiendishly plotting the downfall of the human race... They're out there - But don't scream. They'll hear you."


Notes: (revised version) originally published in 1973 under the name K.R.Dwyer
cover image refers to the 1993 Berkley pb edition.

"Run...Or die. The van was in the back of them again. Closer this time. There could be no mistake-they were being followed. Run...Or die. But why? The question kept nagging at Alex and Colin as they left Philadelphia behind and sped toward their new home in San Francisco. Courtney would be waiting for them, ready to begin a wonderful new life with her husband, her brother...Run...Or die. Now, someone else is driving cross-country to see Courtney, too. Someone whose brain is rotting inside. Someone who knows their route, their stops, even their destination. Run...Or die. He's got an ax."

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