Dean Koontz - Long Fiction - 1994

Cover scans are courtesy of Stu Weaver.

Dark Rivers of the Heart

Pub: Putnam
Price: $24
Notes: published the same year by Charnel House.

"A man and a woman-She is a figure of mystery, he is a mystery even to himself-meet by chance in Santa Monica bar. Suddenly-first separately, and then together-they are fleeing the long arm of a clandestine and increasingly powerful renegade government agency: The woman hunted for the information she possesses, the man mistaken as her comrade in a burgeoning resistance movement. The architect of the chase is a man of uncompromising madness and cruelty, ruthless, possibly psychotic, and equipped with a vast technological arsenal: untraceable access to the government's electronic information banks, its surveillance systems, weaponry, and material. He is the brazen face of an insidiously fascistic future. And he is virtually unstoppable. But he has never before come up against the likes of his current quarry. Both of them-survivors of singularly horrific pasts-have lived hidden, nomadic, solitary lives. Both have learned to expect "savagery as surely as sunrises and sunsets." Both have long been embedded by their experiences to fight with reckless courage for their own freedom. Now, they are plunged into a struggle for the freedom of their country, and for the sanctity of their own lives."

Winter Moon

Pub: Ballantine
Price: $6.99
Notes: complete revision of the novel Invasion, published in 1975 under the name Aaron Wolfe

"In Los Angeles, a hot Hollywood director, high on PCP, turns a city street into a fiery apocalypse. Five die. Heroic LAPD officer Jack McGarvey is badly wounded and lands in the hospital for months, uncertain he'll walk again. While he's out of commission, his wife and young son are left to defend themselves against both the criminals that control an increasingly violent city and the dead director's cult of fanatic fans. In a lonely corner of Montana, Eduardo Fernandez, the father of McGarvey's murdered partner, witnesses a strange nocturnal sight. The stand of pines outside his house suddenly glows with eerie amber light, and Fernandez senses a watcher in the winter woods. As the seasons change, the very creatures of the forest seem in league with a mysterious presence. Fernandez is caught up in a series of chilling incidents that escalate toward a confrontation that could rob him of his sanity or his life - or both. As events careen out of control, the McGarvey family is drawn to Fernandez's Montana ranch. In that isolated place they discover their destiny in a terrifying and fiercely suspenseful encounter with a hostile, utterly ruthless, and enigmatic enemy, from which neither the living nor the dead are safe."

The Funhouse

Pub: Berkley
Price: $6.99
Notes: (revised version) originally published in 1980 under the name Owen West

"Once there was a girl who ran away and joined a traveling carnival. She married a man she grew to ate-and gave birth to a child she could never love. A child so monstrous that she killed it with her own hands... Twenty-five years later, Ellen Harper has a new life, a new husband, and two normal children - Joey, who loves monster movies, and Amy, who is about to graduate from high school. But their mother drowns her secret guilt in alcohol and prayer. The time has come for Amy and Joey to pray for her sins... because Amy is pregnant, and the carnival is coming back to town."

The Door to December

Pub: Penguin/Signet
Price: $6.99
Notes: (revised version) originally published in 1985 under the name Richard Paige

"Little Melanie had been kidnapped when she was only three. She was nine when she was found wandering the L.A. streets, with blank eyes. What had become of her in all those years of darkness ... and what was the terrible secret, clutching at her soul, that she dared not even whisper? Her loving mother and the police desperately hunted for the answer. They needed Melanie to help get to the bottom of the most savage scene of carnage the city had ever seen. And they would do anything to save her from whatever dreadful force or thing had invaded her young life. But first they would have to save themselves from a rising tide of terror...and from an icy evil howling through…The Door to December."

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