departure from Palermo on weekdays: 6.00 9.00 10.00 12.30 13.45 14.15 14.30 16.15 17.15 19.00 21.00 (the journey take normally 2 hours and half. The underlined ones take 1 hour and 40 minutes)

departure from Palermo AIRPORT on weekdays (only): 10.55 14.40 19.55 21.55 (all the journey take 1 hour and 35 minutes)

departure from Palermo on sundays (and public holidays): 10.00 12.30 13.30 19.30 20.30 (all the journeys take 1 hour and 40 minutes)

departure from Sciacca to Palermo on weekdays: 5.30 6.15 6.15 7.00 8.30 10.15 12.30 14.00 15.25 15.30 17.00 18.00 (the underlined journeys take 1 hour and 40 minutes. The others 2 hours and half)

departure from Sciacca to Palermo AIRPORT on weekdays (only): 5.30 6.15 15.25 18.00 (all the journeys take 1 hour and 35 minutes)

departure from Sciacca to Palermo on sundays (and public holidays): 8.00 15.30 17.30 18.00 18.30 (all the journeys take 1 hour and 40 minutes)


VALIDITY: from february 2000. Today is 29/02/00

aiutaci ad aggiornare gli orari del BUS Palermo-Sciacca e le notizie del Carnevale. Grazie. Scrivici:

How is the weather, in Sciacca, now? Che tempo fa a Sciacca, ora?


"contro l'influenza una sola medicina: le arance della Sicilia Occidentale."

29/02/00, il virus dell'influenza in una intervista alla CNN.

by writemesoon, Sicily a by writemesoon, Sicily a by writemesoon, Sicily a by writemesoon, Sicily a year 2000