
for TomTom


MrGPS is out!

May 2010

Event_Logger Version 9.1 (RELEASED!)


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Author: amacri


Event_Logger for TomTom

Event_Logger 9.1 presented

1. Introduction

2. What's new

2.-1. What's new in 9.1

2.0. What's new in 9.0

2.1. What's new in 8.2

2.2. What's new in 8.1

2.3. What's new in 8.0

2.4. What's new in 7.2

2.5. What's new in 7.1

2.6. What's new in 7.0

2.7. What's new in 6.5

2.8. What's new in 6.4

2.9. What's new in 6.3

2.10. What's new in 6.2

2.11. What's new in 6.1

2.12. What's new in 6.0

2.13. What's new in 5.9beta

2.14. What's new in 5.8beta

2.15. What's new in 5.7beta

2.16. What's new in 5.6beta

2.17. Features available in release 5.4beta

2.18. Features available in release 5.2beta

2.19. Previous versions

3. Function list

4. Menu Buttons and Icons

5. Examples

6. GPX Tracking System

7. Itinerary file format

8. Astronomical data

9. Event_Logger GPX Browser

10. Compatibility

11. Installation

12. Configuration

13. Localization

14. Altitude and distance calibration

15. Basic usage

16. Aggregate Records

17. Points of Interest

18. Logging details

19. Management of old information

20. Directories, pathnames and temporary resources

21. Calling Event_Logger

22. Current limitations

23. Technical information related to the Menu Buttons

24. Customizing TomTom menus

25. Performance, tracing and profiling

26. Privacy concerns

27. How to remove Event_Logger (data and executables)

28. Development Guide

28.1. Testing Event_Logger with Cygwin

28.2. Notes on TomTom

28.3. BSH interpreter

28.4. Customizing the BSH interpreter

29. Acknowledgements and references

30. Brand Name

31. Disclaimer of warranty and license conditions
