Title Front Back CD Inside
G-Nome Yes - - -
G-Police Yes Yes Yes -
G-Police - German - Yes - -
Garbriel Knight Sins of the Father - - Yes -
Game, Net & Match Yes Yes - -
Gangsters Yes Yes Yes -
Garten Lexikon Yes - - -
Gear RW Yes Yes Yes -
Gene Machine Yes - - -
Genewars Yes - - -
Genetic Evolution - German Yes Yes - -
Geografia de Chile 1.1 Yes - - -
Geographie Yes Yes - -
Get Medieval Yes - - -
Gettysburg Yes - - -
Gex 3D Yes Yes - -
Gizmos 98 Yes Yes Yes -
Global Domination Yes - - -
Glover Yes Yes - -
Golden Gate Killer Yes - - -
Golden Tee Golf Yes - - -
Golden Zone - German Yes - - -
Grand Prix Legends Yes Yes - -
Grand Prix 2 Circuit Racing Yes Yes Yes -
Grand Prix 500 CCM - German Yes - - -
Grnad Prix Manager Yes Yes - -
Grnad Prix 2 Manager Yes Yes - -
Grand Theft Auto Yes Yes - Yes
Grand Touring Yes Yes - -
Grim Fandango Yes Yes 1 2 Yes
Grim Fandango - German Yes Yes - -
Grossology Yes - - Yes
Ground Zero Yes Yes Yes -
Gruntz Yes Yes - -
Gunmetal Yes Yes - Yes