VIA Dante
TEL. 0922772602
Tue, Thu, Fri: 
9,00 am -1,00 pm / 3,00 -7,00 pm

1) Montagna
2) Casalicchio
3) Marcato
4) Canticaglione
5) Madre Chiesa
6) Muculufa

It came out in 1971 as Antiquarium and was added to town library. Today the museum is accommodated in a building that, till the second half of 800, was a Cistercian convent named "Santa Maria del Soccorso", today known as "Badia". The museum occupies the cloister and a part in the grand floor of the monastery. The six display-rooms have been obtained in the northern and in the eastern wing, while a laboratory of restoration and warehouses have been obtained in the south-eastern corner. One of the most important piece is a marble statue (cm. 86,5 tall) which dates back to v century B.C. and represents Demetra. At the entrance there are some pieces that have been found inside the Badia. They are hand-made pottery to be used in the convent. Among them there are jugs and vessels in different dimensions, in shape and pod forms which can be dated back to xvi and xvii century, besides it' s possible to find enameled ceramics from many places of origin. Very rich is the inventory of ceramics which offers a complete vision from Neolithic represented by Stentinello culture (carved ceramics), by Capri-Lipari style (painted ceramics) and by Serra d' Alto (grey shining ceramics). Pieces coming from Greek-archaic Sanctuary in Mollarella-Poliscia are very interesting. The collection is constituted of late-Corinth little vases, local vases with geometrical decorations, amphoras and terracotta representing divinities or offerers. Noteworthy is an inscription on a stone on which is written a decree voted from Senate about gymnasiarch Heracleidas' coronation and 11 Ephebes'. This is one of the most studied Greek Sicily epigraphs dated about 200 B.C.

musei e antiquaria
