VICOLO 8, Saraceni II
TEL. 0925940239
 Mon to Fri: 8 am - 2 pm;
 Mon Wed: 3,30 - 6,30 pm; 

The land of Zabut ethno-anthropological museum, from Sambuca ancient Arab name, was inaugurated on March 1985 and until 1991, year during which it became regional, it was in Palazzo Panitteri, built between xv and xvi century. At the present it is temporarily placed in a house, owning to the town, in the Arab quarter, because of the restoration of Palazzo Panitteri, where it will come back at the end of the restoration. The first floor of the museum is turned into cultivation cycle, going from cleaning of the soil to finished product, pasta and bread, through its various phases. We can see tools as plough, mower, hoe, objects that are unknown to new generation. The second floor is turned into sheep farming cycle: in fact we can find the tools that ancient shepherds used in order to transform milk in "ricotta" and cheese. All of the citizens collaborated on the protection and recuperation of what remained to testify the traditional activities, giving spontaneously the object of the material culture. With this thick estate of agricultural tools, constituting a tangible testimony of country and villager life, ample peasants and shepherds world are reconstructed in each technic-social-economic dimension. Till today ethnic-anthropologic recuperated pieces are more than one thousand: the most are exposed, about 50%, while more than 20% are to be catalogued and about another 20% is constituted by stock pieces. The cultural weight of this permanent exibition resides in its contents and in its capacity to propone itself as a stimulus to master the comprehension of exposed objects. In order to obtain that, the museum avails itself of photographic integrative panels and explanation notes whose aim is to give a reading key of a particularly interesting sector.

musei e antiquaria
