In those inlet natural that it was the “Port of the Focesi”, and that today it is the Diamante and Cirella beachs, to about a mile from the rib, therefore to 39 m with a perimeter of 1,5 km the Isola di Cirella, it dictates Tempsa to the time of the Focesi and Xoiros to that of the Greeks, constitued prevaletly by calcareous and covered rock from thick vegetation. 

From the writing of the historic Leopoldo Pagano knowledgs that on the island it raises plant as the mortella, the lentisk, the esparto and much other. Renovwned were also the famous “bell onion”. 

Till some year the island was peopled from poisonous snakes and wild rabbits, I gave “leporine” for the theirs likeness with the hares. 

Exactly to the centre of the island, on lowland a kind of, in the XVI century for order of viceroy of Naples, in the context of a work of fortification of the coastal littoral against the Saracen raids, it was constructed by the prince of Bisignano don Girolamo Sanseverino the Tower of Guard of wich it is are possible to see the surrounded remainder by a vegetation of “Arboreus Euphorbia”

In the remainder of this tower between the fifty and sixty years passes you period longs solitude, pastureing there his herd, don Peppe Barràcca, a well-known curious character of Sicilian origin that life to Diamante. 

Island is excursion destination deprive or of group and it is easil reachable from goitres, motorboats and yachts, that leave from the Diamante little port, which search all her little inlet, cave and vent debt ravine to the theirs curiosity and imagination. 

Instead for the lovers of the underwater fishing and of the immersion advise of visiting the below depthes to the island, where the acquatic vegetation is much luxuriant and between many submarine plant, in the eastern zone, it is found the “Posidonia oceanic” and specimen of “nobilis Fin”, a favourite speciesof  bivalve of  the Mediterranean. 

In this marine depth, finally, you it is buried a lot of epoch archeological finds it Greek-Roman, data the numerous shipwrecked of many ships and mercantile ship. Till now the only found giver-on to the light occasionally is an amphora gross, catalogued by the expert it as “Dressel amphora of the first period”.    

