God created man with an immortal soul. According to the book of Genesis, He created man in His own image and likeness. It is clear that this resemblance of man with God is not something material or physical, but spiritual and eternal. He created man to know, love and serve Him and thus to attain his goal which is perfect union with his Creator and Father in the beatific vision. If this is true of every human being, how does it come about that a certain percentage of human beings are born with infirmities, who in simple terms are known as "handicapped" people whether in body or mind or both?

Our present subject attempts to explain the "handicapped" persons who come into the category of the poorest of the poor and especially the orphans and the abandoned ones. Can we consider them as real human beings and treat them as such or should they be treated like or even below the level of animals? If we are to treat them as true human beings we must be convinced that they too have an immortal soul, they too are created in the image and likeness of God. If so how can they be different and handicapped? The following example can help us to understand why the handicapped are true human beings and how do they possess immortal souls just like any normal person and why they are handicapped still.

Let us think of a spectrum (with transparent papers of various colours) with the light on. Now turn the spectrum. The same bulb remains lighted but the colour changes as the spectrum moves from one colour to the other. With this example we now come to human beings who are created in the image and likeness of God. But as we know this image and likeness of God in man is the human soul which is operative through the body, particularly through the brain. Any defect in any part of the body especially in the brain can make a human being handicapped either physically or mentally or both. We often speak of nervous breakdowns and of people going off their heads. We are very much psychosomatic beings. The body and soul continue to work in unison till the day we die. Of course this is not our topic right now. It is however very vital for us to touch this rock-bottom reality of every human person that no matter how handicapped, he or she is still to be respected and therefore treated with dignity and even has a certain nobility due to the soul's participation in the divine nature.

Another important fact to be taken into consideration is that every human person due to his imperfection is in some way handicapped. We all live and move with some handicap, some deficiency, some imperfection. Therefore in a broad sense all share in some measure or degree of handicaps physically, psychologically or morally or even in all three areas. This is another point that makes us aware of our many aspects of solidarity and affinity with the handicapped.

As Christians whose life and existence is based on the two basic commandments of love of God and love of neighbour, we have greater moral responsibility to extend help to the helpless. We are called to complete and complement each other in our arduous journey to God. Our immediate neighbours are not really those in our close vicinity but those who need our help and assistance (cf. Luke chapter 10 - the parable of the good Samaritan).

On July 3, 1994 we opened a new foundation in Gurgaon, Haryana, India (14 km. South of Delhi International Airport), called "Deepashram" ("Deep" means Light). There we have opened a centre for handicapped boys. The house is getting ready and some boys have been with us already over three years. When completed we may be able to house over 60 homeless, orphaned handicapped boys. Thanks to our various benefactors especially "Missio" in Aachen, Germany, and many other generous individual persons who have been and are still contributing for the building up of our "Deepashram". Like Casa Serena in Rome, it is hoped to run "Deepashram" mainly with the help of the volunteers, some dedicated paid workers who are poor and have no other prospects of employment, and some trained teachers whose technical skill and practical experience are helping the children to make rapid progress. We have about a dozen Brothers from various parts of India and some from abroad. It is a team that is being organised to take care of our beloved handicapped boys. Thanks to each and everyone of them for their generous help and valuable assistance.

Distant adoption: what is meant by distant adoption?

Since our handicapped children are mostly orphans and homeless we want them to have a rather comfortable home with many adoptive parents, brothers and sisters as well as friends: in a word, any person of good will and generosity can be part of the programme. As we know, none of us can grow in isolation and none of us is meant to be alone in this world, we all have to have our home to live in and people to live with. More so for the homeless and orphaned handicapped who are really the poorest of the poor in every sense.

It is evident that to run a house for them is rather demanding and difficult. By distant adoption there is a joint effort to help the boys to improve, reintegrate or recuperate as far as it can be done in the light of their various physical or psychic problems. More than offering material help the persons who adopt them remain in very close contact with the Brothers of the Missionaries of Charity - Contemplative who are their immediate guardians and servants. Together we make earnest efforts to make our home another "Nazareth", where the children can feel loved, wanted and cared for.

What exactly is the role of those who adopt a child from afar and what is expected of them?

  • 1) Each person or family who adopts a child receives the name of the child with his photograph, birthday date and some detailed description. A new blessed person, i.e. Jesus in the form of the handicapped child, enters into the life of the one who adopts, and who in some mysterious way begins to experience a deeper bond with the child and the whole family of the Missionaries of Charity.

    2) A new family is born and somehow the child though far away enters into the life-stream of the family, through prayer and communication with the Brother in-charge.

    3) It is also a great moral support for the Brothers who are with them to see that the children get the proper care, love and attention.

    4) Those who adopt may visit the children sometime if they can afford to do so, but this is not in any way obligatory.

    5) If ever any contribution is made for this cause, it may be sent to Via S. Agapito, 8 - 00177 Rome

    6) As far as possible periodically information will be given of the condition of the child in question, the progress he is making, any serious problems etc.

    7) Even though persons adopting the children live apart and in distant places there is born a real family bond which may be nurtured and strengthened through prayer and dialogue.

    8) We may not much encourage the sending of personal gifts in kind since this may create some unnecessary problems among other children unless the gifts can be shared with all. However one may consult Rome regarding gifts before sending them.

    9) Let us all pray much that our dearly beloved handicapped children may experience real joy and profound peace and grow and mature in the spirit.

    10) Last but not least I would like to thank you and thank God for you for your keen interest and great generosity in helping us to help the "poor of Yahweh" - the handicapped children.

  • Eventually we may begin a small centre for the handicapped boys also in Bushat, Shkodra, Albania. Please do remember us in your prayers as we do remember you so that together we can do something beautiful for God.

  • Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make a mighty ocean.

    God bless you. Fr. Sebastian M.C:

  • N. B. Please, would you read meditatively St Matthew Ch. 25, 31-46, and the letter of St James (Chs. 1-5).

  • N. N. B. For further information please call or write to Fr. Sebastian M.C. (Via S. Agapito, 8 - 00177 Rome.

    tel. 6/ or to Gianna Tommasi (Via Della Marranella, 103 - 00177 Rome. tel. 6/ 27.52.339). Thank you.

  • The patron saint for the handicapped: Mother Teresa of Calcutta

    Day for the handicapped: 5 September

    Some Prayers for the handicapped:

  • a)Lord, grant us the serenity to accept things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can and wisdom to know the difference.

    b) Make us worthy, Lord, to serve our fellowmen throughout the world who live and die in poverty and hunger; give them through our hands their daily bread and by our understanding love give peace and joy.

    c) Dear Lord, the great Healer, I kneel before You, since every perfect gift must come from You. I pray give skill to my hands, clear vision to my mind, kindness and meekness to my heart. Give me singleness of purpose, strength to lift up a part of the burden of my suffering fellowmen and women and a true realisation of the privilege that is mine. Take from my heart all wordliness that with a simple faith of a child, I may rely on You. Amen.