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Burrow the: it is a wizard house, owned by the Weasley family. It is built so crazy that it must certainly be held up by magic. It is located outside of  the village of Ottery St. Cathpole, but so well hiddenthat the postman doesn't even know where it is. it has a ghost in the attic and gnomes in the garden.

Diagon Halley: a long cobbled street filled with the most fascinating wizarding shops in the world. Accessible through the Leaky Cauldron pub in London

Godric's Hollow: home of James Potter, Lily potter and the infant Harry Potter

Gryffindor House: one of the four houses in Hogwarts. Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys are all in Gryffindor house. It  was founded by Godric Gryffindor and  the Gryffindor symbol is a lion. The resident ghost is Sir Nicholas De Mimsy-Porpington also known as Nearly Headless Nick. Professor Mc Gonagall is Head of Gryffindor house and Professor Dumbledore was in Gryffindor in his youth.

Gringotts: the wizard bank in London, with vaults far below the streets, run by goblins

Grunnings: the firm where Mr. Dursley works as a director. The firm makes drills and Mr. Dursley sits with his back to the window in an office on the 9th floor of the building.

Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It's the best school of its kind in the world.  It's a school for wizard students aged 11-17. There are one hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts and everything keeps moving around, so things are not always in the same place. Hogwarts is in a secret location somewhere in the north.

Hufflepuff  House: one of the four houses in Hogwarts. It was founded by Helga Hufflepuff and the Hufflepuff symbol is a badger. The resident ghost is the Fat Friar.

Knockturn Alley: it is a dingy alleway, connected to Diagon Alley nera Gringotts. Where the shops are devoted to dark arts items.

N° 4 Privet Drive: the street where the Dursleys live

Ravenclaw House: one of the four houses in Hogwarts. Founded by Rowena Ravenclaw. The ravenclaw symbol is an eagle. The resident ghost is the Grey Lady

Slytherin House: one of the four houses in Hogwarts. Founded by Salazar Slytherin. the Slytherin symbol is the snake. The resident ghost is the Bloody Baron. Harry's archenemy, Draco Malfoy, is in Slytherin. Professor Snape is Head of Slytherin House


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