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Puncetto Lace


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"Puncetto” is a hand made needle lace traditionally worked in Valsesia, a mountain valley in the North of Italy.

Its origin is unknown, but probably due to the invasion of Saracens in Xth  century: unquestionable it is its resemblance to the decorative patterns of Arab art, geometric and delicate as a filigree, looking like repetitive inlaid.

The first certain evidence of Puncetto goes back to 1500, when Gaudenzio Ferrari, the most distinguished artist of the valley , adorned the Vergin Mary’s robe with this lace. Later, painters and moulders working in the Varallo Sacred Mountain Chapel used this lace to embellish the plain costumes the figures appearing in the popular every day life scenes they were recreating..

The maximum bloom of Puncetto occurred in XIXth century, when it was found out by Queen Margaret of Savoy, an admirer of Valsesia district, who introduced it at court, among her ladies-in-waiting, and in France and Great Britain too.

Later on Puncetto remained well known only in Valsesia Valley. It was used to embellish typical costumes or refine girl trousseaus.

In the last few years Puncetto is getting notorious again, thanks to the interest of local public institutions and of many other people fond of this lace.

