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Abbiamo chiesto a Owen Ransen di spiegarci cosa sia repliGATOR. Qui sotto troverete le sue parole. Il nostro consiglio è di seguire il link alla repliGATOR Home Page e scaricare la versione demo. Ne vale la pena !

repliGATOR is a graphics idea generator.

I was asked by Marco Fichera to write and article about repliGATOR for ComCube, but it is Saturday morning, it has been a hard week, and what am I going to write? Putting off for "later in the day" the writing of the article I was testing the latest release of repliGATOR, and this testing magically gave me the idea for this article.

Here is the idea repliGATOR offered me:

(NB: I am not a Christian and I am certainly not a Catholic, but the image seemed interesting.)

So how was this image idea created? And how long did it take to make? Well it was created by importing a rendered image of a church into repliGATOR and hitting F7 a few times. F7 is when you abandon all hope of control (abandon hope all who enter here!) and let repliGATOR decide how to change the image. If you hit F7 six times you will have an Image Idea Sequence of seven images, the original plus six image ideas.

After three or four F7s repliGATOR has used a "Fallen Letters Object Xform" to create an interesting image, and I decided to use this image as the start of a new image idea sequence. So hitting the Internal Copy And Paste icon the image idea is transferred to another sequence to be used as the original.

Then I hit F7 a few times again, thus creating another Image Idea Sequence. And one of the images produced was the one you see above (reduced in size to speed up Internet access). The final image (which I have called "TheWord" for biblical reasons) was created by repliGATOR using the "Liquid Energy Object Xform".

What is interesting in the above sequence is that at no time did I have to twiddle with sliders or adjust settings or search for special dialog boxes. I did not even have an idea in mind.

  1. I chose an already existing original image (the church).
  2. I imported the image into repliGATOR.
  3. I hit F7 until I found interesting transformed new version of the original image.
  4. I used this transformed version as another "original" image.
  5. I hit F7 until I found another interesting new version (the one you see above).
  6. I saved the image as a JPG file.
The whole thing took less than two minutes.

The image looks "designed". It looks as if someone (a Christian biologist maybe?) had the idea to make this effect and worked for hours on it using Corel Draw or PaintShopPro. But no. No one "had" this idea. And it took two minutes, not two hours.

repliGATOR is an graphics idea generator.

repliGATOR Home Page