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The Origins

The Origins of our city, traces back to the Roman period according to some sources. Such affirmations are few document. Some recoveries of graves and furnishings already date the existence of a village of fishermen in the IV° century a.C. This hypothesis is likely in as much as, for its position our city offered a valid landing to the commerces of Rubo (Ruvo of Puglia). The first indication of a site place between Turenum (Trani) and Natiolum (Giovinazzo) is mentioned on the Itinerarium Provinciarum Antonini August, dated around the 217 d.C.. Such place was denominated RESPA, probable wrong transcript of the toponymy MELPHA. It's obviate that had to treat of a small village of fishermen. The first official document that quotes our city traces back to the November of the 925 d.C.. Such document certifies the existence of a civitas, denominated MELFI, situated on a peninsula named S.Andrea's. The city was developed under the Byzantine dominion.

To the beginning of the XI century the Norman arrived and our city it succeeded in preserving a discreet autonomy that facilitated the development of it. It was in this period that the city it became protagonist in the commerces with the east. In fact the transit of the pilgrims toward the Holy Land, on the occasion of the Crusades and the standstill of the same near the Saint Maria Martyrs's hospitum permitted that the city to European level assumed an importance. Was one of the so many pilgrims CONRAD of BAVIERA, that enamoured of our earth remained to become, to his death, the Protecting Saint. During the domination Angevin the city succeeded in remaining autonomous. The troubles came with the arrival of the Aragonesis. There was an enough turbulent period of struggles between French, Spanish and Italian. These wars provoked death and destruction in the whole south with events that would have marked our history forever. One of these is the SACK Of MOLFETTA, happened in the days 18 and 19 July of 1529, episode that for a long period it prevented the economic rebirth of the city.

Freely drawn from:
"MOLFETTA una città riflessa nel suo porto" di C. PISANI - Ed. Mezzina

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