Programming Guide

These pages provide a brief documentation describing the MGUI programming environment. For a more detailed description of MGUI objects and  programming technique, then take a look at the examples in next section.

Color Management
Font Management
Resource Handling
Event Propagation

Pages referenced by the links below show simple but useful sample programs using MGui code. You'll understand how simple to use is MGui and how compact is the source code required to create GUI layouts. All pages include a screenshot image for the sample program.

Of course every sample can be compiled as is in all supported platforms.

Example 1: Hello, World.
Example 2: Shell, Label & Push Button
Example 3: Form
Example 4: ScrolledForm
Example 5: RadioButton
Example 6: ToggleButton
Example 7: Edit
Example 8: Menu
Example 9: DrawArea
Example 10: StatusBar & Timeout
Example 11: List

Reference Guides
If you want to learn more about MGui Programming, consult the C  and C++ reference guides (under construction).

You can also download this documentation in TGZ format  (.tar.gz which is understood by WinZIP 6.0 or later) or in ZIP format (larger).