t a n g o


The course, held by H. Ulises Passarella, is for:

# 3 bandoneon players

# 3 pianists

# 6 violinists

# 3 violists

# 3 cellists

# 3 double bass players

Clicca per vedere il manifesto originale

who have a technical proficiency corresponding to the 8th year of Conservatory.

Course of musical interpretation of group tango 13-22 September 2000


  1. Analysis of the performance of the traditional tango, romance tango and modern tango, with particular reference to the way in which simple traditional melodies can acquire a different expressive content through the creation of "modern" harmonies and rhythms. Analysis of the poetry of the tango so as to achieve a greater understanding of style and expression.
  1. Performance of pieces of traditional, romance and modern tango arranged for groups consisting of: bandonèon, 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass and piano. Persons attending the course will work on the expressiveness deriving from the use of melodic embellishments, on the style relative to the period of the piece and to the type of arrangement, on rhythmic progression and rubato phrasing, on the importance of accents and of the characteristic effects of the tango, on improvisation in solo passages.

The course will consist of 10 lessons of 3 hours each, with the formation of instrumental groups corresponding to the requirements of the different pieces of music. At the conclusion of the course (22 September), participants will give a concert free of charge for the citizens of San Ginesio.

Individual quota for attending the course: Lit. 1,000,000

Course of bandonèon technique 18-22 September 2000

The course, held by H. Ulises Passarella, is for5 bandonèon players who:

  1. Are capable of executing the chromatic scale with both hands while expanding and contracting the bellows.
  2. Are able to play correctly passages from Bartok’s Mikrokosmos (1° and 2° vols.) or equivalent pieces.


  1. Improvement of the position of the body for optimum operation of the bellows both in inward and outward movement.
  2. Tango technique (bandonèon supported by one leg only and played principally on the outward movement of the bellows with the help of the valve.)
  3. Rhythmic and harmonic analysis and performance of tangos arranged for solo bandonèon.
  4. Rubato phrasing and expressive possibilities of the bellows.
  5. Improvisation on melodic embellishments and rhythmic variations.
  6. Different forms of accompaniment of singers and various instruments.

The course will consist of 5 lessons of 3 hours each.

Individual quota for attending the course: Lit. 500,000

There will be a discount of 20% on the overall quota for bandonèon players who wish to attend the tango group interpretation course as well as the course of bandonèon technique. The parts of the pieces to be studied will be supplied well before the start of the courses.
