

flag of the Port


The flag of the Port of Ischia  

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In the Port of Ischia, up to the fall of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1860) there was the flag placed on the rotunda which is still found in the bay of the port. The lighthouse Keeper, Sebastiano Di Meglio, before the arrival of the Savoia lowered the flag, saving it from the hands of the enemy and send it to his Sovereign Francesco II, exsiled to Gaeta.

Port of Ischia

In 1670 a channel of communication with the sea transformed the ancient “Lago dei Bagni” in a rich fishing ground. Therefore the Commune took giving it in leasing, allowing fishing on Cristmas and Easter. With the openig of the port, in 1854, the Commune lost that sure in come even though they received a substantial reimbursement from the Government. The construction of the port also involved the elimination of the “tonnara” of St. Pietro, installed in 1746 directly in front of the lake. Thus the Commune of Ischia was also deprived of the 850 ducats received annually from the tenants of the beach area correspondent to the “tonnara”.


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