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Biography Reviews from Magazines Other Artists To make an order: nefelheimail@yahoo.it

"Whispers from the Ashes" CD

To order this title: nefelheimail@yahoo.it

Nefelheim - "Shadows Dwelling"
Cd - R - Private Release - 2002

"...Lenght and potent drones as long oceanic waves with a costantly gloomy mood… delicated monastic chants… melodies so dramatic, almost touching in the final track Destruction For a New Order… (RATE 95)"

(Riccardo Conforti - Flash)

"Dark sounds and subterranean atmospheres, in this second chapter in Nefelheim's musical production... Deep drones, concrete noises, voices, whispers, discreet and fragile melodies are perfectly mixed in this very enchanting work..."

(Giuseppe Verticchio - www.oltreilsuono.com)

Mailorder - nefelheimail@yahoo.it