Nigel J. Ross

Clauses and Style

This article surveys the ways that subordinate clauses and alternatives are used in English, with relation to style, variation and register. A first section looks at what a clause is and does; later sections consider how clauses and their alternatives are used in some significant areas of formal and informal English. The main varieties of language dealt with are: science, the law, advertising and newspapers. Clauses and alternatives to clauses play a significant role in determining the style of a piece of writing - an important factor that writers and translators must bear in mind when trying to provide the right framework for expressing ideas.

published in Turjuman (No. 2, Sept. 1992), Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Ecole Supérieure Roi Fahd de Traduction, Tanger, Maroc.

   full article available online: Clauses and Style

Publisher's details

(editor: B. Idrissi-Bouyahyaoui)
Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi,
Ecole Supérieure Roi Fahd de Traduction,
Route du Charf B.P: 410, Tanger (Tangiers), Maroc (Morocco)
fax: +212 9 940835




English Lang.

Art Insights

