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mail to sator

The game was just finished Dec. 22nd 1999.
I still consider it under test. You can download the up-to-date version and tell me what you think (too few monsters / too many monsters / anything).

Files updated Dec. 22nd 1999
The games was finished, launcher improved (v. 1.11), got to test now. It is OK unless you tell me there's something wrong. Download full package to update all (wad and launcher), wad only for wad only... Run 'huntinst' once again if your engine needs it.

The Hunt - full package (643kb)
Contains the game's wad, a launcher and a pre-installation utility for use with the original engine. Download this package if you have one of the following engines:

  • Doom ][ for DOS
  • Final Doom for DOS
  • Boom for DOS
  • PrBoom for Win95/98/NT with DirectX

If you want to use Doom 95 or Final Doom for Win95, download the minimum package.


  • Main Doom ][ (or Final) WAD (either DOOM2.WAD, TNT.WAD, PLUTONIA.WAD)
    Doom I, Ultimate Doom and Doom Shareware won't work.
  • Engine being in the same directory as the main WAD.
  • PKUNZIP version 2 from PKware (or WinZip from Nico Mak or the UNZIP utility from or any compatible unzipper).

The Hunt - minimum package (617kb)
Contains the game's WAD and a pre-installation utility. Download this package if you want to configure the game yourself, or if you are using engines that are not supported by the full package. A simple batch is provided for first installation.

The Hunt - WAD only (578kb)
Download this package if you want to configure the game yourself and are already expert in handling WAD files and are already provided with DEUSF.EXE when necessary (e.g. you need it when you use the original Doom2 or Doom95 engine).
You also can download this package if you already have a previous one and just need to update its main file 'hunt.wad'.

Each of the three archives contains a .DEH file to use with DeHackEd to patch Doom2 1.9 engine (what is it going to patch? Just some text of course: the game's name displayed on startup, levels' names on automap and a little bullshit at the end of level 6). If you don't have DeHackEd, or don't want to download big id's patches to make your Doom 2 1.666 or so grow up to version 1.9 and want a 1.9 engine already patched, then download this:

HuntExe 1.9 (353kb)
Doom2 1.9 engine already patched. Works with any version of Doom 2 (even Final if you copy the main wad to DOOM2.WAD).