From: "chierico navigante"

Dopo il no del senato americano al test ban treaty e il colpo di stato dei
militari in Pakistan, quest'altra agghiacciante notiziola....

Rassegna Web rainews24
14 Ottobre 1999
Russia dusts off nuclear plan
La Russia rispolvera il programma nucleare
The Times informa che alla Duma è giunto questa settimana per la ratifica un testo
che contiene la nuova dottrina militare russa. Porta la firma del ministro
della Difesa (ed ex comandante delle forze missilistiche strategiche) Igor
Sergheiev. La grande novità è che per la prima volta dalla fine dell'Urss si
contempla la possibilità di lanciare attacchi nucleari in qualsiasi parte
del mondo. Soprattutto, l'atomica potrebbe essere usata "per primi"
(clausola "first use"), non necessariamente, quindi, in risposta a un
attacco straniero. Il testo potrebbe raffreddare ulteriormente le relazioni
tra Russia e Nato. Da tempo a Mosca si manifesta una grande insofferenza
verso un ordine mondiale unipolare, dominato dagli Stati uniti. La guerra in
Kosovo ha rafforzato questa tendenza.




Christian Science Monitor  
Sunday, October 31, 1999   
The new arms race
The Clinton administration appears to be heading for a confrontation
with Russia and China on its plans to develop an antiballistic missile
(ABM) system capable of warding off blows from rogue states like North
Korea and Iran.
This week the Russian Defense Ministry called a news conference to warn
that if the US attempts to establish an ABM system, Russia will deploy
enough nuclear warheads to overwhelm it. Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai
Mikhalov said Russia also has the capability of targeting any ABM
The administration has offered Russia inducements such as help in
completing a giant radar installation in Siberia in return for changes
in the 1972 ABM Treaty banning antimissile defense.
What the administration has not disclosed is that Deputy Secretary of
State Strobe Talbott also delivered what the Russians regard as "a
polite ultimatum" indicating the United States will abrogate the ABM
Treaty if the Russians do not agree to modify it.
At a Moscow meeting on Sept. 8 and 9, Mr. Talbott presented President
Yeltsin's government with two letters outlining the American position.
Shortly thereafter, a delegation of American scientists and former
diplomats arrived in Moscow and was briefed by the Russians on the
Talbott meeting.
The statement is said to have told the Russians that President Clinton
expects to give a green light next June for a so-called "national
missile defense system," starting with sites in Grand Forks, N.D., and
Alaska, and eventually covering all 50 states. The Russians quoted the
letter as saying that if the Russians don't agree to changes, the US may
simply abrogate a treaty as not being in the American national security
The Russians said they had told Talbott that "we are on the threshold of
disaster and a destruction of the whole arms control framework." Since
then, the Russians have met with officials in Beijing. As a result,
Russia and China have joined forces in submitting a resolution to the
United Nations Security Council calling for "strict compliance" with the
ABM Treaty.
Professor Theodore Postol of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
a member of the American arms-control delegation that met with officials
and military leaders in Moscow, says, "The Clinton administration has
put us on the path to an arms race ... an international disaster of
historic proportions."