G.Singh, Italian literary magazines ("The Times Literary Supplement", 28 novenbre 1968


(...) Another privately published periodical is Il Corpo, edited by Giancarlo Majorino. It started in 1965 and it copies out at least two or three times a year. It is a forum for high level ideological, literary and critical debate. Even political articles are treated with a degree of thoroughness, depth and erudition that one would only expect from an academic journal, and yet there is nothing academic about Il Corpo. Most of the contributors are young people, and have no academic positions: Majorino himself teaches in a grammar school. Il Corpo also publishes articles by wellknown writers and thinkers. In the May, 1967, number there was, for instance, Lucien Goldmann's article on "L'estetica del giovane Lukacs" and in the latest number (June, 1968) the Italian version of Dr. F.R. Leavvis's "Literature and Society" together with Franco Fergnani's article "Marxismo senza uomo" and Giancarlo Majorino's "Ricerche in prosa". The last is a series of prose pieces that may form part of a future autobiographical - cum - existential novel. Majorino's prose is crisp and vigorous, and it is characterized by a descriptive or conversational realism with semi-poetic undertones somewhat like Montale's Farfalla di Dinard. Il Corpo has also published poems of Roversi, Giudici, Carlo Villa and by younger poets such as Piero del Giudice and Giampiero Neri. In spite of its understandably limited circulation, Il Corpo covers a wide range of topics exemplifying a high degree of interpretation between the conceptual and ideological on the one hand, and the creative on the other.

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SEZIONE: critica   STATUS: completo   TEMPI DI LAVORAZIONE: 11/2002 - 4/2003


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