
Mineral Collection

Purchasing Terms

PierBruno Scortecci
Via G.Leopardi 61
52100 Arezzo
E-Mail scortecci3@interfree.it


Prices are expressed in US dollars. Each mineral is accompanied with a "label." In most cases, my own collection label as well as any older, previous, labels it may have. All prices are expressed in US dollars and DO NOT include shipping or *insurance (*please advise me if you want insurance). Payment may be made with International Postal Money Orders, International Bank Draft (with A.B.A. number), or wire transfer. If you are interestred in purchasing any sample you can contact me via Mail or E-mail. Within 48 hours I will send a confirmation via email of your order availability and total amount due. Once your payment has been received I will ship out your order.

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Web site made by: Maurizio Scortecci


E-mail: maurizio.scortecci@tiscali.it


- Rev1.1 - Last update 13/08/09