Look up there!


The links that you see here can be found in the FAQs under the "Dictionary/Reference" section. Another selection can be found in the Learning Sites section, under Browse a Dictionary and Browse a Glossary. There you wil also find links that will bring you to the nearest encyclopedia: Browse an Encyclopedia.
There are two lists that are periodically posted on the newsgroup it.cultura.linguistica.inglese: a short version with the top-notch dictionaries and a long version with more dictionaries and glossaries. These lists are more up to date than the present website pages. So, you might want to check them out on the newsgroup, should you find dead links here. Oh, and remember: should you find a dead link, don't touch anything and call the police right away!


The Whole Lot
Tutti i link su una sola pagina, per averli sott'occhio e saltare da un dizionario all'altro.

General Purpose Dictionaries - Monolingual
Dizionari monolingue di uso generico.

Bilingual and Multilingual Dictionaries - Collections
Dizionari bilingue e multilingue

Specialised Dictionaries
Dizionari specialistici e glossari. Per conoscere il gergo degli imbalsamatori di ornitorinchi o dei fanatici del salto con l'anguria.

Slang Dictionaries - Dialects
Dizionari di slang, dialetti, e parolacce.


The Realm Page - FAQs - About The Realm - Learning Tools - Learning Sites - Reference