1996 JA1 (1996/05/18)
 Closest approach to the center of the earth (0.00303 AU) occurs on
May 19d 16h 34m UT.  Closest approach to the moon is 0.0025 AU on May 19.9.
The maximum ephemeris error is now about one arcminute.  The last close
approach to the earth was to 0.093 AU on 1992 May 14.  The current encounter
increases P from 4.01 to 4.10 years, making the minimum distance in 2000
as great as 0.41 AU (and V = 21.3 at the brightest).

   Observers are reminded that a facility for generating a TOPOCENTRIC
ephemeris for a user-specified site can be found on the Minor Planet
Center's WWW pages at


Brian G. Marsden             (C) Copyright 1996 MPC           M.P.E.C. 1996-K04