(10197) 1996 UO = Senigalliesi
     Discovered 1996 Oct. 18 by V. Goretti at Pianoro Italy.
     Named in memory of the Italian amateur astronomer Paolo Senigalliesi (1936  
-1986). He was an ardent observer who devoted most of his time and  energy   to   
the observation of planets. In 1968, he was one of the founder members  of  the 
G.O.P.I. (Italian Group of Observers of Planets)  and  he participated  in  the 
study activities of the  Jupiter Division Team  with  indefatigable  and   very 
careful professionalism. He played an  important role  in  the dissemination of 
astronomical information and he  was one of the founders of the A.M.A. (Amateur
Astronomers Association of Marches).  He played  an  important role also in the  
construction of the  Pietralacroce Observatory at Ancona.