Predaia Holidays - The Valle di Non - Trentino Italy

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The Valle di Non is not a valley is a large amphitheatre, a spacious stage with nature as the lead character. The plateaus rise gently, the rich apple orchards gradually make way for the thick coniferous forests, from sunny meadows to majestic mountains.

Ravine of the Sass creek in Fondo

The valley is rich in water: pleasurable alpine lakes, the artificial lake of Santa Giustina, the Noce river which carves a narrow canyon, but most of all, an infinite number of springs and streams.

Water is crystal clear, fresh and pure and runs vivaciously through the gorges which distinguish the morphology of the landscape - a great contrast to the harmonious and subtle plateaus.

  View of  the Valle di Non from Sfruz

Map of the Valle di Non

Great mountain chains such as the Brenta and the Ortles-Cevedale alternate with smaller peaks such as the Anauni, Peller, Roen, Macaion, Maddalene and Mount Luco.

These mountains surround and protect the territory from cold, northerly winds and assure a gentle a favourable climate.

View of the Valle di Non and  lake of Santa Giustina

Nature is the great protagonist and is protected by the wisdom of the people of these mountains. This valley has a long tradition of hospitality and human kindness, which transmit a sense of friendship and familiarity.  




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